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FAQ: Air Traveler's Handbook 4/4 [Monthly posting]
Section - [4-1] Airline Reservation Phone Numbers

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If the toll free number is incorrect, do me a favor and call
1-800-555-1212 to get the correct 800 number, and send me email with
the correction. Three or four of these numbers change every year. Note
that toll free numbers are valid only within the USA (sometimes in Canada).

Alaska Airlines          1-800-426-0333, 1-800-654-5669
Alaska Airlines          1-602-921-3100
American		 1-800-223-5436 (Main)
American                 1-800-433-7300 (Dom)
American                 1-800-624-6262 (Itl)
American		 1-817-267-1151
America West             1-800-235-9292
America West             1-602-693-0737
Continental              1-800-525-0280 (Dom)
Continental		 1-800-231-0856 (Itl)
Continental		 1-404-436-3300
Continental		 1-800-343-9195, 1-800-421-2456
Continental		 1-800-784-4444, 1-800-634-5555
Continental Express      1-207-941-6565
Delta                    1-800-221-1212 (Dom)
Delta			 1-800-241-4141 (Itl)
Delta			 1-404-765-5000
Northwest                1-800-225-2525 (Dom)
Northwest                1-800-447-4747 (Itl)
Northwest                1-800-692-2345 (Asian Language)
Northwest                1-800-345-7458 (French Language)
Northwest                1-800-345-7414 (German Language)
Northwest                1-800-345-7411 (Spanish Language)
Northwest                1-800-328-2298 (TDD/TT Number)
Northwest                1-800-692-2746 (Cargo)
Northwest                1-800-638-7337 (VIP Same-Day Package Service)
Northwest                1-612-726-1234
Northwest                1-800-692-8687
Southwest                1-800-IFLY-SWA, (1-800-435-9792)
Southwest                1-800-531-5601, 214-263-1717
Southwest                1-800-533-1305 (TDD)
TWA                      1-800-221-2000 (Dom)
TWA                      1-800-892-4141 (Itl)
TWA			 1-404-522-5738
United                   1-800-241-6522 (Dom)
United			 1-800-538-2929 (Itl)
United 		         1-312-825-2525
USAir                    1-800-428-4322 (Dom)
USAir			 1-800-622-1015 (Itl)
USAir                    1-800-943-5436
USAir                    1-412-922-7500
Hawaiian Airlines        1-800-367-5320, 1-800-367-7637

Air Midwest              1-913-537-1305
Air Nevada               1-702-736-8900, 1-800-634-6377
Air Wisconsin            1-414-739-5123
Alaska Island Air        1-907-772-4222
Aloha Airlines           1-800-367-5250, 1-800-227-4900, 1-800-803-9454
Aloha Airlines (TDD)     1-800-554-4833
Aloha Island Air         1-800-828-0806
American Trans Air	 1-800-225-2995
American Trans Air  	 1-800-382-5892
Carnival Airlines	 1-800-8-AIR-FUN
Carnival Airlines 	 1-800-437-2110
Chicago Express          1-800-264-3929
Kiwi International 	 1-800-538-5494
Kiwi International 	 1-908-353-3232
Midway Airlines 	 1-800-446-4392
Midway Airlines          1-800-621-5700
Reno Air  		 1-800-736-6247
Tower Air 		 1-800-221-2500
Tower Air 		 1-800-452-5531
Tower Air 		 1-800-34-TOWER (1-800-348-6937)
ValuJet			 1-404-994-8258
ValuJet  		 1-800-825-8538

ALM Antillean Airline    1-800-327-7230, 1-800-327-7197, 1-800-531-4854
Aer Lingus               1-800-223-6537
Aero California          1-800-237-6225 Reservations
Aero California          1-800-524-9191 Packages
Aero Cancun              1-305-526-5341
Aero Costa Rica          1-800-237-6274
AeroMexico               1-800-237-6639
Aeroflot                 1-800-995-5555 
Aerolineas Argentinas    1-800-333-0276
Aeromar                  1-800-950-0747
Aeroperu                 1-800-327-7080/255-7378
Air Afrique (New York)   1-800-456-9192
Air Aliance              1-800-869-9000
Air Alma                 1-800-463-9660
Air Antillean            1-800-327-7230
Air Aruba (Miami)        1-800-882-7822
Air Aruba (Miami)        1-800-858-8028
Air Aruba (Miami)        1-800-858-8038
Air Canada               1-800-776-3000
Air China                1-212-371-9898
Air Europa               1-212-888-7010
Air France               1-800-237-2747
Air France               1-800-237-2746
Air France               1-800-321-4538
Air Gaudeloupe           1-800-522-3394
Air India                1-800-223-2250
Air India                1-800-223-7776
Air India                1-800-255-3191 (Economy)
Air India                1-800-221-6000 (Cargo)
Air Italia                  88-228-5730
Air Jamaica              1-800-523-5585
Air Lanka                1-800-421-9898
Air Margarita            1-800-326-0339
Air Mauritius            1-800-537-1182
Air Metro                1-800-871-1000
Air New Zealand          1-800-262-1234
Air New Zealand          1-800-262-2468
Air Niugini              1-714-752-5440
Air North America        1-838-792-4982
Air Pacific              1-800-417-2236, 1-800-227-4446
Air Panama               1-800-272-6262
Air Paraquay             1-800-677-7771
Air Peru                 1-800-777-7717
Air Posta                1-305-871-3360
Air Trails               1-408-757-5144
Air UK                   1-201-890-1796
Air Vantage              1-800-279-9383
Airianka                 1-800-421-9898
Airways International    1-305-876-0170
Alitalia                 1-800-223-5730
All Nippon Airways       1-800-235-9262, 1-800-262-9266
Aspen Airways            1-303-320-4747
Austral Airlines         1-305-823-4368
Austrian Air             1-800-843-0002
Avensa-Venezuelan        1-800-283-6727
Avianca                  1-800-284-2622
Aviateca Guatemala       1-800-327-9832, 1-800-453-4703, 1-800-535-4148
B A S Airlines           1-800-245-3248
BWIA International       1-800-327-7401, 1-800-327-0204
Bahamas Air              1-800-222-4262
Balair                   1-800-322-5247
Bangladesh Biman         1-212-967-7930
Bankair Commuter         1-800-922-7814
Bar Harbor               1-207-941-6565
Bemidji Airlines         1-281-751-1880, 1-800-332-7133
Big Sky Northwest        1-406-245-9449
Branson Airlines         1-800-422-4AIR
British Airways          1-800-247-9297, [1-800-AIR-WAYS]
British Midland          1-800-247-9297
Buffalo Airways          1-817-752-6855
Bush Air                 1-907-543-2424
Business Express         1-203-623-5168
Canadian Air             1-800-426-7000
Casino Express           1-702-738-6040
Cathay Pacific           1-415-982-3242, 1-800-233-2742
Cathay Pacific Airways   1-800-233-2742
Cayman Airways           1-800-422-9626, 1-800-441-3003
Cayman Airways           1-800-343-6565 (Group Desk)
China Airlines           1-800-227-5118
China Airlines           1-800-624-2245 (Cargo JFK)
China Estrn Airlines     1-213-384-2703
Copa                     1-800-FLY-COPA (1-800-359-2672)
Dominicana               1-800-635-3560
Dominicana Airlines      1-800-327-7240
Eastern Express          1-207-941-6565
Ecuatoriana              1-800-328-2367
Egyptair                 1-800-334-6787
El Al Israel Airlines    1-800-223-6700
Emirates                 1-800-777-3999
Ethiopian                1-212-867-0095
Faucett Peru             1-800-334-3356
Finn Air                 1-800-950-5000
Finnair                  1-800-950-5000
Garuda Indonesia         1-800-342-7832
Gulf Air                 1-800-438-4853
Iberia                   1-800-772-4642
Icelandair               1-800-223-5500
Japan Air Lines          1-800-525-3663
Jet South                1-800-JET-SOUTH
KLM                      1-800-374-7747
KLM                      1-800-777-5553
KLM                      1-800-556-9000 (Cargo)
Kenya Airways            1-212-832-8810, 1-800-343-2506
Korean Air               1-800-421-8200
Korean Air               1-800-438-5000
Kuwait                   1-800-4-KUWAIT (1-800-458-9248)
LACSA                    1-800-225-2272
LOT Polish               1-800-223-0593
LTU Int  Airways         1-800-888-0200
Ladeco                   1-800-825-2332, 1-800-432-2799
Lan Chili                1-800-735-5526
Lloyd Aero Bollviano     1-305-374-4600
Lloyd Aero Bollviano     1-800-327-1502 (Cargo)
Lufthansa                1-800-645-3880, 1-800-581-6400
MGM Grand Air            1-800-933-2646
Malaysia Airlines        1-800-421-8641 (Reservations)
Malaysia Airlines        1-800-648-3273 (Rate Desk)
Malev Hungarian          1-212-757-6480
Malev Hungarian          1-800-223-6884, 1-800-262-5380
Martinair Holland        1-800-366-4655
Mexicana                 1-800-531-7921
Middle East              1-800-664-7310
Midwest Express          1-414-747-4769
Midwest Express Airlines 1-800-452-2022, 1-800-334-1149
Morris Air               1-801-483-6464
Nigeria                  1-212-935-2700
Olympic Airways          1-800-223-1226
Pacific Coast Air        1-800-426-5400
Philippine Airlines      1-800-435-9725, (1-800-IFLY-PAL)
Polish Air-Lot           1-800-223-0593
Polynesian               1-800-592-7100
Private Jet              1-800-546-7571
Qantas Airways           1-800-227-4500
Royal Air Maroc          1-212-750-6071, 1-800-344-6726
Royal Jordanian          1-800-223-0470
Royal Tonga              1-800-486-6426
SAS Scandinavian Air     1-800-221-2350, 1-800-225-5727, 1-800-742-0727
SKY BUS                  1-800-755-9287
Sabena                   1-800-955-2000
Sabena World             1-800-950-1000
Saudia Arabian Airlines  1-800-472-8342, 1-800-457-8329
Silk Air                 1-800-745-5247
Singapore Airlines       1-800-742-3333
South African            1-800-722-9675
Swissair                 1-800-221-4750, 1-800-221-6644
TAP Air Portugal         1-800-221-7370
Taca                     1-800-535-8780
Taca                     1-800-672-8321 (Cargo)
Tan Sasha Honduras       1-800-327-1225
Thai Airways             1-800-426-5204
Varig Brazilian Airlines 1-800-468-2744, 1-800-262-1706, 1-800-252-0403
Varig Brazilian Airlines 1-800-327-2392, 1-800-327-2604 (Cargo)
Viasa Venezuelan Itl Airways 1-800-468-4272, 1-800-221-6112
Viasa Venezuelan Itl Airways 1-800-327-4470, 1-800-445-5598
Virgin Atlantic          1-800-862-8621
YTA Freniva              1-800-382-4484
Yugoslav                 1-800-752-6528
Zambia Airways           1-800-223-1136

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Apr 9, 2023 @ 5:05 am
Whether or not you believe in God, this is a "must-read" message!!!

Throughout time, we can see how we have been slowly conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you know that the Bible foretold of this event almost 2,000 years ago?

In Revelation 13:16-18, we will read,

"He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles--Revelation 19:20) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."

Speaking to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless society. Why's that? Revelation 13:17 says that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. This would contradict scripture that states we need the mark to buy or sell!

These verses could not be referring to something purely spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one "OR" the other. If this mark was purely spiritual, it would indicate both places, or one--not one OR the other!

This is where it really starts to come together. It is incredible how accurate the Bible is concerning the implantable RFID microchip. This is information from a man named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this RFID chip:

"Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about this one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.

Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places the Bible says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, criminal record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16–18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this is referring to a hypodermic needle when they poke into the skin to inject the microchip."

Mr. Sanders asked a doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor replied by saying a (...)

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