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Archive-name: support/non-smokers
Posting-Frequency: quarterly
Last modified: 2008/01/04
Maintainer: Robert Broughton (bob AT

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions for the newsgroup.

1. I still don't have a smoke-free workplace. Who can I contact for help? 
2. I live in an apartment building, and cigaret smoke is coming into my 
suite because of people smoking elsewhere in the building. What can I do 
about it? 
3. Who was Wayne MacLaren? How old was he when he died, and what did he die 
4. Why does cigarette smoke stink so much?
5. Would any sane person want to spend the last couple of years of their 
life with emphysema?
6. Who was Heather Crowe?
7. Why does attract so many 
8. How can I respond to trolls?
9 Do trollers have any consideration whatsoever for human beings? 

1. I still don't have a smoke-free workplace. Who can I contact for help? 

Eastern U.S.: Action on Smoking and Health, 
Western U.S.: Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, 
Eastern Canada: Non-Smokers Rights Association, 
Western Canada: Action on Smoking and Health, 
British Columbia, Canada: AIRSPACE Action on Smoking and Health, 
United Kingdom: Action on Smoking and Health, 
Elsewhere: Try,com_weblinks/catid,68/Itemid,43/ or 

2. I live in an apartment building, and cigaret smoke is coming into my suite 
because of people smoking elsewhere in the building. What can I do about it? 

Two U.S. states, Massachusetts and Utah, have passed legislation that 
mandates smoke-free apartment buildings. (The text of Utah's law can be 
found at 
Communities in Florida and California have passed local regulations 
mandating this. 

In 1992, the Michigan Attorney General's office announced that it is legal 
for apartments to provide smoke-free buildings, or to prohibit smoking in 
entire communities. No [Michigan] State or Federal law prohibits it. 
Apartment Management companies have refused to provide this because, they 
say, that no one asks for smoke-free buildings. 

But it wasn't enough. The apartment communities have ignored the ruling and 
refused to provide what is an absolute basic need for many people. 

If you are bothered by second-hand smoke coming from neighbouring 
apartments, you should: 

Inform your landlord. 

Whenever you go looking for apartments, let the management know that you 
want (or need) a smoke-free building. 

Write your State Representative and your Congressman 

People have the right to breath clean air in their homes, even apartments. 
But we must speak out, and demand it. We must inform the apartment 
management companies that we require smoke-free buildings, and if they 
refuse to listen, then we must demand legislation that forces them to 
provide it. 

The more people who speak up, they sooner they will start listening. Even 
apartment residents have a right to clean air in our homes, including on 
balconies and patios.

3. Who was Wayne MacLaren? How old was he when he died, and what did he die 

Wayne MacLaren was a model that was used for the Marlboro Man. He died of 
lung cancer at the age of 51.

4. Why does cigarette smoke stink so much? 

Nicotine is an irritant; one of its other commercial uses is for rat or 
insect poison. Cigarette smoke contains a long list of other chemicals (see for a list of what's in 
major brands sold in Canada). One of them is ammonia, which serves the 
purpose of increasing the speed of metabolization of nicotine; in other 
words, it gives cigarettes a more powerful "hit".

5. Would any sane person want to spend the last couple of years of their life 
with emphysema? 


6. Who was Heather Crowe? 

Heather Crowe worked as a waitress for 40 years in smoke-filled bars. She 
died of terminal lung cancer in 2006, at the age of 61. She never was a 
smoker. A park in Ottawa, Canada has been named after her. See The Heather 
Crowe Campaign, for more information.

7. Why does attract so many 

Cigarettes are one of the most addictive drugs on the planet. Any 
demographic study of smokers done in North America or Western Europe will 
show that their income is below average. So, when the price of cigarettes 
goes up, they have little choice but to pay more, and spend less money on 
food, clothing, entertainment, and transportation. It's dangerous to stand 
between an addict and his or her drug.

Some general discussion of what motivates trolls can be found at or (see the section on "brown spam"). 

There is also a class of people who have an interest in the well-being of 
the tobacco industry. Not just stockholders, employees, and tobacco farmers, 
but also tobacco retailers and employees of charities funded by tobacco 
companies. One definition of the word "libertarian" is: "Someone who tries 
to make you believe that what's in his best interest is what's in everyone 
else's best interest also."

8. How can I respond to trolls? 

One way to improve the signal/noise ratio is to use a killfile. Any 
worthwhile news reader program has a "kill" or "filter" facility. Use it.

If a troll contains material blatantly contrary to "support.non-smokers", 
you can try complaining to the troller's ISP. For example, if the troller's 
"From" address is, forward the troll to; 
for, send it to; 
becomes (Also try or for 
the latter.) 

Note that some posters to newsgroups munge their email address, so be sure 
to have your newsgroup reader set on "full headers", and then look in the 
headers for an "X-Complaints-To:" entry. For example, postings by have the line "X-Complaints-To:". If this entry is not present, look at the 
"Path:" entry. The ISP where the posting originated will usually be the 
second-from-righmost entry in this line.

Postings sometimes contain an "X-Originating-Host" header which is useful. 
For example, if the address is, an nslookup on this address gives This is recognizable as a Canadian government
computer. A complaint to should be taken seriously. 

9. Do trollers have any consideration whatsoever for human beings? 

Apparently not. Here's an excerpt from a troll by Audrey Silk 
( "Don't force your kids on me. Nothing worse 
than crying babies in public places and obnoxious toddlers and little kids 
whining and running around the place while their parents think it's cute. 
Keep them home until they can behave." 

Bob Broughton
Vancouver, BC, Canada
"There is no rational, moral or economic argument for the continuation 
of the manufacture, sale or use of smoking tobacco."
- Robert Starkey,, 03/18/2007

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM