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Tcl/Tk Commercial Uses - Part 3: Training

( Part1 - Part2 - Part3 )
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Followup-To: poster
Archive-name: tcl-faq/commercial-uses/part3
Version: 3.2
Posting-Frequency: Around the 1st of each month
Oraganization: Computerized Processes Unlimited, Inc.

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
This file contains brief descriptions of commerical training options for
Tcl/Tk. If you have questions about specific postings, contact the person
who made the submission directly. The purpose of this listing is to show
that Tcl/Tk is being used in commercial products and to discuss that use.

Part 1 contains a complete index.

Index - Part 3 Only

T1. Training by AT&T: "Object Oriented Programming with [incr Tcl]"

T2. Training by Computerized Processes Unlimited: "Introduction to
Programming in Tcl/Tk"

T3. Training by Computerized Processes Unlimited: "Building Graphical User
Interfaces in Tk"

T4. Training by Computerized Processes Unlimited: "Extending Tcl via C"

T5. Training by NeoSoft: "Tcl and Tk: An Applications-Based Approach"

T6. Training by Data Kinetics Ltd.: "Tcl/Tk: What This Means For Your

T7. Training by Data Kinetics Ltd.: "Building X-Windows Interfaces with

T8. Training by Enniskillen Consulting: "An Intensive Course in Tcl"

T9. Training by Enniskillen Consulting: "An Intensive Course in Tk"

T10. Training by Enniskillen Consulting: "A course in Tcl/Tk Extensions"

T11. Training by Computerized Processes Unlimited: "Introduction to Expect"

T12. Training by AT&T: "Building Applications with Tcl/Tk"

Each posting is prefaced by a line with dashes so you can search to the
beginning of the next message.

Please submit further postings to


ENTRY T1. - Object Oriented Programming with [incr Tcl]

Usage: Training
Company: AT&T Bell Laboratories
Contact: Michael J. McLennan


Course Title:
     Object-Oriented Programming with [incr Tcl]
Course Length:
     2 days
Course Format:
     Lectures and hands-on programming activities
     "Building Applications with Tcl/Tk or familiarity with Tcl/Tk
Books Provided:
     AT&T course notes

Course Description:

When Tcl/Tk scripts grow larger than a few hundred lines, the code
complexity can be difficult to manage. [incr Tcl] provides a set of
object-oriented extensions for the Tcl language, enabling programmers to
write high-level building blocks that are more easily assembled into a
finished application. This course describes object-oriented programming
with [incr Tcl]. It describes fundamental concepts-- such as "is-a" versus
"has-a" relationships and multiple inheritance-- in the context of [incr
Tcl], and demonstrates how object-oriented programming can be used to
develop Tcl/Tk applications.


DAY 1:

[incr Tcl] Basics

   * class definitions
   * protected data members
   * member functions (methods)
   * creating and using objects

Nifty Features

   * public data members
   * using "info" to query class information
   * designing access methods
   * common data members
   * common functions (procs)


   * inheritance ("is-a" relationships)
   * composition ("has-a" relationships)
   * inheritance/composition tradeoffs
   * object construction process
   * object destruction process
   * resolving name conflicts
   * using "isa" to validate objects
   * multiple inheritance


   * what is a namespace?
   * using "import" to connect namespaces
   * scoping commands and variables
   * creating well-packaged libraries

DAY 2:

[incr Widgets]

   * overview of the [incr Widgets] library
   * using mega-widgets to build applications
   * how mega-widget options get configured
   * using the "child-site" to customize mega-widgets

[incr Tk]

   * overview of [incr Tk] library
   * Widget example: text widget with an automatic scrollbar
   * using "itk_component" to register components
   * using "itk_option" to create new widget options
   * Toplevel example: info dialog box
   * mega-widgets with inheritance
   * mega-widgets with composition

Putting It All Together

   * using [incr Tcl] objects with [incr Tk] widgets
   * building a man page facility

Integrating C code

   * writing C handlers for methods/procs
   * registering C handlers
   * integrating C code into [incr Tcl] classes
   * accessing [incr Tcl] data members from C
   * accessing [incr Tcl] member functions from C

For pricing and availablity information, please contact:

 Michael J. McLennan
 AT&T Bell Laboratories
 1247 S. Cedar Creast Blvd., Rm 2C-226
 Allentown, PA 18103

Voice:  (610)-712-2842
FAX:    (610)-712-3843


ENTRY T2. - Introduction to Programming in Tcl/Tk

Usage: Training
Company: Computerized Processes Unlimited
Contact: Gerald W. Lester


Course Title:
     Introduction to Programming in Tcl
Course Length:
     Two (2) days
Course Format:
     Course material is presented in a lecture format and through a
     hands-on laboratory using a network of X terminals connected to a RISC
Course Description:
     This course introduces the participant to programming in Tcl/TclX.
Topics include:
        o Variables
        o Arrays
        o Lists
        o Keyed Lists
        o Syntax
        o Flow control
        o Procedures
             + Creating
             + Invoking
             + Passing variables
             + Passing arrays
             + Passing lists
        o Running programs from Tcl
        o Communicating with child processes
        o Signal handling
        o Error processing
        o Accessing system facilities
        o Programming techniques
             + Using autoloading procedures
             + Proper use of quoting
Course Level:
     Technical: Beginner to Intermediate
     Use of vi or emacs editors; exposure to programming concepts; use of
     csh/ksh (not programming).

For pricing and availablity information, please contact:

 Gerald W. Lester
 Computerized Processes Unlimited
 4200 S. I-10 Service Road, Suite #205
 Metairie, LA  70001

Voice:  (504)-889-2784
FAX:    (504)-889-2799


ENTRY T3. - Building Graphical User Interfaces in Tk

Usage: Training
Company: Computerized Processes Unlimited
Contact: Gerald W. Lester

Course Title:
     Building Graphical User Interfaces in Tk
Course Length:
     2 Days
Course Format:
     Course material is presented in a lecture format and re-enforced
     through a hands-on laboratory using a network of X terminals connected
     to a RISC workstation.
Course Description:
     This course introduces the participant to building graphical user
     interfaces using Tcl/Tk.
Topics include:
        o Background Concepts
        o A tour of the widgets
        o Adding Bindings
        o Widget Class Bindings
        o Geometry Managers
        o Running programs from Tcl/Tk
        o Communicating with child processes
        o Writing widgets in Tcl/Tk
        o Programming techniques
             + Proper use of quoting
        o Interface Builders for Tk
Course Level:
     Technical: Beginner to Intermediate
     CPU's "Introduction to Programming in Tcl" course or understanding and
     experience using Tcl

For pricing and availablity information, please contact:

 Gerald W. Lester
 Computerized Processes Unlimited
 4200 S. I-10 Service Road, Suite #205
 Metairie, LA  70001

Voice:  (504)-889-2784
FAX:    (504)-889-2799


ENTRY T4. - Extending Tcl via C

Usage: Training
Company: Computerized Processes Unlimited
Contact: Gerald W. Lester

Course Title:
     Extending Tcl via C
Course Length:
     1 Day
Course Format:
     Course material is presented in a lecture format and through a
     hands-on laboratory using a network of X terminals connected to a RISC
Course Description:
     This course teaches how to add new commands to Tcl via C.
Topics include:
        o Approaches to adding commands
             + Action vs Object
        o New tcl/tk shell vs embedding
        o Creating a new Tcl Command
        o Returning Results
        o Creating a new shell
        o Conversion functions
        o Accessing Tcl variables
        o Mapping Tcl variables to C variables
        o Tracing Tcl variables
        o Executing Tcl commands from C
        o Embedding into an applications
Course Level:
     Technical: Intermediate to Advanced
     Use of vi or emacs editors; knowledge of Tcl; C programming

For pricing and availablity information, please contact:

 Gerald W. Lester
 Computerized Processes Unlimited
 4200 S. I-10 Service Road, Suite #205
 Metairie, LA  70001

Voice:  (504)-889-2784
FAX:    (504)-889-2799


ENTRY T5. - Tcl and Tk: An Applications-Based Approach

Usage: Training
Company: NeoSoft
Contact: Karl Lehenbauer

NeoSoft Tcl and Tk Training Information

NeoSoft is perhaps the premier corporate contributor to the Tcl and Tk
toolkit efforts. Our groundbreaking work in Tcl and Tk dates back to its
first appearance in 1990, and is reflected by the copious amount of
concepts and code taken from Extended Tcl for use in the Tcl baseline. We
continue to collaborate with Dr. John Ousterhout, the author of baseline
Tcl and Tk, on the forthcoming release of Tcl 7.0 and Extended Tcl 7.0.

NeoSoft's Tcl training efforts have been a natural outgrowth of our work
with, and extensions of, Tcl.

The philosophy of the course is one of immediate, maximum impact by rapid
immersion into hands-on building of X-windows graphical user interfaces and
the Tcl programs that underly a number of useful applications. This
approach grew out of our first-generation Tcl training course, where we
discovered that students became very excited once the Tk toolkit was
introduced and they could begin typing statements and interactively
creating sophisticated X-windows interfaces.

This same philosophy is the backbone of a book we're writing, Tcl and Tk:
An Applications-Based Approach, due to be published in the first quarter of
1994 by Prentice-Hall Technical Publications.

Training Options

We are flexible and can customize a course to your specific needs. We have
found that almost everyone is content with one of a few options. The class
lasts for two or three days, at your option. The class can be structured to
support new Tcl and Tk users and/or users with significant prior
experience. In either case, it is nice to allocate some unstructured time
at the end of the class to talk about specific applications and issues that
the students are interested in, including new users, approaches, tools,
environments, and the future of Tcl itself.

Course Location and Times

The course can be taught at your company's facility, or at our training
facility located in Houston, Texas. Enrollment is limited to ten people per
class to provide a substantial amount of instructor attention to each
student. If the course it to be held at your company's facility, there
should be no less than one workstation per two students, if at all
possible. The class can be taught over a weekend. Contact NeoSoft for
pricing and availability.


The class will be taught by Karl Lehenbauer, the co-author of Extended Tcl.
Karl is an experienced trainer, having taught and/or developed previous
courses on Unix, Unix system administration and Tcl/Tk.

Course Goals

Teach Tcl and Tk with the maximum impact by building real world
applications in the classroom.

Site Prerequisites

Integrated copy of Tcl and Tk, including Extended Tcl, running on site.

Course Contents

Below is the list of basic sections of the class, beginning with the
elementary things that we would teach to users without prior Tcl experience
and ending with building several tools that are useful, real-world
applications in their own right. We can work with you to tailor the course
to your organization's specific needs.

Section 1 Hello, World

        Typing commands interactively into the interpreter.
        The most important command in Tcl: "proc"
        Passing arguments to Tcl procedures.
        The C "Hello, World" koan in a graphical context:
The button command
The pack command

Section 2 Making Choices with Buttons

        Variables and variable substitution
        More on the pack command

Section 3 A quartet of application launchers

        Launching applications
        Tcl Language elements:
                Variable assignment
                Conditional expressions
                Beginning file I/O
                Square-bracket substitution
                Generating window elements from data
                Accessing command line arguments

Section 4 Building a support library:  The dialog box

        The message widget
        Control structures:  if/else/endif
        Default values for procedure arguments
        First mention of Tk's event loop
        Subordinate toplevel windows
        'tkwait' to support sequential control

Section 5 Building pulldown and popup menus

        The menu widget
        Binding commands to keypress events

Section 6 A few simple but useful applications

        Intermediate file I/O
        Delayed execution with 'after'
        Temporal commands (getclock, fmtclock)
        Capturing a spawned command's output in a variable

Section 7 Building a support library: The file selector

        The listbox and scrollbar widgets
        The frame widget
        More about the packer

Section 8 Creating a text editor with the text widget

        The text widget
        Text widget tags
        More about key bindings
Integrating support library examples

Section 9 Creating a hypertext system with the text widget

        More about the text widget
        More about text widget tags
        Builds on the text editor

Section 10 X resource customizer

        Use of the "send" command to access another interpreter.
        More about text widget tags.
        Builds on the text editor to make a new tool.

Section 11 Introduction to the canvas widget

        Introduces the canvas widget.
        Tags and tag processing.
        More on list processing.
           Use of different canvas widget types.

Section 12 A second encounter with the canvas widget

        Commands and options within the canvas widget.
        Combining items with actions.
        A new application launcher.

Section 13 Creating a drawing tool with the canvas widget

        Traversing items within a canvas widget.

Section 14 Sysadmin tool:  New user creator

Section 15 Sysadmin tool:  ttytab editor

Section 16 Developer tool:  The proc browser

        More on using "send" to access another interpreter.
        Using "info" to find variables and procedures.
           Using entry widgets.

Section 17 Color editor

        Slider widget
        Performing math with the "expr" command

To set up a support contract, or if you need more information, please
contact us at +1 713 684 5969 9-4 M-F, or send email to


Tcl/Tk: What This Means For Your Organization

Usage: Training
Company: Data Kinetics Ltd.
Contact: Education Services

Course Title:

Tcl/Tk: What This Means For Your Organization

Course Length:

One (1) day

Course Format:

Course material is presented in a lecture format.

Course Description:

This seminar is intended for managers, programmers and system engineers who
wish to gain a quick understanding of Tcl/Tk. The focus of the seminar is
on the practical, not the theoretical. The aim of the seminar is to provide
an intensive introduction to the language and the tool kit and to describe
how the use of Tcl/Tk can benefit your organization, how other development
organizations are using Tcl/Tk, how you can use the products to reduce the
time to deliver X-windows applications, what resources are available for
the Tcl/Tk developer. Seminar materials include a diskette containing
sample applications built with the products as well as reference cards to
help you get started.

Course can be customized to meet specific needs of clients.

Topics include:

     An Overview of Tcl

   * Comparison with other languages
   * The parser
   * Built-in functions
   * Utility functions
   * Extensibility interface
   * The language and its syntax
   * Procedures

     The Tk Toolkit

   * What is it
   * Widgets
   * Geometry managers
   * Creating interfaces with Tk

     Tk Applications

   * Wish scripts
   * Presentation package
   * CASE tool
   * Computational fluid dynamics
   * SCADA
   * System administration
   * Network monitoring
   * Database administration
   * XF
   * Graphical application builder

     Sources of Tcl/Tk

   * Internet
   * Other sources

     Other Tcl/Tk Resources

   * Literature
   * Training
   * Consulting

For pricing and availability information, please contact:

Education Services
Data Kinetics Ltd.
2460 Lancaster Road
Ottawa, ON K1B 4S5

Voice: (613)-523-5500
Fax: (613)-523-5533


Building X-Windows Interfaces with Tcl/Tk

Usage: Training
Company: Data Kinetics Ltd.
Contact: Education Services

Course Title:

Building X-Windows Interfaces with Tcl/Tk

Course Length:

Three (3) days

Course Format:

Course material is presented in a lecture format and through extensive
hands-on experience where each student works through the class exercises at
his individual UNIX workstation..

Course Description:

This seminar is intended for programmers and system engineers who wish to
build applications using the X-Windows interface. Class size is limited to
ten students to allow for substantial student-instructor interaction.
Materials provided include a workbook, a diskette containing sample
applications and reference cards.

Course can be customized to meet specific needs of clients.

Topics include:

     "Hello World"

   * Typing interactive commands into the interpreter
   * The button command
   * The (elementary) pack command
   * Widget configuration
   * The "proc" the heart of Tcl/Tk

     Using Buttons to Make Choices

   * Variables and variable substitution
   * Radiobuttons
   * Checkbuttons
   * The (intermediate) pack command

     Launching Applications

   * How to launch an application from Tcl/Tk
   * Tcl language elements
        o Variables, creation, assignment, destruction
        o Conditional expressions
        o Square bracket substitution
        o Generating window elements from data
        o Command line arguments
        o Entry level file I/O

     The Dialog Box

   * The message widget
   * Control structures if/else
   * Default values for arguments
   * Tk's event loop
   * Sub-ordinate windows
   * Sequential application control with tkwait


   * Menu widget
   * Pulldown and Popup
   * Binding commands to interface elements

     The File Selector

   * Listbox and scrollbar widgets
   * Frame widget
   * The (advanced) pack command

     A Text Editor

   * The text widget
   * Text "tags"
   * Key bindings
   * Hypertext

     Creating a Drawing Tool with the Canvas Widget

   * The canvas widget
   * "tags" and tag processing
   * List processing
   * Canvas widget options
   * Traversing items within a canvas

     A Color Editor

   * The slider widget
   * Math with "expr"

     Developer's Tools

   * Browsing procs
   * The "send" command
   * "info" command to find variables and processes
   * Entry widgets

     A Tcl Debugger

For pricing and availability information, please contact:

Education Services
Data Kinetics Ltd.
2460 Lancaster Road
Ottawa, ON K1B 4S5

Voice: (613)-523-5500
Fax: (613)-523-5533

ENTRY T8. - An Intensive Course in Tcl

Usage: Quick start to progamming in Tcl for experienced programmers.
Company: Enniskillen Consulting, 3396 Enniskillen Circle, Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada, L5C 2N1.
Contact: Paul Wujek
Voice: (905) 279-5885

A 1 day course for experienced programmers covering Tcl language, syntax,
usage and programming of 'C' language extensions to Tcl.

This course is customizable, given on site, at customer premises.


ENTRY T9. - An Intensive Course in Tk

Usage: Quick start to progamming in Tk for programmers experienced with GUI
Company: Enniskillen Consulting, 3396 Enniskillen Circle, Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada, L5C 2N1.
Contact: Paul Wujek
Voice: (905) 279-5885

A 2 day course for experienced GUI programmers covering Tk concepts, and

This course is customizable, given on site, at customer premises.

ENTRY T10. - A course in Tcl/Tk Extensions

Usage: A course covering the standard extensions to Tcl, and Tk
Company: Enniskillen Consulting, 3396 Enniskillen Circle, Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada, L5C 2N1.
Contact: Paul Wujek
Voice: (905) 279-5885

A 1 day course that examines some of the standard extensions to Tcl/Tk:
TclX - standard file handling extensions, etc Tcl-dp - distributed
processing, TCP/IP, RPC oratcl - Oracle database extensions sybtcl - Sybase
database extensions Tix - Motif style GUI for Tk blt - Graphics extensions

ENTRY T11. Introduction to Expect

CPU offers a course in Expect, an extension to the Tcl/Tk technology. Our
course can be presented at either CPU's training facility or at the client
site. CPU's training facility is located in the New Orleans area. While CPU
has a standard course, the course can be customized to suit your needs.

Course Length
Three (3) days if proficient in Tcl, five (5) days if not

Course Format
Course material is presented in a lecture format and reinforced through
hands-on laboratory using a network of X Window System terminals connnected
to a RISC workstation.

