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cdn-firearms web site, e-mail lists (info on Canadian laws) [semi-weekly post]

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Archive-name: talk-politics-guns/canadian-resources
Posting-Frequency: semi-weekly

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
              Cdn-Firearms: Canadian Firearm Resources


Skeeter's Home Page can be found at:


The CFD FAQ list is at
and mirrored at:

Cdn-firearms Digest back issues are now available at

To subscribe to the cdn-firearms lists, leave the "Subject:"
line blank and e-mail the following four (4) lines to

subscribe cdn-firearms-digest
subscribe cdn-firearms-alert
subscribe cdn-firearms-chat

(You should be able to just reply to this message and cut all text but
the above 4 lines.)

After you confirm your subscriptions by e-mail, you will receive a 
detailed welcome message explaining how the lists work, how to
access the archives, etc.

The purpose of the cdn-firearms electronic mailing lists is to help
inform people everywhere by efficiently distributing information about
Canadian firearm laws, regulations, and other related issues.
Cdn-firearms-digest and cdn-firearms-alert are moderated to
1) avoid the bickering and arguments that are seen elsewhere, and
2) provide a source of information of particular interest and
relevance to persons in Canada.
Discussions are allowed on cdn-firearms-digest but "flames" will not be
forwarded to subscribers.  A wide variety of opinions are published
through cdn-firearms-digest to allow free expression of thought and
encourage open debate, but submissions may be redacted (for accuracy,
length, etc.) without consulting the author.  (A note will appear at
the beginning of the article when major changes have been made.)

For those who want less e-mail, there is cdn-firearms-alert.
The best submissions to cdn-firearms-digest are also forwarded to
cdn-firearms-alert.  These posts are normally strictly informational.
No discussions are allowed.  Free-for-all discussion is directed to
cdn-firearms-chat.  If you subscribe to cdn-firearms-digest, you 
don't need cdn-firearms-alert, although message will be delivered
in a more timely fashion.

E-mail information/articles/questions for distribution to

(You must subscribe to the lists before you can submit anything
for distribution.)

E-mail comments, suggestions, etc. to ""

e-mail the command "help" to "" to get a
	full list of commands available (with explanations).

 = = = To send me e-mail you must replace "nospam" with "sfn". = = =
The above opinions may differ from those of others.  Take no offense.
              Check out the Canadian Firearms Home Page:

User Contributions:

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM