Archive-name: table-tennis/6_USATT-handbook
Version: 12.0 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge answers to Frequently Asked Questions and other news, posted monthly, now in mail folder digest format. New items preceded with +: From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Table of Contents: =========================== 6.1. USATT Handbook 6.1.1 1 - Constitution 1.1 Name and Organization 1.2 Object 1.3 Qualification of Members 1.4 Officers and Their Election 1.5 Meetings 1.6 Method of Amending the Constitution 1.7 Ratification 6.1.2 2 - By-Laws 2.1 Affiliation 2.2 Types of Membership 2.3 Rights of Affiliates and Members 2.4 Finances 2.5 Contracts 2.6 Meetings 2.7 Amendments 2.8 Tournaments 2.9 Executive Committee and Executive Director - General 2.9.1 E.C. Membership 2.9.2 E.C. Eligibility 2.9.3 E.C. Rights and Obligations 2.10 Executive Committee and Executive Director - Duties 2.10.1 President 2.10.2 Executive Vice President 2.10.3 Vice Presidents 2.10.4 Treasurer 2.10.5 Secretary 2.10.6 Olympic Athletes' Representative 2.10.7 Group B Vice President 2.10.8 USATT Foundation Representative 2.10.9 Executive Director 2.10.10 National Athlete's Representative 2.11 Executive Committee - Election of Members 2.11.11 Election of Olympic Athletes' Representative 2.11.12 Election of National Athletes' Representative 2.12 Committees - General 2.12.1 Types of Committees 2.12.2 Committee Chairman Eligibility 2.12.3 Committee Composition 2.12.4 Committee General Duties 2.12.5 Committee Powers 2.13 Standing Committees - Names and Duties 2.13.1 Advertising 2.13.2 Affiliates 2.13.3 Coaching 2.13.4 Disabled Athletes 2.13.5 Disciplinary 2.13.6 Equipment 2.13.7 Exhibition 2.13.8 Film 2.13.9 Inter-Scholastic 2.13.10 International 2.13.11 Library 2.13.12 National Publication 2.13.13 Nominating 2.13.14 Olympic 2.13.15 Photographic 2.13.16 Players' 2.13.17 Public Relations 2.13.18 Rating 2.13.19 Rules 2.13.20 Selection 2.13.21 Team Manager 2.13.22 Tournament 2.13.23 Tournament Operations 2.13.24 Umpires 2.13.25 Women's 2.13.26 Budget 2.13.27 Resident Training Program 2.13.28 Sports Medicine 2.13.29 Seniors' 2.14 Standing Orders (Standing Rules) 2.15 Employees 6.1.3 3 - Tournaments 3.1 Definition 3.2 Classification 3.3 Sanction 3.4 Procedure for Sanctioning 3.5 Reporting Results 3.6 Conduct 3.7 Contestants 3.8 Playing Conditions and Equipment 3.9 Awards 3.10 Draw 3.11 Time Scheduling 3.12 Tie Breaking 3.13 Errors 3.14 Closed Tournaments 3.15 U. S. Open Team Championships 3.16 U. S. Open Championships 3.17 U.S. Invitational Tournaments 3.18 U.S. Closed Championships 3.19 Amateur Regulations 6.1.4 4 - International Team Regulations 4.1 Selection Committee 4.2 Player Qualifications 4.3 International Team Squad 4.4 Availability Determination 4.5 Selection Procedure (Team) 4.6 Team Officials 4.6.1 Selection 4.6.2 Responsibilities of Team Manager 4.6.3 Responsibilities of Team Captain 4.7 Uniforms 4.8 Delegation Section 6.1.5 5 - Ratings 5.1 General 5.2 Duties of the Rating Committee 5.3 Eligibility 6.1.6 INDEX Send comments, suggestions, contributions, revisions and criticisms regarding this FAQ list via e-mail to: From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 6.1.1 Constitution =========================== 1.1.1 The name of this organization will be the UNITED STATES TABLE TENNIS ASSOCIATION, hereinafter referred to as the USATT. 1.1.2 The USATT will be a non-profit corporation of the state of Illinois and subject to the laws of that state. 1.2.1 The object of the USATT will be to set and maintain high standards for U.S. table tennis on the local, regional, national, and international levels in the following manner: enforcing the Laws of Table Tennis as adopted by the USATT and making such amendments and interpretations thereto as may appear necessary or desirable for the good of the sport; establishing a sanctioning procedure for all tournaments, matches, and exhibitions held in the U.S.A.; employing the USATT funds judiciously in the promotion and organization of the sport; other actions considered expedient in the development of table tennis. 1.3.1 Any person willing to uphold the USATT Constitution and By-Laws will be eligible to become a USATT member, subject to International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) regulations. 1.3.2 The USATT will provide an equal opportunity to all members in good standing to participate in athletic competition or other activity without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, or national origin and with fair notice and opportunity for a hearing to any such member before declaring such member ineligible to participate. 1.3.3 Member clubs may be formed; these will consist of grouped individual members. 1.4.1 The officers of the USATT will be the members of the Executive Committee as described in the By-Laws. 1.4.2 The USATT will be governed by the Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to as the E.C., as described in the By-Laws. Each E.C> member's term of office will be from June1, after the election, through May31, three years hence, except as provided in the By-Laws. 1.4.3 All USATT officers will be elected or appointed as described in the By-Laws. 1.5.1 There will be at least two E.C. meetings per year and special meetings as required as described in the By-Laws. 1.6.1 Amendments to the Constitution may be accomplished only at an E.C. meeting after being proposed in writing at the previous E.C. meeting. 1.6.2 Amendments may be made only by a two-thirds vote of approval of the entire E.C. Proxy voting is not allowed on an amendment to the Constitution. 1.6.3 Any USATT member may recommend or submit a resolution proposing amendments directly to any E.C. member. The E.C. member will, at his discretion, present the resolution at the next meeting of the E.C. If the E.C. does not immediately reject it, the resolution will then be referred to the appropriate committee(s) without whose recommendation further action will not be taken. 1.6.4 The substance of any amendment will be published in the National Publication. 1.7.1 This Constitution amends, replaces, and altogether supersedes any preceding Constitution, and its approval is verified by the signatures below consisting of not fewer than two-thirds of those serving on the E.C. as of September7, 1985. Joseph T. Boggan George Kennedy J. Rufford Harrison Lyle Theim Dan Seemiller Jimmy McClure Sheila O'Dougherty Mel Eisner 2.1.1 The USATT will be affiliated with the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 6.1.2 BY-LAWS ====================== 2.1.2 The USATT will consist of affiliated associations and individual members as described in By-Law 2.2. 2.1.3 The ITTF Constitution and By-Laws will apply in all cases not specifically covered by the USATT Constitution and By-Laws. 2.1.4 In any controversy involving its recognition as the National Governing Body of Table Tennis, the USATT will submit to binding arbitration conducted in accordance with the commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association, as provided in Article VIII of the Constitution of the U. S. Olympic Committee as of April 1980 as well as the By-Laws of the U. S. Olympic Committee. There will be the following types of membership, with fees as stated in the Fee Schedule (see By-Law2.4.8). From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.2.1 Individual - For any person 18 years of age or older as of the last July1. It is valid for the month of issue and the eleven following months and entitles the member to: 1)participate in any sanctioned tournament held in the USA, 2)receive a free subscription to the National Publication, and 3)vote in the election of national officers. Adult memberships are also obtainable for two and three years. - For any person under 18 years of age as of the last July1. Proof of age must be furnished. Benefits are as in By-Law2.2.1.1 but without voting privileges. Junior membership is valid as in By-Law2.2.1.1 but only until the expiration of the member's Junior status. - For all persons who are members of the same family living at the same address. Benefits are as in By-Laws2.2.1.1 and except that each family will receive only one subscription to the National Publication. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.2.2 Organizational Affiliate - Any association covering an area not exceeding one-third of the tournament regional area as defined by the Tournament Committee. application must be made to the Affiliates Committee Chairman showing the consent of at least two-thirds of the affiliated clubs or, in districts that have less than three clubs, two-thirds of the USATT Adult members in the district. A member of a District Affiliate must be a USATT member. Rule - Once a district association has been approved, any future or renewal of club affiliations within the district must have the approval of the District Affiliate. Whether the club must be a member of the District Affiliate to become a USATT-affiliated club will be determined by the District Affiliate. Any club that becomes a member of the District Affiliate must apply for USATTaffiliation within two months. A club has the right to appeal to the USATT Affiliates Committee if its request to affiliate with the USATT is refused by the District Affiliate. following must be submitted to the Affiliates Committee within five years of a previous approval: by the District Affiliate for renewal of its status. signed statement from the presidents of at least two- thirds of the member clubs in the district stating that they request such affiliation. (See By-Law2.2.2.2). copy of the District Affiliate's constitution and by- laws, which must not be in conflict with the USATT Constitution and By-Laws. and addresses of the District Affiliate's officers showing the affiliated club, if any, to which each of these officers belong. affiliated club in the district will be represented on the governing body of the District Affiliate. District Affiliate will have jurisdiction within its own district over such matters as state or district rankings and location of all tournaments within its area except three-, four-, and five-star events as described in the Tournament Guide. District Affiliate must abide by all provisions of the USATT Constitution and By-Laws, the Laws of Table Tennis, and the rulings of the USATT Executive Committee. Affiliates may charge district membership fees from any entrant in any sanctioned open tournament if the entrant has resided for the previous three months within the geographical boundaries of the district. Club A member club will have playing headquarters and mailing address. new member club will receive a free copy of the USATT Handbook. member club affiliation fee will be as defined in the Fee Schedule. A member club will receive one year's free affiliation after continuous affiliation for five years. clubs will receive 15% of all USATT membership income they collect, including that collected at tournaments, if remitted to the USATT within 28 days. clubs may not charge club membership fees from any entrant in an open tournament. B - Multi-sport organizations that conduct programs in table tennis may become GroupB members as defined by the U. S. Olympic Committee. The GroupB affiliation fee will be as defined in the Fee Schedule. A USATT GroupB member will receive notice of all Executive Committee meetings and may send one representative. GroupB representatives as a whole will be limited to one vote. When more than one GroupB organization are USATT members, GroupB representatives will elect one delegate, known as the GroupB Vice President, to cast their vote. Expenses of GroupB members and the GroupB Vice President to the E.C. meetings will be borne by the GroupB organization(s). 2.3.1 Organizational affiliations are valid for one year except for club multiple memberships. 2.3.2 No affiliate may deny membership to eligible individuals without just cause, such cause subject to review and adjudication by the USATT Executive Committee. 2.3.3 An affiliate will have the power to expel, suspend, or declare ineligible any one of its members for violation of the USATT Constitution and By-Laws or its own constitution and by-laws, subject to the conditions in By-Laws2.3.3.1 and the alleged violation occur in the jurisdiction of another affiliate, the latter will first be consulted by the affiliate of which the accused is a member. a penalty is decreed, the accused member will be notified in writing of the article or law which he is accused of violating and will be given the opportunity for a hearing as described in Article1.3.2. any affiliate wishes to impose its penalty outside its direct jurisdiction, it will submit the matter to the USATT Disciplinary Committee Chairman along with a description of the action already taken, requesting approval for the wider penalty. The Disciplinary Committee may accept, reject, or modify the suggested penalty before making its recommendation to the USATT E.C. 2.3.4 Misuse or alteration of a USATT membership card voids it and makes the offender liable for disciplinary action. 2.3.5 The USATT Executive Committee will have the power to discipline a member for violation of the USATT Constitution and By-Laws or for unbecoming conduct. This discipline may be expulsion, suspension, probation, a fine, or loss of eligibility for any or all benefits of membership. 2.3.6 In all cases of disciplinary action, whether by the E.C. or by an affiliate, the accused member will be notified of the charges in writing and will be given an opportunity for a hearing, as required by Article1.3.2 of the Constitution. 2.4.1 The USATT will operate under a budget approved by the E.C. to 1% of the annual budget will be allocated to the President for discretionary use. This is limited as described in the Fee Schedule, and each use must be reported to the E.C. Use of this fund will be a separate item in the Treasurer's report. 2.4.2 The budget will be presented annually at the fall (before December31 of each year) E.C. meeting and will be valid until superseded. regard will be given by the E.C. to the financial stability of the USATT prior to authorizing expenditures beyond the budget limitations. fiscal year will be from January1 to December31. 2.4.3 Members will not be financially or otherwise liable for corporate obligations. 2.4.4 Officers and Committee Chairmen will submit itemized statements of authorized expenses to the Treasurer for reimbursement. 2.4.5 Methods of financing the USATT and its affiliates will not involve control by commercial interests or organizations. 2.4.6 No part of the net income of the USATT will inure to the benefit of any individual or corporation. 2.4.7 Upon the liquidation of the USATT, the net assets will inure to the benefit of the affiliates or to any organizations exempt from the payment of federal income tax as may be specified by the E.C. 2.4.8 All fees will be recorded in a document separate from the USATT Handbook, known as the Fee Schedule. The contents of the Fee Schedule will be defined by a standing rule. 2.4.9 Major unbudgeted receipts (including proceeds from the USOC's allotment of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee profits and endowments) will be invested in a foundation, from which up to 90% of the interest may accrue to the USATT treasury by agreement with the foundation trustees. 2.5.1 The USATT E.C. may enter into a contract with an individual or corporation only after the proposed contract has been reviewed and approved by a lawyer, preferably the USATT legal adviser. 2.5.2 With the exceptions in By-Law2.5.2.1, no USATT member or employee may enter into written or verbal contract on behalf of the USATT without an authorization passed by vote of the Executive Committee. equipment and advertising contracts may be signed by the Equipment Chairman and the National Publication editor, respectively. 2.6.1 There will be three or four regular meetings per year, of which one, the summer meeting, will begin no earlier than when the newly-elected officers take office and no later than August15. 2.6.2 At least one of the regular meetings will not be held in conjunction with a tournament. 2.6.3 The President may at his discretion and will, upon a petition of a majority of the E.C., call a special meeting at any other time and will hold it if a quorum can attend. 2.6.4 For E.C. members, excluding the GroupB Vice President, and for the Executive Director, full hotel and travel expenses will be provided. 2.6.5 Standing Rule: A legal proxy to an entire E.C. meeting is entitled to expenses as if he were an E.C. member. 2.6.6 A quorum will consist of a simple majority of the current roster of the E.C. 2.6.7 Robert's Rules of Order - Newly Revised will apply in all cases of procedure except as covered by the USATT Constitution and By-Laws and the ITTF Constitution. 2.6.8 Proxies will be allowed at E.C. meetings only on matters listed in the published agenda or may be limited to specific subjects shown on the proxy note. No proxy will be given to another E.C. member nor will one person have more than one proxy. A proxy will not be used to determine a quorum. See also By-Law 2.6.9 Mail votes will be allowed between meetings. Mail votes on amendments must conform to By-Law2.7.3. 2.6.10 Subject to the exceptions in By-Laws2.6.10.1 and, meetings of the E.C. will be open to USATT members, but only E.C. members or their designated proxies will participate in the discussion. The President may in writing invite guests, who may discuss only items pertinent to the invitation. A meeting may be restricted to E.C. members and proxies on a majorityvote of those members present, not counting proxies. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.6.11 The agenda for an E.C. meeting will be as follows: 1.Call to order and quorum count. 2.Apologies for absence and acceptance of proxies. 3.Appointment of parliamentarian (recommended but optional). 4.If required, election to fill any vacancies on the E.C. 5.Minutes, correction, and approval. 6.Written business arising from the minutes. 7.Action since the last meeting. 8.Treasurer's report, auditor's report (summer only), and budget (written) including, when appropriate, allocation of USOC funds. 9.Long-range planning. 10.Headquarters' expenses. 11.Written reports from other officers (mandatory at summer meetings and optional at others), covering their standing committees in alphabetical order. 12.Appointment of committee chairmen (mandatory at summer meeting and as required at others). 13.Assignment of E.C. responsibility for committees (summer). 14.Authorization or approval of team selections as appropriate. 15.Approval of nominations for national election (U.S. Open Team Championships, U.S. Closed, or Olympic Athletes' Representative [the summer meeting before each Olympic quadrennial]). 16.Approval of sites for future major tournaments. 17.Other written business. 18.Unwritten business. 19.Adjournment. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.7.1 Amendments to the By-Laws will be proposed in writing either at an E.C. meeting or through the mail. 2.7.2 Amendments may be passed at the next meeting only by a two-thirds vote of those voting, a quorum being present. Proxy voting will not be allowed on an amendment to the By-Laws. 2.7.3 Amendments may be voted on through the mail. The Secretary will distribute the proposal and will receive the votes not less than 30 days later. The amendment will pass if two-thirds of the entire E.C. vote in favor, unless two or more E.C. members request discussion at the next meeting. 2.7.4 Any USATT member may propose an amendment directly to an E.C. member, who will, at his discretion, present it at the next E.C. meeting. If the E.C. does not immediately reject it, it will then be referred to the appropriate committee(s), without whose recommendation further action will not be taken. 2.7.5 The substance of any amendment will be published in the National Publication. 2.7.6 Documents prepared by members of the E.C. or committee chairmen, when approved by the E.C., will have full force as By-Laws (e.g., E.C. minutes, Tournament Guide, Selection Manual, budget, etc.) and will be amended in the same manner as By-Laws. These are generally known as rules or regulations. 2.7.7 Standing Rules: See By-Law2.14. 2.8.1 Tournament regulations are contained in Section 3 of this handbook and in the Tournament Guide. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.9.1 Executive Committee Membership The E.C. will consist of eight officers who will be elected for three years, one officer who will be elected for four years, one officer who will be elected for two years, one officer who will be appointed by the E.C. for three years, and one officer elected annually by the multi-sport organizations. Except for the Olympic Athletes' Representative and the National Athletes' Representative, the term of office will start June1 and end May31. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: The officers will be: President, elected for three-year term effective June1, 1992. Executive Vice President, elected for three-year term effective June1, 1992. Vice President, elected for three-year term effective June1, 1992. Three Vice Presidents, elected for three-year terms effective June1, 1993. Olympic Athletes' Representative, elected at the beginning of each Olympic quadrennial, the term of office to begin on January1. Secretary, elected for three-year term effective June1, 1992. Treasurer, elected for three-year term effective June1, 1993. Group B Vice President, elected yearly by the GroupB organizations in accordance with By-Law2.2.2.3. National Athletes' Representative, elected for two years on odd years. USATT Foundation Representative, appointed by the E.C. forthree years effective June1, 1992. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.9.2 Executive Committee Eligibility To serve on the E.C., a member must: Have at least a three-year membership by January1 of the election year. Sign a statement that he has read and will uphold the USATT Constitution and By-Laws and will answer correspondence promptly. Be at least 21 years old, except that the National Athletes' Representative must be at least 18 years old. Not have been editor of the National Publication within six months of the start of the term of office. Not have been a member of the Nominating Committee within one year of the start of the term of office. Not be an employee of the USATT receiving a salary or fees for services in excess of the amount stated in the Fee Schedule. To serve as President or Executive Vice President, a member does not have to have previously served on the Executive Committee. At least 20% of the members of the E.C. will be active amateur players or will have represented the U.S. in amateur international table tennis competition within the ten years previous to his election. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.9.3 Executive Committee Rights and Obligations members will be eligible to serve any number of terms. E.C. member who is unable to attend an E.C. meeting will notify the President with a sufficient reason and the name of his proxy. E.C. will have authority to add candidates for election to the list presented by the Nominating Committee (By-Laws2.11.5 and and to add names to lists of candidates for team officials proposed by the Selection Committee (By-Law4. E.C. will have the authority to grant approval of equipment to be used in sanctioned play. E.C. member will perform the duties incident to his office as described in these By-Laws. Each E.C. member will be responsible to the President for the performance of committees assigned to him, of which he will be an ex-officio member (with the exception of the Nominating Committee). He will ensure that these committees comply with By-Law 2.12.3. E.C. member who derives income from table tennis or who is connected with the manufacture, sale, or hire of table tennis equipment, premises, or facilities (either in a financially-controlling position or employed by a person or body in such a position) may occupy an administrative office, serve on an administrative committee, or represent internationally the USATT only if he will withdraw from any meeting or abstain from voting on any issue in which he has a direct interest financially, on request passed by a majority of the meeting he is attending. a hearing as described in By-Law 1.3.2, an elected or appointed officer may be removed from office at any time upon recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee, acting upon its own motion or upon a written appeal from a member and approved by a two-thirds majority of the E.C. members or their proxies may not use privileged informationdiscussed at an E.C. meeting or through the mail for personal profit until after public announcement of the information has been made. Rule - Liability insurance will be purchased to cover officers of the USATT. E.C. may appoint professional staff, including an Executive Director. The Executive Director will be the chief paid administrative officer. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.10.1 President present, he will be chairman of the E.C. will appoint all USATT Committee Chairmen, except for the Player's Committee Chairman and all of the members of the Selection Committee, subject to approval of a majority of the E.C. will recommend for E.C. approval all nominations and appointments of USATT members to positions with the ITTF, other table tennis organizations, and the U.S. Olympic Committee. will appoint an auditor or auditing committee. will arrange that all members of the E.C. are notified in writing of the date and site of E.C. meetings at least 30 days in advance. will ensure that an agenda is issued at least two weeks prior to each E.C. meeting. will call special meetings as stated in By-Law2.6.3. may make emergency decisions subject to the approval of a majority of the E.C. by mail vote or at its earliest convening. will foster and maintain cooperative relations with foreign associations in the promotion in the sport of table tennis. may dismiss any appointed official at his discretion; the appointment of a replacement will be subject to E.C. approval at the next meeting or by mail. will be directly responsible for the performance of the Disciplinary and International Committee Chairmen. will appoint a Special Awards Chairman. team selections have not been completed as in By-Law4.1.2.1, hewill arrange for its completion. will assign an officer to sign USATT checks in accordance with By- Law2. 2.10.2 Executive Vice President will automatically become President in the event of a vacancy in that office. will act as chairman of any E.C. meeting whenever the President is unable to attend. will assist the President as requested. 2.10.3 Vice Presidents will recommend to the President replacements or appointments of committee chairmen. will perform such other duties as assigned by the President. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.10.4 Treasurer will receive and disburse all USATT monies and keep a true and accurate account thereof, which will be compared at all times with the budget. will sign all payroll checks. and one other officer assigned by the President will sign all other USATT checks. as defined in By-Law2.4.9, he will deposit all USATT monies in banks covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation but will not maintain more than the maximum amount covered by the F.D.I.C. in any one bank account. will pay all invoices and bills by check. will prepare an itemized budget to be submitted to the Budget Committee two months before the summer meeting. will not pay unbudgeted invoices greater than the limit stated in the Fee Schedule except with the approval of the President, and he will not pay any invoice exceeding 10% of the budget amount or the amount stated in the Fee Schedule, whichever is larger, except with the approval of the E.C. will ensure preparation of the federal income tax return and other reports required by the U.S. and state governments. will cause his accounts to be audited as directed by the E.C. to each regular E.C. meeting and at other times when requested by the President, he will present a current report on receipts and expenditures. will strive to reduce accounts receivable by working with committee chairmen concerned and by any other appropriate method. will annually submit a Treasurer's report and a budget to the National Publication. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.10.5 Secretary will record true and accurate minutes for all E.C. meetings. will arrange that all records of official business transacted by the E.C. are made available to all parties concerned. will provide the National Publication editor with a synopsis of E.C. meeting minutes for publication. will arrange that the names and addresses of all E.C. officers and committee chairmen are published at least twice a year in the NationalPublication. will assure that requirements of the incorporation charter are complied with. will distribute annual reports. will keep a true and accurate copy of the USATT Constitution and By-Laws and will note thereon the changes made from time to time. least one month prior to each E.C. meeting, he will advise the President of all items of pending old business. will have at each E.C. meeting a list of all standing and special committees, as well as the Constitution and By-Laws and minutes of the previous meeting. will furnish E.C. members and committee chairmen copies of the Constitution, By-Laws, Standing Rules, and minutes of the previous E.C. meeting. Rule: He will arrange for distribution of the minutes of all E.C. meetings to all Regional Directors and member clubs on request. Rule: The Secretary will record the election results and the entire roster of the E.C as the second item of the minutes of the first E.C. meeting after June1 of each election year. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.10.6 Olympic Athletes' Representative will be the USATT's representative on the U.S. Olympic Committee's Athletes' Advisory Council. will be co-chairman of the USATT Players' Committee. will perform all duties required of him in connection with the USATT Drug Control Program as stated in By-Law4.5.5. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.10.7 Group B Vice President will represent the views of all GroupB organizations at E.C. meetings. 2.10.8 USATT Foundation Representative will represent the USATT Foundation. will perform such other duties as assigned by the President. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.10.9 Executive Director will manage the National Headquarters. will assist the Nominating Committee Chairman in printing, distributing, and counting the ballots of the E.C. election. will provide local liaison with the USOC. will promote memberships and fund raising. 2.10.10 National Athletes' Representative will be co-chairman of the USATT Players' Committee. will perform such other duties as assigned by the President. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.11.1 All members of the E.C. except the GroupB Vice President, the Olympic Athletes' Representative, the National Athletes' Representative, and the USATT Foundation Representative will be elected by plurality vote of the Adult USATT members. one of these offices become vacant, except for President, the unexpired term will be filled as the E.C. (by majority vote) will determine. current E.C. member who is on the ballot for an E.C. office will terminate his present E.C. position on May31 of that year. 2.11.2 Names may be proposed for the ballot by the Nominating Committee, by the E.C., or by petition from the USATT membership. 2.11.3 In order to be placed on the ballot, nominees advanced by report of the Nominating Committee (By-Law2.13.13.1) must be approved by at least two E.C. members. 2.11.4 Names may be placed on the ballot by petition, meeting the requirements of By- Law2.13.13.3, submitted to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee by December15. 2.11.5 The E.C. may add names to those recommended by the Nominating Committee, but no more than three names may be proposed in total for any office, not including those added by petition. The ballot will also include space for write-in votes. 2.11.6 The February issue of the National Publication will list the names of all nominees, provided by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. 2.11.7 Ballots will be mailed as arranged by the Nominating Committee and will be returned to Headquarters. 2.11.8 In the event of a tie vote among the candidates for a particular office, the E.C. members whose terms do not expire in that particular year will determine the election by mailing their choice to the Nominating Committee Chairman. If this results in a tie, the newly-elected officers will determine the winner by their mail vote sent to the Nominating Committee Chairman. 2.11.9 Other regulations pertaining to the national election are given in By-Law2.13.13. 2.11.10 The GroupB Vice President will be elected as described in By-Law2.2.2.3. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.11.11 Election of the Olympic Athletes' Representative Olympic Athletes' Representative must be at least 21 years old and will be elected by and from among those players who have represented the USATT in the Olympic or Pan American Games within the previous ten years. All players who have represented the USATT in the Olympic or Pan American Games within the previous ten years, regardless of age, will be eligible to vote for this position. for Olympic Athletes' Representative will be nominated by those eligible to vote for this office per By-Law2.11.11.1. USATT Olympic Committee will send nomination forms to the eligible voters by June15. voter may nominate up to three candidates. The top three who are willing to serve will be placed on the ballot for a general election by the voters of By-Law2.11.11.1. All nominations must be received before July30. USATT Olympic Committee will arrange secret voting and will mail ballots containing the names of all candidates and a space for a write- in vote to all eligible voters by September15. ballots will be returned by mail to the Chairman of the USATT Olympic Committee by November1. ballots will be counted by the USATT Olympic Committee by November5. person who receives the largest plurality vote will become the Olympic Athletes' Representative for the next four years as of January1, 1992. the event of a tie vote, the E.C. will determine the winner by majority vote. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.11.12 Election of National Athletes' Representative National Athletes' Representative must be at least 18 years old and will be elected by and from among those players who have represented the USATT in the Olympic or Pan American Games or the World Championships within the previous ten years. All players who have represented the USATT in the Olympic or Pan American Games or the World Championships within the previous ten years, regardless of age, will be eligible to vote for this position. for National Athletes' Representative will be nominated by those eligible to vote for this office per By-Law2.11.12.1. USATT Olympic Committee will send nomination forms to the eligible voters by June15. voter may nominate up to three candidates. The top three who are willing to serve will be placed on the ballot for a general election by the voters of By-Law2.11.12.1. All nominations must be received before July 30. USATT Olympic Committee will arrange secret voting and will mail ballots containing the names of all candidates and a space for a write- in vote to all eligible voters by September15. ballots will be returned by mail to the Chairman of the USATT Olympic Committee by November1. ballots will be counted by the USATT Olympic Committee by November5. person who receives the largest plurality vote will become the National Athletes' Representative for the next two years as of January1 of the odd year. the event of a tie vote, the E.C. will determine the winner by majority vote. 2.12.1 There will be standing and special (ad hoc) committees. 2.12.2 Committee Chairman Eligibility To be a committee chairman, a member will: a USATT member in good standing. a statement to uphold the USATT Constitution and By-Laws and answer correspondence promptly. at least 18 years old. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.12.3 Composition of Committees chairman of each committee, except the Players' Committee, will be appointed by the President with the approval of the E.C. The committee chairman will serve until another chairman is appointed or 30 days after he resigns, whichever is sooner. chairman will select at least two USATT members as committee members, except as the E.C. may otherwise direct. (See By- Law4.1.1.2 for the exception for the Selection Committee.) least 20% of the members of each standing committee will be active amateur players or will have represented the U.S. in amateur international table tennis competition within the previous ten years. Olympic Athletes' Representative and the National Athletes' Representative will be the co-chairmen of the Players' Committee. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.12.4 General Duties of Committees chairman will invite corresponding committees in affiliates to cooperate with the USATT. committee will endeavor to promote activity useful to the USATT in its area of concern. committee chairman will forward an annual report to the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the summer E.C. meeting. Rule: All annual reports will include the following sub-headings: Committee Members Year's Activities Proposed Budget Problems Recommendations to the E.C. Breakdown of All Charges During the Year (obtained from the Treasurer one month before the meeting) Signature and Date 2.12.5 Each committee will have such powers as are delegated to it by the E.C. In the absence of specific delegation, each committee chairman may issue temporary rulings to cover emergencies in the area under his jurisdiction, which must be reported in writing to the E.C. member responsible. Such rulings will be valid unless and until revoked by the E.C. They will not conflict with the USATT Constitution and By-Laws. Rule: Each committee chairman will send copies of his official correspondence to the E.C. member responsible. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.1 Advertising The Advertising Committee will: advertising in USATT publications. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.2 Affiliates The Affiliates Committee will: applications for affiliation with the USATT. on request information on club, league, and other affiliate activity. to increase the number of USATT affiliates by means of advertising, publicity, correspondence, etc. to the approval of the E.C., maintain and distribute the USATT Club Handbook. submit to the National Publication a roster of current affiliates. and assist regular promotional activity in affiliates. up subcommittees to handle affiliates in large national organizations such as Girl Scouts, YMCA, Knights of Columbus, etc. Where such national organizations are devoted primarily to juniors, it will work closely with the Coaching Committee. up subcommittees, where appropriate, to work with affiliates in other bodies (i.e., state boards of recreation). organized play within and between affiliates. liaison between affiliates. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.3 Coaching The Coaching Committee will: instruction on coaching and playing. affiliates and other interested groups in programs for youth development. information on playing and coaching techniques from overseas. USATT coaches. a list of candidates for team coaches. for USATT-sponsored clinics, training camps, and resident athlete programs at the Olympic Training Center. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.4 Disabled Athletes The Disabled Athletes Committee will: and support table tennis programs for disabled individuals and their participation in table tennis activity, including that with able-bodied players. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.5 Disciplinary Disciplinary Committee will act on all formal requests for disciplinary action involving any USATT member. (Actions by ITTF members are covered by the ITTF Handbook.) must include fully-documented evidence that there is an alleged violation of the USATT or ITTF Constitution, By-Laws, rules, or regulations. committee will have no power to mete out any disciplinary action, except as in By-Law2.13.5.7, but will conduct an investigationof alleged violations and will report its findings and recommendations to the E.C. Based thereon and on any investigation of its own, the E.C. will promptly determine what, if any, disciplinary action will be taken. procedure described in By-Law2.13.5.2 will entitle the alleged offender to an opportunity for a hearing before the Disciplinary Committee and before the E.C. or a judicial subcommittee thereof as described in Article 1.3.2. Any such hearing will follow at least 20 days' notice to the accused member and will permit his appearance in person, by attorney, or through a sworn statement. from the USATT will not avoid disciplinary action but will simply stay its effect until such time as the person disciplined endeavors to rejoin the USATT. majority vote of the E.C. will be required to mete out disciplinary action. complainant who, within 30 days of filing his formal request or in 30-day intervals thereafter has not received written notification from the Disciplinary Committee that action is being taken or investigation is being pursued, may appeal directly to any E.C. member for action. Disciplinary Committee Chairman will, on notification by either the Tournament Committee Chairman or the Membership Committee Chairman, impose a three-month suspension on anyone accepting funds for USATT memberships if they fail to forward such funds to the USATT Treasurer or other proper USATT officials within two months after receiving such monies. any controversy involving equal opportunity as described in Article1.3.2, the USATT will submit to binding arbitration conducted in accordance with the commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association as provided in ArticleIX of the Constitution of the U.S. Olympic Committee as of April 1980 as well as the By-Laws of the U.S. Olympic Committee. may also be disciplined for violation of the USATT Drug Control Program Protocol as stated in By-Law4.5.5. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.6 Equipment The Equipment Committee will: proper testing, recommend equipment approval to the E.C. a record of approved equipment and submit it periodically to the National Publication. random tests on all approved equipment to see that quality is maintained. the activities of the USATT and the table tennis manufacturers. records of all agreements and contracts between the manufacturers and the USATT concerning approved equipment. the equipment approval system to the table tennis trade, both wholesale and retail. informed of foreign developments. Rule: In order to qualify equipment for approval, a manufacturer must submit it for inspection and testing as directed by the Equipment Chairman and must pay the approval fee, depending on sales as defined in the Fee Schedule, within 20 days of receipt of the signed approval agreement. The term manufacturer implies a company whose trademark appears on the approved item. means tables, balls, nets, posts, and rubber. equipment approvals and renewals are for one-year periods. and inspection fees are in addition to the approval fees as listed above and are given in the Fee Schedule. part of the approval agreement, all manufacturers will permit their contract players to wear USATT- designated uniforms whenever required by the team manager. than ITTF-approved equipment used by visiting foreign players, only USATT-approved equipment may be used in USATT-sanctioned play. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.7 Exhibition The Exhibition Committee will: table tennis exhibitions to increase awareness of the sport. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.8 Film The Film Committee will: a library of films and videotapes for promoting table tennis, providing coaching aids, and preserving historical value. USATT will own films and videotapes kept by this committee. fees, deposit fees, and loss fines will be determined by the Film Committee. Rule: Once each quarter, send the National Publication Committee Chairman, with a copy to USATT Headquarters, a list of all videotapes with rental prices and ordering information. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.9 Inter-Scholastic The Inter-Scholastic Committee will table tennis in schools and colleges. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.10 International The International Committee will: as liaison between the USATT and the U.S. government relative to international tours and contests. close contact with the ITTF and advise the E.C. as to ITTF actions., promote, and enter into negotiations for international contests and exhibitions. direct control over all tours by visiting teams. players in foreign tournaments for which USATT approval is required. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.11 Library The Library Committee will: a comprehensive library of table tennis literature which it will publicize and make available to members. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.12 National Publication The National Publication Committee will: a news magazine at least six times annually and will distribute it to all members designated in By-Law2.2.1, subscribers, member clubs, ITTF affiliates, advertisers, and manufacturers ofapproved equipment. National Publication will contain the following minimum information in each issue except as the E.C. will direct: statement The Official Magazine of the USATT Headquarters address. and addresses of E.C. members, standing committee chairmen, and regional tournament directors at least in alternate issues. and addresses of USATT affiliates at least annually. membership application blank.'s report at least annually. schedule. of approved equipment. of USATT literature for sale at least twice annually. - No advertising will be accepted or placed without approval of the Advertising Chairman and a signed advertising contract. accepted budget after being approved by the E.C. at the summer meeting. entry blanks for the U.S. Open and U.S. Closed Championships. of E.C. minutes when provided by theSecretary. following statement in bold type, boxed ad format: Table tennis videotapes are available from the USATT. To obtain a complete list, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: USATT Film List, U.S. Olympic Complex, 1750 East Boulder Street, Colorado Springs, CO80909-5769 least quarterly as a full page notice, the most recent listing of videotapes with rental prices and order information as supplied by the Film Chairman. Rule: The name of the National Publication will be Table Tennis Topics. rates to the National Publication will be as stated in the Fee Schedule. advertising rates in the National Publication will be as stated in the Fee Schedule. Rule: Two extra copies of each issue of the National Publication will be sent by the circulation manager to the USATT Historian. Extra copies will be sent to other officials as required. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.13 Nominating The Nominating Committee will: E.C. offices except Olympic Athletes' Representative, National Athletes' Representative, USATT Foundation Representative, and GroupB Vice President, prepare a slate of candidates for election to the E.C. and forward this information to the E.C. two weeks prior to its November or December meeting. This slate will not include more than two candidates for each office. The slate will be constituted so that the resulting E.C. will comply with By-Law2.9.2.3. that all candidates, including those by petition, are eligible to serve. to the E.C. by January1 all nominations to the E.C. made by petition, provided the petition is signed by 150 or more Adult USATT members as of January1 of the election year. that each candidate for the E.C. sign and return a statement that he meets all eligibility requirements and will, if elected, uphold and obey the Constitution and By-Laws. approval of the slate by the E.C. and addition of all names by petition, send the final list to the National Publication for the February issue. the ballot and mail it between March1 and March15 to all USATT Adult members as of January1, except as described in By- Law2. Incumbents and candidates added to the ballot by petition will be so designated on the ballot. Provision will be made for the voting to be secret. Rule: No ballot will be sent to a foreign address unless so requested by the member concerned. that ballots will be returned on or before a date between April15 and April17 as determined by the Nominating Committee. to have the ballot counted within five days after the date defined in By-Law2.13.13.7 and determine the winners. ballot will be opened or otherwise revealed before the date of counting. for tie votes to be broken in accordance with By-Law2.11.8. the election results to the E.C., the Public Relations Committee Chairman, the Editor of the National Publication, and all candidates. Rule: Submit an annual report, including the names of all potential candidates contacted. member of the Nominating Committee will be eligible to serve on the E.C. until at least one year after he resigns from, or otherwise leaves the Nominating Committee. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.14 Olympic The Olympic Committee will: the Olympic activities of the USATT and the USOC. chairman will: liaison between the USATT and the USOC. the USATT representative on the USOC Executive Committee and attend all meetings. that all relevant USOC rules are adhered to by the USATT. the USATT E.C. advised of any relevant USOC actions. the membership aware, through the National Publication, of any relevant USOC or International Olympic Committee actions. in preparing a budget of all USOC monies awarded to the USATT and ensure that these monies are used only for the purposes for which they were awarded. the representative of the USATT at all USOC national governing body meetings. certain that all rights of the USATT members are protected as required by the 1977 National Amateur Sports Act as outlined in the USOC Constitution and By-Laws. the election for the USATT Olympic Athletes' Representative and National Athletes' Representative as outlined in By-Laws2.11.11 and 2.11.12. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.15 Photographic The Photographic Committee will: periodically to the National Publication and to other news media photographs of table tennis interest and maintain a file of such photographs. affiliates, on request, photographs for use in their programs, publicity, etc. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.16 Players' The Players' Committee will be co-chaired by the Olympic Athletes' Representative and National Athletes' Representative and will: a forum for all members to express their views to the E.C. request, advise the E.C. of the members' view on specific issues. the Umpires Committee in evaluating candidates for USATT National Umpire and ITTF International Umpire as in By- Law2. Rule: At least one athlete representative or a person designated by the Players' Committee will visit the proposed playing site of the U.S. Open, U.S. Closed, and elite team trials at USATT expense. This person must report that the playing conditions meet the bid standards before sanction will be granted. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.17 Public Relations The Public Relations Committee will: in every normal and reasonable manner to obtain regular and favorable publicity for table tennis as a sport through news media and by any other means. on regular and appropriate occasions news items to the National Publication and the wire services. information of interest to the general public and/or USATT members. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.18 Rating The duties of the Rating Committee are described in Section5 of the USATT Handbook. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.19 Rules The Rules Committee will: ITTF rules and regulations, as adopted by the USATT, to be observed and enforced. ideas for improvement of USATT and ITTF regulations to the E.C. for consideration and for transmission to the ITTF. an annual review of the USATT Handbook, Tournament Guide, and other pertinent rules and regulations and report the findings and recommendations to the E.C. officer responsible for the Rules Committee, who will then report to the E.C. the E.C. of interpretation of all USATT rules and regulations. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.20 Selection The duties of the Selection Committee are covered in Section4 of the USATT Handbook. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.21 Team Manager The duties of the team manager are described in By-Law4.6.2 of the USATT Handbook. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.22 Tournament The Tournament Committee will: responsible for the maintenance of the Tournament Guide. bids and make recommendations to the E.C. for sanctions for the U.S. Open, U.S. Closed, and U.S. Open Team Championships. all other open, closed, invitational, and special tournaments that meet the requirements of the Tournament Guide. tournament directives. all tournament rules and regulations as specified in the Constitution, By-Laws, and Tournament Guide. regional tournament directors to perform duties stated in the Tournament Guide and to assist tournament sponsors in their region. Each regional tournament director will, within his region: or disapprove requests for sanction of all tournaments in his region except the U.S. Open, U.S. Closed, U.S. Open Team Championships, National Inter-Collegiate Championships, and the U.S. Olympic Festival table tennis event. the results and financial obligations from the sponsors of tournaments listed in By-Law2. the tournament results and reports to the Rating Committee Chairman, the editor of the National Publication, and the Treasurer. complete records of the tournaments held. to increase the number and improve the quality of tournaments. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.23 Tournament Operations The Tournament Operations Committee will: all tournaments sponsored directly by the USATT within budgets approved by the E.C. detailed reports to the responsible E.C. member. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.24 Umpires The Umpires Committee will: methods for training and development of referees and umpires and direct a system for qualifying personnel. rules and regulations for umpires. eligibility of those who desire to be USATT club, regional, and national umpires and submit a listing of these classes of umpires to the National Publication at least twice yearly. performance of each candidate for national umpire and ITTF international umpire will be observed and deemed satisfactory by members of the Umpires Committee and of the Players' Committee, designated by their respective chairmen. These members will be either ITTF international umpires or will have represented the USATT in international competition. chairman will appoint the referees and chief umpires of all three-, four-, and five-star tournaments, the U.S. Olympic Festival table tennis event, and trials for U.S. team members. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.25 Women's The Women's Committee will: the sport of table tennis to attract participation by girls and women. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.26 Budget The Budget Committee will: review the financial status of the USATT and advise the Treasurer and the E.C. thereon. reviewing the Treasurer's recommendations, submit a balanced budget to the E.C. before the summer meeting. include any member of the E.C. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.27 Resident Training The Resident Training Committee will: and administer a program of long-term table tennis instruction conducted at USOC-sponsored training sites. will include, but not be limited to: with the USOC and venue director. of training site(s). of coach(es). of the camp manager(s). of the athlete participants. members will include, but not be limited to, the Chairman of the Coaching Committee (who will also chair this committee), Co- Chairmen of the Players' Committee, and the Resident Training Program coaches. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.28 Sports Medicine The duties of the Sports Medicine Committee and Chairman are covered in By- Law4.5.5 of the USATT Handbook. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 2.13.29 Seniors' The Seniors' Committee will: the sport of table tennis to attract participation by senior players. Standing orders may be adopted at any meeting of the E.C. by majority vote. They may be suspended, amended, or rescinded at any E.C. meeting by majority vote. 2.14.1 Standing rules will not be listed as a separate document but will be identified and included with other regulations as appropriate. 2.15.1 All employees not reporting to the Executive Director may only be dismissed by a two-thirds majority vote of the E.C. A USATT Tournament Guide, available from USATT Headquarters, provides detailed guidance on all aspects of tournament preparation, operations, and reporting. A club planning its first tournament should obtain a copy of this guide as its first step in preparing for a tournament. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 6.1.3 TOURNAMENTS =========================== 3.1.1 A tournament is a complete competition in which play is continuous apart from overnight breaks and breaks for food. sanctioned tournament is a tournament approved by a USATT sanctioning official. All other tournaments are non-sanctioned. Any USATT member who sponsors or participates in a non-sanctioned tournament, except as listed in By-Law3.1.1.2, is subject to disciplinary action. sanction is required for a) events restricted solely to the members of one affiliated club or b) local recreation tournaments conducted by city or county park and recreation departments or organizations such as the YMCA, schools, and industrial companies. members are encouraged to assist these organizations with their tournaments and to compete in them. To be exempt from the sanctioning requirement, the tournament must not offer prize money and must not advertise other than locally. To avoid conflict with the sanctioning regulations, the sponsor (or an interested USATT member) should contact the regional tournament director for a waiver of sanction. who can produce proof of membership in their own affiliate of the ITTF will be so recognized. All other players will be considered as residents of the USA. 3.2.1 Star Rating: Tournaments are assigned "star" ratings to indicate their relative quality. 3.2.2 Star ratings are defined in the Tournament Guide. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.3.1 Regions The USA will be divided into seven regions (see Tournament Guide). Each will have a regional tournament director reporting to the Chairman of the USATT Tournament Committee (the National Director). From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.3.2 Sanctioning Officials Open Championships, U.S. National Championships (Closed), the table tennis events of the U.S. Olympic Festival, and any other events conducted by the USATT or USOC rather than by a club - Executive Committee through its appointed representative. Open Team Championships - National Director with Executive Committee approval. Championships - National Director. - Regional Director. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.3.3 Sanction Fees Sanction fees and deposits are as defined in the Fee Schedule. National Director may waive the sanction fee only if the announcement is made in the program and the entry form and only if the tournament is given for the benefit of a recognized charity with due acknowledgment. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.3.4 Organizations Which May Apply For Sanction USATT conducts major tournaments and grants sanction in its own right for those events. Arrangements with corporate sponsors will be made by contract. than the exceptions listed above, only USATT District Affiliates and member clubs will be awarded sanction to conduct tournaments. All other sponsors will apply through the district or, in the absence of a District Affiliate, the club which is closest to or governs the geographic area of the playing site. 3.4.1 A prospective tournament sponsor will contact the official defined in By-Law3.3.2. 3.4.2 Further details of the sanctioning procedure are described in the Tournament Guide. 3.5.1 Results will be reported as defined in the Tournament Guide. 3.5.2 Standing Rule: A penalty defined in the Fee Schedule may be assessed tournament sponsors who fail to submit tournament reports on time. It will be determined by the sanctioning official based on the length of the delay and the cost of correcting the problems caused. This decision may be appealed to the National Director or, if he was the sanctioning official, to the E.C. Failure to pay the penalty will be grounds for denial of future sanctions and possibly for disciplinary action. The regulations in this section will govern all tournament play except as modified in the specific sections for the U.S. Open, the U.S. Closed, and the U.S. Open Team Championships. 3.6.1 The Laws of Table Tennis of the International Table Tennis Federation, as adopted by the USATT, will govern play at all tournaments. 3.6.2 The sponsor's tournament committee will be responsible for the conduct of the tournament but may delegate the responsibility to a tournament chairman who acts for the sponsor and therefore renders the sponsor responsible for his decisions and actions, which are subject to USATT Executive Committee review. 3.6.3 The referee will be at least a regional umpire. Referees and chief umpires of major tournaments will be appointed as defined in By-Law2.13.24.4. Rule: If a regional or higher umpire is not available for a zero-star, one-star, or other relatively small event, the sanctioning official will have authority to approve a USATT club umpire as a referee. Rule: The referee will be the final authority on the interpretation of rules. His decision may be appealed in writing to the E.C. Any action by the E.C. will serve a guidance to referees at future events but will have no effect on the decision in question. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.7.1 Qualifications for Entry All entrants must have a valid membership as defined in By-Law2.2.1. 3.7.2 No entry will be accepted or be included in the draw until the entry fee is paid. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.7.3 Events Limited by Age age as of the first day of the tournament will determine eligibility for all junior events in that tournament. age as of the end of the calendar year will determine the eligibility for all senior events in all tournaments during that year. tournament sponsor may demand at the tournament site proof of age from anyone entering an age-limited event. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.7.4 Events Limited by Playing Standard Events - Entry to any rated event may be restricted to players with ratings as specified on the entry form. Events -If the rating system is not used, players who are or would be seeded or placed in any event may be denied entry to comparable events of lower class. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.7.5 Women's Table Tennis Women will be allowed to play in corresponding men's events in closed no-star and open one-star and two-star tournaments and in all other tournaments if so stated on the entry form or if the women's events are not held. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.7.6 Dress Dress must conform with the dress code in the USATT Laws of Table Tennis. 3.7.7 Standing Rule: Anyone practicing on match tables must comply with the USATT dress code except that warm-up suits (not white) may be worn. 3.7.8 Discipline The tournament referee or his delegated representative will have the authority to default or disqualify any player for conduct detrimental to the sport or violation of the USATT Constitution and By-Laws, USATT manuals, the Tournament Guide, or the tournament sponsor's rules. referee must forward to the USATT Disciplinary Chairman a written report covering any charges of misconduct and any default or disqualification for any reason other than tardiness. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.7.9 Let Due to Accident the event of injury to a player after a match has begun, the umpire will immediately declare a let not to exceed 15 minutes. Only one such let is allowed per match to each player or pair for the same accident. In the event of serious damage to a player's clothing, the let will not exceed five minutes. No time is allowed for a damaged racket; the player should carry a spare. If at the end of the permitted time the player does not continue, he will be defaulted. no circumstances will the players themselves make any decision as to the continuance of a match. Furthermore, it is the duty of the umpire to investigate whether the injury or damage is real or whether the player is using unsportsmanlike tactics. illness or injury that was known before the start of the match will not qualify a player for a time out. 3.8.1 Playing conditions will be as defined in the Tournament Guide. least one athlete representative or designee will be involved, at the expense of the USATT, in the site selection procedure for the U.S. Open, U.S. Closed, and Elite Team Trials. A favorable report on the playing conditions must be received from this representative in order for sanction to be granted. 3.8.2 Equipment will be as defined in the Tournament Guide. 3.9.1 If the monetary awards total more than the minimum stated in the Fee Schedule, the National Director will have the authority to require the tournament sponsor to post the prize money with the sanctioning official. 3.9.2 Standing Rule: If a player entitled to receive an award in an event withdraws from that event, the sponsor may withhold the award. He must then report this to the National Director within 30 days, stating his reasons. After contacting the player involved, the National Director may direct the sponsor to pay the award to the player. The sponsor may appeal this ruling to the E.C. 3.10.1 The draw and any alterations must be made in accordance with regulations in the Tournament Guide. 3.11.1 All three-, four-, and five-star events must be time scheduled unless this requirement is waived by the National Director. Time scheduling information and recommendations are in the Tournament Guide. 3.12.1 Ties will be broken as described in the Tournament Guide. 3.13.1 Entrants will be notified of any error or change in the entry blank or tournament procedure such as in seeding or in the draw. If this cannot be done in advance of the tournament, an announcement will be made before play starts. Errors or changes of this type must be promptly report to the sanctioning official. For the U.S. Closed, see also By-Law3.18. 3.14.1 Eligibility is as defined in the Tournament Guide. 3.14.2 Sanctioning two closed tournaments will be sanctioned for the same dates if their areas of eligibility overlap. fourth weekend of each month (i.e., the weekend including the fourth Saturday) will be reserved for closed tournaments. On these weekends, closed tournaments will have precedence over one-star and two-star tournaments but not over three-, four-, and five-star tournaments. fees will be as stated in the Fee Schedule. 3.14.3 Membership Requirements membership is needed for participation in junior events in closed no-star tournaments. membership requirements are defined in the Tournament Guide. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.14.4 Geographic Area the geographic area crosses a district boundary, any entrant resides outside the district area, or the area stated exceeds one-third of the tournament region, one-star open tournament regulations will apply. the geographic area crosses a region boundary or any entrant resides outside the region, two-star open tournament regulations will apply except that cash prizes are mandatory. All items in this section are Standing Rules. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.15.1 Sanction See By-Law3.3.2. will be granted in part on the basis of the sponsor's ability to accommodate all expected entries. If more teams enter from any region than the sponsor can accommodate, the National Director will define a procedure for a regional playoff. -The event will be held in the month of November, preferably on the Thanksgiving weekend. -This event will have a three-star rating. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.5.2 Additional Duties of the Sponsor establish the entry fee by agreement with the National Director prior to sanctioning. -To secure a playing site with room for at least 70 tables. This will provide a minimum of three tables for each two team matches (ties) for up to 90 teams. If more than 90 team entries are accepted, the sponsor will provide three additional tables for each four additional teams. provide lighting and USATT-approved equipment in good condition as defined in the Tournament Guide. prepare all necessary forms including team match (tie) sheets, individual match cards, etc. submit a list of teams and results of team matches including individual results in addition to all reports defined in the Tournament Guide. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Awards To provide the following awards: awards, suitably engraved, for each member of the winning team and/or suitable money prizes. "outstanding player" award. member of the defending champion men's and women's teams who is a member in good standing of the USATT shall be given by the USATT the amount stated in the Fee Schedule if he or she participates in the following year's USOTC. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.15.3 Entries tournament sponsor will mail an entry blank to all USATT affiliates. This will provide space for full names and addresses of all players and the captain. USATT Adult, Junior, or Family membership or membership in an ITTF affiliate is required. teams other than Canadian must submit their entries through the USATT International Committee Chairman. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.15.4 Conduct of Tournament tournament will last at least two and one-half days. captains will have full responsibility for their teams. All grievances must be made by the team captain or, in his absence, by his appointed representative to the referee. National Director will direct the format of play to be used to insure that no team plays more than five ties per day. preliminary group seedings will be made by the Rating Committee Chairman. possible, the category one matches will be played in an arena whichis separate and preferably in a different room from the other matches. team will consist of not fewer than three nor more than five players. A non-playing captain may be designated. of Ties -Each tie will be played as defined for three-player teams in the Tournament Guide. both lineups have been shown to the opposing captains, no further changes may then be made. In the event of illness, injury, or absence of a chosen player, his matches in that tie will be defaulted. tie is completed when one team has won a majority of individual matches. The National Director may give permission for any or all ties to be played in their entirety. winning team of the competition is the first category team that wins the greatest number of ties. the event of two or more teams winning the same number of ties in any group or section, precedence among these teams will be determined by the procedure defined in the Tournament Guide. team not appearing at the scheduled starting time for the tie will lose individual matches by default as follows: Matches "a" and "b" - Five minutes after the scheduled starting time Matches "c" and "d" - Twenty-five minutes after the scheduled starting time Matches "e" and "f" (and the tie) - Forty-five minutes after the scheduled starting time If the tie is scheduled on one table, matches will be lost bydefault one at a time in order at 20-minute intervals starting five minutes after the scheduled starting time. Captains of late arriving teams will be informed which matches they have lost by default before they assign the ABC or XYZ designations to their team members. Player Selection - Not earlier than two hours before the end of the tournament, the sponsor will invite the team captains to nominate three players in order of preference for the outstanding player award. Nomination should be on the basis of sportsmanship, won/loss record, competitive spirit, team contribution, and general tournament conduct. A tally of the votes will determine the outstanding player. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.16.1 Sanction See By-Law3.3.2. event may be conducted by the Tournament Operations Committee rather than by an affiliate. In this case, By-Laws3.16.1.2,, and do not apply. fees are as stated in the Fee Schedule. entry form must be approved by the National Director at least 120 days prior to the tournament before being mailed or otherwise published. Rule: The entry form will include an application form for Club Umpires to be returned to the Umpires Committee Chairman. Rule: The entry form will be printed in the National Publication. 3.16.2 Responsibility of Sponsor a playing site as defined in the Tournament Guide. Playing space for events listed in By-Law3. and international team events will be in accordance with ITTF regulations. See the Tournament Guide. seating for at least 1,000. a public address system, four practice tables, and suitable locker and dressing room space. approved entry blanks at least 60 days before the event. suitable awards in keeping with the importance of the event. The following awards are required: and runner-up in all events including consolations. and quarter-finalists in men's singles. in women's singles. prizes and awards may be presented if the sponsor so desires. listed in By-Law3.16.4.1 should be considered more important than other events. awards for the following events will be engraved before the tournament with the tournament and event name, date, and round reached: Men's Singles Men's Doubles Boys' Under 18 Singles Mixed Doubles Women's Singles Women's Doubles Girls Under 18 Singles, at the sponsor's expense, hotel hospitality for all members of the USATT Executive Committee present, the USATT Rating Committee Chairman, and the referee for the duration of the tournament, with no more than two persons per room. expense stipends as stated in the Fee Schedule to the defending champions in men's and women's singles if they defend their titles. a program including the playing schedule, winners of previous U.S. Open Championship events and, listed in order of player number, players' names and cities. international team matches are held, provide at least eight room accommodations for U.S. team members for the duration of the tournament, with no more than two persons per room, the expense to be shared equally by the USATT and the tournament sponsor. a party for the players. For this purpose, 25% of the sanction fee or the amount stated in the Fee Schedule, whichever is less, may be deducted from the sanction fee. a copy of the program to each player; and before the event, provide the President with at least 24 copies. a site for the E.C. meeting and other required meetings. a site, including chairs and desks/tables, for the USATT National Umpire Examination. Rule: Every player will be legibly identified on the back of the playing shirt by name and city or by cloth or plastic numbers. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.16.3 Requirements entry fees will be approved by the National Director. sanction deposit fees will be submitted with the sanction request. feature story must be included with the tournament report. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.16.4 Conduct following events are mandatory: Men's Singles Men's 40 and Over Singles Men's 50 and Over Singles Men's Doubles Men's 40 and Over Doubles Women's 40 and Over Singles Women's Singles Women's Doubles Mixed Doubles Under 22 Singles Boys' Under 18 Singles Boys' Under 16 Singles Boys' Under 14 Singles Boys' Under 18 Doubles Boys' Under 16 Doubles Girls' Under 18 Singles Girls' Under 16 Singles Girls' Under 14 Singles Girl's Under 18 Doubles Girls Under 16 Doubles Juniors' Under 12 Singles Juniors' Under 12 Doubles events may be held with the permission of the National Director. See also By-Law3.18.4. seedings in events listed in By-Law3.16.4.1will be made by the Rating Committee or its appointed representative. the events listed in By-Law3.16.4.1, all draws will be limited to 64 and all singles matches will be best of five. Preliminary single matches and single matches in other events may be either best of three or best of five at the discretion of the tournament sponsor. All doubles matches will be best of three. for team events, the tournament may not last more than four days. E.C. is the final appeal authority on all issues decided on by the tournament management committee. 3.17.1 An invitational tournament is open only to players specifically invited by the tournament sponsor. 3.17.2 All regulations for open tournaments will apply. 3.17.3 The sanction fee will be determined by the Fee Schedule from the amount of prize money and/or the fair market value of the prizes to be awarded or may be set by a contract between the USATT and the tournament sponsor in accordance with By-Law2.5.1. 3.17.4 The basis for inviting players must be approved in writing by the regional tournament director when sanction is granted. 3.18.1 The sanction fee, sanction deposit fee, and international team fund fee will be as stated in the Fee Schedule. 3.18.2 All regulations in By-Law3.16 will also apply to the U.S. Closed except By- Law3.16.2.10. In By-Law3.16.2.8, U.S. Open becomes U.S. Closed. In By- Law3.16.4.1, events for players under 12, 14, 16, and 18 will not be held if there are separate U.S. Junior Championships in the same season. 3.18.3 If there is no U.S. Closed Championships in any tournament season, that season's U.S. Open may include the U.S. Closed Men's Singles, Women's Singles, Boys' Under 18 Singles, and Girls' Under 18 Singles. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.18.4 Qualifications athlete who enters the United States after July10, 1988, must be ITTF-eligible and Olympic-eligible to participate in the U.S. Closed or to qualify for the U.S. team squad. be Olympic-eligible, an athlete's waiting period must expire at least 180 days before the opening of the next Summer Olympic games. athlete who entered the United States before July10, 1988, will be eligible to participate in the U.S. Closed or to qualify for the U.S. team squad if he holds an I-151 registration card (green card) or have obtained U.S. citizenship except that: alien athlete must obtain citizenship within two years or less after becoming eligible or the athlete will not be deemed not Olympic-eligible until citizenship is obtained. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.19.1 A player who is classified as an amateur may not: or have been a professional athlete in any sport or have entered into a contract to that and before the official closure of any competition which he has entered as an amateur. allowed his person, name, picture, or sports performance to be used for advertising except under contract for sponsorship or equipment which the ITTF or the USATT enters into, any payments under such contract being made to the organization and not to the player. advertising material on his person or clothing in any competition other than trademarks on equipment or clothing as agreed by the ITTF. accepted payment, reward, benefit, or allowances for playing except for: money or participation fees at competitions specifically recognized by the ITTF up to limits agreed by the ITTF. authorized by the USATT or USOC for financial loss resulting from his absence from work or other basic occupation in order to take part in any competition held under ITTF regulations provided that in no circumstances will the amount of compensation exceed the amount which the player would have earned during the same period. from the USATT in accordance with By- Law3.19.2. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 3.19.2 The USATT or any affiliate thereof may provide subventions to amateur players from the proceeds of contracts as described in By-Law3.19.1.2 provided that: less than 15% of such proceeds is retained by the USATT or affiliate. made to any player do not exceed an amount sufficient to provide him with an appropriate standard of food, accommodation, transportation, education, and training. 3.19.3 The observation of the eligibility regulations will be the responsibility of the ITTF Olympics Commission and the USATT, acting in accordance with the direction of the IOC Eligibility Commission. case of infringement of the eligibility regulations will be notified by the ITTF Olympics Commission or the USATT to the IOC to be taken into consideration by its Eligibility Commission. player accused of such infringement will have the right to request a hearing by the IOC Executive Board, whose decision will be final. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 6.1.4 INTERNATIONAL TEAM REGULATIONS ============================================= From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 4.1.1 Membership The Selection Committee will consist of the following: - The Chairman will be appointed by the President of the USATT subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. - All members will be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. a member of the Selection Committee is to be considered for selection to an international team, he will be superseded by an appointee of the President until such team is selected. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 4.1.2 Duties Committee will select all players on all teams representing the USATT, all teams using USATT or USOC funding wholly or in part, U.S. Olympic Festival table tennis teams, representatives to the World Cup trial, and players invited to clinics for team training. a team has not been selected by the assigned deadline, the President will be responsible for completion of the selection. See also By-Law4.5.3. 4.2.1 To be considered for membership on a USATT international team, a player must: a USATT member in good standing as determined by the Disciplinary Committee or the E.C. per By-Law2.3.5. participated in the most recent U.S. Closed or U.S. Open Championships. requirement may be waived by the USATT Selection Committee for a valid reason such as extended illness orpregnancy. team members, international team squad members, and participants in team trials will meet the eligibility requirements of By-Law3.18.5. This entire section consists of Standing Rules. 4.3.1 U.S. international teams will be selected from an ordered group of players known as the international team squad (ITS). From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 4.3.2 Establishment of Order least once each year, a national team trial will be held in which at least the last stage will be a round robin. The most recent national trial will determine the ITS roster except as provided in By-Laws4.3.3.2 and referee of the national trial will be appointed in accordance with By- Law2.13.24.4. and regional trials will be used whenever possible to select participants in the national trial. top ten men and the top eight women as determined in the national trial will be placed in that order on the ITS. two highest rated men and women who did not play in the most recent national trial will be placed next on the ITS. highest ranked junior man and junior woman who do not qualify for the ITS via the methods defined in By-Laws4.3.2.4 and will be placed next on the ITS. Selection Committee may then add members to the ITS. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 4.3.3 Change of Order at least four months, a new national trial may be held and the new order established in accordance with By-Law4.3.2. no national trial is held for six months, the order may be changed by the Selection Committee. extenuating circumstances, other changes in the ITS order may be madeby the Selection Committee with E.C. approval. This entire section consists of Standing Rules. 4.4.1 Before making any selection listed in By-Law4.1.2.1, the Selection Committee Chairman will arrange to send a certificate of availability to each player on the ITS. This certificate will include the following: conditions under which the team will be sent (dates, location, etc.). of the player. conditions. for return of signed certificate. for certification of a junior's age by his parent. for player's uniform size. for player's citizenship status. statement I affirm that I will have with me adequate funds to cover personal incidentals and the USATT code of conduct immediately above the line for the player's signature. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: USATT code of conduct is as follows: If selected: 1.I will observe the nightly curfew as established by the designated team official (i.e., captain, coach, or manager). 2.I will attend all meetings, training sessions, and camps as required. 3.I will wear the designated playing or street uniforms (if furnished) whether or not I am playing, as directed by the appropriate team official. 4.I will not indulge in or have in my possession marijuana, methaqualone, amphetamines, cocaine, or any other unapproved drug or substance during the entire period covered by this availability certificate. 5.I agree that unacceptable behavior such as, but not limited to, the following examples may subject me to disciplinary action: a.Unsportsmanlike conduct or gross misbehavior. b.Committing any act which would be considered an offence under U.S. law, the law of any country in which I am a guest, and any local law. 6.I agree that any trophies, pennants, plaques, etc., presented to our team are the property of the USATT. 7.I will report to the team as physically fit as possible and will participate in all physical and playing training to the utmost of my ability. 8.I will pay for any physical damage I cause to property of others. 4.4.2 If there is not enough time for a certificate of availability to be returned by mail, the Selection Committee will obtain the required information from the players by the most convenient means. In this case, each player will sign his certificate at the event concerned before participating. 4.5.1 Selection of players for the bi-annual World Championships will be based solely on the ITS order, except in extraordinary cases of illness or injury which prevent a player from competing or continuing to compete in the team trial. The Selection Committee will also use the ITS order as the most important criterion in choosing players for all other international teams. The procedure for all selections by vote is: members may nominate available players who are on the ITS. criteria for selecting these players will include behavior with respect to officials and other players, strengthening the team, giving experience to developing players, decorum, participation in tournament play, recent performance, etc. conferring with other Selection Committee members, each will list all nominated players in order of his preference. Selection Committee member will send his vote to the chairman by a stipulated date. player will be placed first if a majority of the voters have placed him first. If no player receives a majority of firsts, a recount will be made, counting second-place votes as firsts. If needed, further recounts will be made, counting seconds and thirds as firsts, etc., until one or more players receives a majority. 4.5.2 Within 15 days, the chairman will transmit the results to the E.C. for approval. Having obtained approval, he will notify all players who have returned Certificates of Availability. 4.5.3 All of the above actions will be completed at least 45 days before the event. 4.5.4 Once approved by the E.C., a team may be changed only by the E.C. 4.5.5 Drug Testing -USATT Drug Control Program Protocol From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Medical Code use of a substance currently listed by the USOC as bannedshall be considered "doping" (see By-Law4.5.5.10) and cause for disciplinary action. The USOC relies on the most recent IOC banned substance list. is a banned substance under the USATT Drug Control Program, and its use shall be cause for disciplinary action. for marijuana will be considered positive at a level greater than 75 nanograms. of use of a banned substance shall be from analysis of the athlete's urine by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, with quantitative levels of the drug where appropriate. USATT Drug Control Program will utilize only USOC-approved laboratories to analyze test samples. current list of banned substances shall be maintained by the chairman of the Sports Medicine Committee (hereafter referred to as the chairman). The Olympic Athletes' Representative and the chairman shall be responsible for communication of the list and subsequent changes to the athletes. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Organization chairman and the Olympic Athletes' Representative shall be responsible for the administration of the program. chairman shall oversee the implementation of athlete testing at specified intervals. This involves serving as a liaison to USOC program officials to set up athlete testing at specified events. Also, the chairman shall be the designated on-site coordinator for the USATT Drug Control Program. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Purposes USATT Drug Control Program can be utilized only for formal purposes. formal option leads to punitive action if an athlete is found to be positive for a banned substance. Pan-American and Olympic Games trials shall include the program on a formal basis. USOC may initiate use of the program for occasions for which it has administrative prerogative (e.g., U.S. Olympic Festival, Olympic Training Center, etc.). USATT may initiate use of the program, with USOC concurrence, for formal purposes at a training or competitive occasion for which it has administrative prerogative (e.g., World team trials, U.S. Open or Closed, etc.). This will be accomplished by majority vote of the E.C. the program will be applied, the athlete must be informed at the time of registration that such is the case and that it will be for formal purposes. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Athlete Selection the trials, every athlete selected to represent the U.S. shall be tested. In addition, an alternate U.S. team shall undergo testing. Any other replacement for a selected athlete must have undergone or undergo testing before being appointed to the team. who are tested at a trial held more than 60 days prior to the games are subject to another testing preceding the games. occasions other than the trials, a random sampling of athletes will be selected for testing. The pool of athletes selected for random sampling and the method to obtain this sample shall be determined by the E.C. at the time they initiate use of the program for a selected event. the Olympic Training Center, registrants selected for testing will be given 24 hours' advance written notice. Sample collection shallbe done only during training hours. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Penalties athlete testing positive for a banned substance for the first time will not be eligible for team selection for trials and will be denied any titles or prizes for other events where the Drug Control Program is in effect. athlete testing positive for a banned substance for the second time will be penalized as in By-Law4. and also have his USATT membership suspended for six months. athlete testing positive for a banned substance for the third time will be penalized as in By-Law4. and also have his USATT membership suspended for two years. with the required specimen collection procedures (if the athlete is selected for testing) can be cause for the same actions as if the athlete were found to be positive for a banned substance. athlete testing positive for a banned substance must agree to reasonable unannounced testing for the duration of his suspension in order to be eligible for reinstatement. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Specimen Collection Procedures USATT Drug Control Program shall adopt the Specimen Collection Procedures of the USOC Drug Control Protocol in their entirety. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Chain of Custody USATT Drug Control Program shall adopt the Chain of Custody Procedures of the USOC Drug Control Protocol in their entirety. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Education chairman and the Olympic Athletes' Representative together shall be responsible for educating athletes on the current USOC Drug Control Protocol, as well as communicating any changes. Furthermore, they will educate athletes on the types of banned substances and inform them of commonly used drugs which may contain banned substances. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Notification of Results President of the USATT and the tested athletes will receive notification of positive test results. The President shall inform only the chairman and the Olympic Athletes' Representative of the results. chairman and the Olympic Athletes' Representative shall assist the athlete in the analysis of SpecimenB and help them file a written appeal with the USOC if deemed appropriate. receipt of the positive results of the specimen analysis and (if this was appealed) the Specimen B analysis, the President shall make public these results by disclosure in the National Publication. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: Definitions -Doping is the administration of or the use by a competing athlete of any substance foreign to the body or of any physiological substance taken in abnormal quantity or taken by an abnormal route of entry into the body, with the sole intention of increasing in an artificial and unfair manner his/her performance in competition. Drug Control Program - The USOC Drug Control Program is a drug testing system that is equivalent to the International Olympic Committees' Doping Control Program and compliant with "human rights" and "chain of custody" expectations. Essentially, the USOC Drug Control Program isa service provided by the USOC for National Governing Bodies that enables urine collection on specific occasions and laboratory analysis for substances banned by the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee. This entire section consists of Standing Rules. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 4.6.1 Selection team manager, one men's captain, and one women's captain will be selected each season as follows: Selection Committee Chairman will maintain a list of candidates. least two months before the summer E.C. meeting, he will send the availability form to each candidate. This will include: for the return of the signed certificate. request that the candidate include a statement concerning his background, qualifications, and any other pertinent information. Selection Committee Chairman will forward the returned forms to the Secretary at least one month before the summer E.C. meeting. the summer meeting, the E.C. will select from these candidates and any others added by the E.C. the three official and ordered lists of alternates for the following year. 15 days, the President will arrange to transmit the results to all candidates who returned signed acceptance forms. any appointee becomes unavailable for an event, the team manager appointed for the year will select a replacement. other officials will be appointed (subject to E.C. approval) by a special committee consisting of the President, the USATT Olympic Committee Chairman, and the International Committee Chairman. 4.6.2 Responsibilities of Team Manager The team manager appointed in accordance with By-Law4.6.1 will: in overall charge of the team except that when practical, the President and/or the Executive Vice President will be consulted on urgent, grave matters such as the disciplinary removal of a player, on matters of international policy other than those normally encountered as part of the tournament, and on other matters on which he may desire advice. authority over all U.S. players in the individual events where a team match is combined with an open tournament in a foreign country. the non-playing uniform, if provided, at all appropriate times. responsible for all travel arrangements and for all administrative matters such as attending functions., dispense, and account to the Treasurer for funds for all international teams. jury meetings and also encourage the captains and coaches to attend. practice sessions, training facilities, lodging, etc., after consulting with the captains and coaches. captains and coaches of all schedules and changes in them. the captains and coaches of pertinent contents of all bulletins issued by the tournament sponsor. to captains and coaches complete details on the drug control system. the captains and coaches in developing team morale. each team member of any item of clothing that he is expected to provide in sufficient time to enable him to obtain it and inform him that he will not be allowed to participate without it. 30 days after each event, send a written report to the responsible member of the E.C. covering conduct, results, and finances; write a summary for the National Publication; and report to the USATT Disciplinary Committee if appropriate. that the team has the necessary visas, passports, and tournament credentials. out other functions such as obtaining uniforms or fund raising as necessary. a hearing as required by Article1.3.2 to any player subjected to major discipline by a team captain. other officials appointed in accordance with By-Law4.6.4 of their responsibilities. no responsibility in determining team selections, order of play, tactics, strategy, and related matters and will not discuss these with the players. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 4.6.3 Responsibilities of Team Captain responsible for fitness programs, selection of players in team events, pairing of players in doubles, and all other aspects of play including the following: practice schedules (within the times determined by the manager), curfews, attendance times, etc., for all team and individual play. attendance of non-playing members at all team ties unless excused for a valid reason. players in both the team and individual events and determine the need for assistants (unless coaches who will be responsible to the captain have already been selected by the E.C.) whom he may appoint as he sees fit. to each tie, make all necessary arrangements with the opposing captain and with the official in charge and deciding the players and playing order. morale and discipline by encouraging players to cooperate with each other, to think together, and to be together as proud representatives of their country. Advise the players that the tournament sponsors are their hosts who will judge us as representatives of our country, of the athletic community, and of table tennis. that the players' dress is proper at all times, consulting with the manager as appropriate. This will include ensuring that both members of each doubles team will wear identically-colored shirts and identically-colored lower garments. sportsmanship at all times, advising the players that only the captain or other designated official may register complaints during team play. to the players beforehand with comments about the match, preparation for it, behavior, and dress. team meetings. coaches have been selected, watch the opposing team as closely as his own, looking for both weaknesses in their play and for any infractions of which they may be guilty. the appropriate uniform (playing or non-playing) which will be provided. a manager is not selected for an event, the men's captain will assume the manager's duties in addition to his own. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 4.6.4 Other Officials officials may be appointed but will not involve themselves in team matters without specific request by a captain or the manager. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 4.7.1 Playing Dress all times, players will dress as instructed by the captain and will otherwise be subject to disciplinary action. will have collars and short sleeves. They will be of a rather thick material, not predominantly synthetic. The color must be dark, preferably navy blue. The official USATT emblem will be worn in the area of the left pocket. It is desirable that the back of the shirt carry in contrasting colors the player's name and the letters "USA". shirt will be worn tucked into the lower garment. or skirts will be of a dark, solid color and preferably synthetic material. will be white with thick absorbent soles. will be predominantly white, with ridged soles. number of each item provided will be commensurate with the duration of the event. 4.7.2 Warm-up suits will preferably be of navy blue nylon or other easily-washed synthetic material. The back of the jacket will carry six inch letters "USA", preferably in red with white borders. 4.7.3 Street clothes will also be provided if funds permit. 4.8.1 In all international tournaments abroad, the President will lead the delegation. 4.8.2 If the President does not attend, the Executive Vice President will lead the delegation. 4.8.3 If neither of them attends, the President will appoint the delegation leader, who will preferably be a member of the E.C. The main purpose of the National Rating System is to provide an indication of relative player strength prior to a tournament. Ratings can be used to compare confidently the levels of all USATT members. They are also used as the basis for seeding. The system also increases the interest of players in improving their level of performance. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 6.1.5 RATINGS ====================== 5.1.1 The Rating Committee will be structured as described in By-Laws 2.12.2 and 2.12.3. 5.1.2 A mathematical rating system will be used to position each player on a rating list based on his playing ability calculated from tournament and club results. 5.1.3 Rating fees will be assessed for all sanctioned tournaments and team matches as stated in the Fee Schedule. Players entered only in non-rated events will not be assessed a rating fee. Rating fees may be charged separately or as part of the entry fee. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 5.2.1 Rating List The Rating Committee will update the rating list periodically, at least for each issue of the National Publication. lists will be supplied to the National Publication and on request to directors of sanctioned tournaments. Requests should be made at least two weeks in advance to insure prompt and timely delivery. Rule: The rating lists published in the National Publication will not include players who are unaffiliated with the USATT. -The rating list will be periodically adjusted to allow for inaccuracies caused by a player's rapid improvement or lack of match data outside his area. Improving Player -Players with large net improvements will have their ratings updated first. Rating changes for other players will be calculated using these new values. -The ratings of players who seldom or never compete outside their local areas will be rated by comparison with local players who do. 5.2.2 Standing Rule: Printouts -After processing each tournament, the chairman will provide the sponsor with a summary of rating changes and a listing of each participant's rated matches. 5.2.3 Standing Rule: Membership Check- The committee will check participants' membership expiration dates, which will be supplied to sponsors, regional tournament directors, and to headquarters. Also the amount and types of fees not paid will be provided to Headquarters and the regional tournament directors. 5.2.4 Standing Rule: Storage of Records -The committee will store the records of all players. Rule: The Committee will submit the records of the top 20 men, top 15 women, top 10 junior men, and top 10 junior women to the SelectionCommittee at the following times: 45 days before the U.S. Open 30 days after the U.S. Open 15 days after the U.S. Open Team Championships or 30 days before the National Team Trials defined in By-Law4.3.2.1 One other time as requested by the Selection Committee Chairman. The Rating Committee will provide this list at a cost stated in the Fee Schedule. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 5.2.5 Seedings The Rating Committee or its chairman will make all seedings and placements for mandatory events in the U.S. Open and U.S. Closed Championships, for all singles events in three-star tournaments, and at cost to any other tournament when requested by the tournament sponsor or the E.C. Ratings will be calculated for all USATT members who, within the previous 12 months, have a tournament record that includes matches against opponents near their playing ability. 5.3.1 Estimated ratings for players not eligible under By-Law5.3 will be established by either a Match Equilibrium or a Score Equilibrium method. Equilibrium Method -Initial ratings are calculated from the win-loss record against several opponents. Equilibrium Method -An initial rating is made by this method when the player's record in tournament play consists of nearly all wins or nearly all losses. An estimated rating is calculated from the relative point scores against opponents of known ratings. 5.3.2 Matches Used for Ratings All reported singles matches in sanctioned tournaments will be used. Rule: Club or league matches may be used at fees stated in the Fee Schedule. From Fri Jan 21 00:39:04 1994 Subject: 6.1.6 INDEX -------------------- Adult Membership Advertising Committee 2.13.1 Affiliate District Initial Application Jurisdiction Renewed Application Club Group B Rights 2.3 Jurisdiction Discipline 2.3.5 Affiliation with ITTF 2.1.1 Affiliates Committee 2.13.2 Agenda, E.C. Meeting 2.6.11 Amateur Regulations 3.19 Amateur, Amendments, By-Laws 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.7.3 Amendments, Constitution 1.6 Annual Reports Audit Report 2.6.11, Item 8 Appointment of Auditor Audit of Treasurer Ballot, 2.11.7,, Binding Arbitration Budget Committee, 2.13.26 By-Laws, Amendments To 2.7 Campaign Statements See Elections Certificate of Availability 4.4.1 Change To Draw 3.13.1 Closed Tournaments 3.14 Closed Singles Championships, Men's 3.18.3 Closed Singles Championships, Women's 3.18.3 Clothing, Rule 20 Club Affiliate (Member Club) Club Umpire Coaches,, Coaching Committee 2.13.3 Code Of Conduct Colleges Committees Chairman Eligibility 2.12.2 General 2.12 Duties 2.12.4 Standing,, 2.12.1, Special (ad hoc) 2.12.1, Composition 2.12.3 Reports Powers 2.12.5 E. C. Member Responsible 2.6.11,, 2.12.5, Ex-Officio Conduct of Tournaments 3.6 Conduct, Unbecoming 2.3.5 Constitution, Ratification 1.7 Constitution, Amendments to 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3 Contracts 2.5 Controversy 2.1.4, Delegation Leadership 4.8 Disabled Athletes Committee 2.13.4 Discipline 2.3.5, 3.7.8 Disciplinary Committee,, 2.13.5, Discipline of E.C. Members 1.3.2, Discretionary Fund District Affiliate District Boundary Documents 2.7.6 Draw 3.10.1 Dress 3.7.6 Drug Control Program Drug Testing 4.5.5 Elections Olympic Athletes' Representative 2.11.11 National Athletes' Representative 2.11.12 E.C. 2.9.1, 2.11.8, Nomination by E.C. Assistance from Headquarters Petitions 2.11.2, 2.11.4,,, Eligibility For Tournaments 3.14.1 Eligibility For Junior events Employees 2.15 Equal Opportunity 1.3.2 Equipment Contract Approval Equipment Committee 2.13.6 Error In Draw 3.13.1 Executive Committee 1.4.2 Chairman, Election of Members 2.11 Income from Table Tennis Meetings (See Also Meetings) 2.6 Member Eligibility 2.9.2 Membership 2.9.1 Privileged Information Removal From Office Rights and Obligations 2.9.3 Term of Office, Vacancy Executive Director Appointment Duties 2.10.9 Executive Vice President Duties 2.10.2 Eligibility Term of Office Expenditures Reimbursement 2.4.4 Over Budget Exhibition Committee 2.13.7 Family Membership Fees 2.4.8 Film Committee 2.13.8 Finances Budget 2.4.1 Check Signatures, 2, Disbursement E.C. Hotel and Travel Expenses 2.6.4 Headquarters Expense 2.6.11 Income Tax Accounts Receivable Fiscal Year Foundation 2.4.9, Foundation Representative Duties 2.10.8 Election/Term of Office Fund Raising Government Reports Group B Multi-Sport Organizations Group B Vice President Duties 2.10.7 Election Term of Office Hearing Amateur Status Discipline, Discrimination 1.3.2,, Historian Honorary Officials Illness Incorporation 1.1.2, Injury Insurance for Officers Intercollegiate 3.3.2, 3.3.3 International Committee, 2.13.10 International Olympic Committee, 3.19.3, International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Affiliation With 2.1.1 Constitution and By-Laws 2.1.3 Nominations To USATT Contact International Team Squad 4.3 Members' Eligibility 3.18.4, International Umpire, Inter-Scholastic Committee 2.13.9 Invitational Tournaments 3.17 Junior Age Junior Membership Laws of Table Tennis 3.6.1 Library Committee 2.13.11 Liquidation 2.4.7 Mail Votes 2.6.9, 2.7.3 Meetings (E.C.) Agenda 2.6.11 Attend Expenses 2.6.4 Minutes Open to USATT members 2.6.10,, Procedure 2.6.7 Proxies 2.6.5, 2.6.8, Quorum 2.6.6 Regular Meetings 2.6.1 Special Meeting 2.6.3 Membership Club Affiliate (Club Affiliate) Membership Types Adult Junior, Family Membership Eligibility 1.3.1 Membership Requirements For Tournaments Membership Card 2.3.4 Members' Rights 2.3 Minutes (E.C. Meetings) 2.6.11, 2.7.6,,,,,,, Monetary Awards 3.9.1 Name and Organization 1.1 National Athletes' Representative Duties 2.11.12 Election, Eligibility Term of Office National Publication Committee 2.13.12 National Publication Contents to Editor,,, Name National Umpire, Nominating Committee 2.13.13 Nominating Committee Chairman Non-Profit Status 1.1.2 Object 1.2 Officers 1.4.1 Officials Appointment 2.6.11,,,,,,,, Dismissal,, Olympic Athletes' Representative Duties 2.10.6, Election 2.11.11 Eligibility Term of Office Olympic Committee (USATT) 2.13.14 Olympic Eligible,, Olympic Festival,, 3.3.2,, Olympic Training Center Pan-American Games,, Parliamentarian 2.6.11, 2.6.12, 2.6.13 Parliamentary Procedures 2.6.7 Penalties 2.3.3, 2.3.5, 3.5.2 Petition 2.11.2, 2.11.4, Photographic Committee 2.13.15 Players' Committee 2.13.16 Chairman,, Playing Conditions 3.8.1 Playing Equipment 3.8.2 President 2.10.1, Committee Responsibility Duties 2.10.1 Eligibility Emergency Decisions Right to Appoint Officials Term of Office Prize Money, 3.9.2,,,, Professional Staff Proxy 2.6.5, 2.6.8 Public Relations Committee 2.13.17 Qualifications for USATT International Team 4.2 Rated Events Rating Committee 2.13.18 Rating Committee Duties,, 3.16.4, 5.2 Rating Fees Fee Schedule Ratings 5 Receipts, Major 2.4.9 Referee,, 3.6.3 Region Boundary Regional Umpire Regions 3.3.1 Reports, Annual 2.6.11,,, Resident Athletes Resident Training Committee 2.13.27 Results 3.5.1 Roberts Rules of Order 2.6.7 Rules Committee 2.13.19 Salaries Sanctioned Tournament Sanctioning Officials 3.3.2 Sanctioning Procedure 3.4 Schools Secretary Duties 2.10.5 Term of Office Seedings, 5.2.5 Selection 4.6.1 Selection Committee, 2.13.20, 4.1 Selection Committee Duties 4.1.2 Selection Of Players 4.5 Seniors 2.13.29 Senior Age Sports Medicine 2.13.28 Standing Orders (Standing Rules) 2.14 Star Ratings 3.2.2 Table Tennis Topics (see National Publication) Team Captain Responsibilities 4.6.3 Selection 4.6.1 Team Coaches,,, Team Leader 4.8 Team Manager Responsibilities 2.13.21, 4.6.2 Selection 4.6.1 Team Officials 4.6.1 Team Selection See "Selection" Team Uniforms,,,,, Tie Breaking 3.12.1 Time Schedule 3.11.1 Tournaments Definitions 3.1 Sanctioned Non-Sanctioned No Sanction Required Classifications 3.2 Star Rating 3.2.1 Regions 3.3.1 Sanctioning Officials 3.3.2 Sanction Fees 3.3.3 Procedure 3.4 Reporting Results 3.5 Conduct 3.6 Errors 3.13 Contestants 3.7 Playing Conditions and Equipment 3.8 Awards 3.919 Draw 3.10 Time Scheduling 3.11 Closed Tournaments 3.14 U. S. Open Team Championships (USOTC) 3.15 U. S. Open Championships 3.16 U. S. Invitational Tournaments 3.17 U. S. Closed Championships 3.18 Amateur Regulations 3.19 Tournament Committee 2.13.22 Tournament Guide 2.7.6, 2.8.1 Tournament Operations Committee 2.13.23 Treasurer Duties 2.10.4 Term of Office U. S. Closed Championships 3.18 U. S. Olympic Committee 2.1.4,,,,,,, U. S. Open Championships 3.16 U. S. Open Team Championships (USOTC) 3.15 U. S. Team Uniform Regulations 4.7 Umpires Committee, 2.13.24 Vice President Duties 2.10.3 Term of Office, Warm-Up 3.7.7 Women's Committee 2.13.25 Women's Table Tennis 3.7.5 User Contributions:
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