Course Description
This course introduces you to programming in Expect. The following topics
are covered:

   * Background concepts
   * Automating processes
        o Partial and full automation
   * Sending and receiving data and commands
   * Pattern matching
        o Techniques and timing
   * Debugging scripts
   * Spawning processes
   * Communicating with multiple processes
   * Communicating with a process and a user
   * Signal handling
   * Background processing

Course Level
Technical--intermediate to advanced

Use of vi or emacs editors
Knowledge of Tcl
Knowledge of UNIX
Experience with C-language programming helpful

ENTRY T12. - Building Applications with Tcl/Tk

Usage: Training
Company: AT&T Bell Laboratories
Contact: Michael J. McLennan


Course Title:
     Building Applications with Tcl/Tk
Course Length:
     3 days
Course Format:
     Lectures and hands-on programming activities
     familiarity with Unix
Books Provided:
     John Ousterhout's "Tcl and the Tk Toolkit" (Addison-Wesley) and AT&T
     course notes

Course Description:

Applications with short development cycles have the best chance for success
in today's marketplace. Tcl/Tk provides an interactive development
environment for building Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications with
incredible speed. Tcl/Tk applications look like they were constructed with
the Motif toolkit, but they can be written in a fraction of the time. This
is due, in part, to the high-level programming interface that the Tcl
language provides. It is also due to the interpretive nature of the
environment; changes made to a Tcl/Tk application can be seen immediately,
without waiting for the usual compile/link/run cycle. Developers can
prototype new ideas, review them with customers, and deliver a finished
product within a span of several weeks.

This course provides a hands-on introduction to Tcl/Tk. It teaches
fundamental concepts like how to create widgets, how to "pack" them
together, and how to "bind" new behaviors to events. It shows how real
applications, like a Solitaire card game, can be built a little at a time,
and gradually improved to production quality. It illustrates some of the
finer points of the Tcl language in the context of real applications. It
even includes tips and techniques for Tcl masters.


DAY 1:

Tcl/Tk Basics

   * using "wish"
   * "Hello World" GUI example
   * anatomy of a Tk widget
   * configuration options

Making Widgets Work Together

   * variables
   * checkbuttons, radiobuttons, listboxes and scrollbars
   * understanding the event loop
   * using images
   * quoting rules
   * procedures
   * local versus global scope

Understanding the "pack" Facility

   * filling the cavity
   * pack options
   * handling resizable windows
   * make your packing job simple
   * widget hierarchy

A Closer Look at Tcl

   * building and manipulating lists
   * defining and using arrays
   * conditionals and looping
   * coding style

DAY 2:

Simple Applications

   * manipulating images
   * using "place" instead of "pack"
   * making scripts into programs
   * puzzle game
   * procedures with optional arguments
   * procedures with variable argument lists
   * tracing down errors

Tapping into Events

   * types of events
   * using the "bind" command
   * accessing event details
   * class bindings
   * canvas widget
   * tagging canvas items
   * simple sketch pad program
   * rubberbanding on the canvas
   * using widget bind tags

Building Solitaire

   * Tcl data structures
   * creating Tcl libraries
   * using the "eval" command
   * binding card items for drag-and-drop
   * creating menu bars
   * cascade menus
   * menu accelerators
   * dialog boxes
   * using "grab" to implement modal dialogs
   * using "after" to defer actions

DAY 3:

Managing Files and Processes

   * using "exec" to execute other Unix processes
   * text widget
   * tagging text items
   * using "lsort" for custom sorting
   * opening and closing files
   * reading and writing with files
   * using "scan" and "regexp" for parsing input
   * using "catch" to handle errors
   * other file-related commands


   * using the "send" command to communicate with another "wish"
   * hypertool communication
   * example: changing the card back design for Solitaire
   * teaching hypertools

Tips for Tcl Masters

   * autoloading
   * using "open" to execute other processes
   * using "fileevent" for non-blocking I/O
   * scrollable forms
   * handling background errors
   * using "upvar" for pass-by-reference
   * using "uplevel" to create new commands
   * using "trace" for active variables
   * using "tcl_precision" to change floating-point precision

Adding Extensions in C

   * software architecture
   * popular extensions: [incr Tcl], BLT, TclX, Tcl-DP
   * writing a command-handling procedure
   * creating a customized "wish"
   * mix and match with other extensions
   * trade-offs

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Computerized Processes Unlimited Home 10 October 1995

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