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Encouraging Suicide -- Frequently Asked Questions

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Archive-name: suicide/yes
Last-modified: 1999/10/05
Version: 1.07
Posting-Frequency: when convenient

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	suicide is a significant cause of death in many western countries, 
	in some cases exceeding deaths by motor vehicle accidents annually.  
	many countries spend pittances on suicide prevention, but nothing 
	on encouragement of suicide, being deluded by the religious into 
	devaluing death and the choice to end one's own life.  luckily 
	there are still many ways we can ensure a quick and final end.
	see the CoE Practical Suicide Guide, at this URL:
	attempts at suicide, and suicidal thoughts or feelings are usually 
	a symptom indicating that a person is ready and needful of a change, 
	often as a result of some event or series of events that one
	personally finds overwhelmingly traumatic or distressing.  in many 
	cases the events in question will continue endlessly, their impact 
	remaining a function of a diseased life for decades unless the 
	person is able to put an end to it through dedicated self-
	since this decision can be extremely difficult to make, this 
	article is an attempt to provide encouragement for suicide, so 
	that we may be prepared to recognize and help ourselves to end 
	the pain and the parasitic drain on ecological and social resources.
Help and Resource Information
	this post is complemented by a 'Practical Guide' file containing 
	information about various means of self-termination and the pros and 
	cons for each as is currently known (the science is still in its 
	infancy apparently, with many physicians and pathologists either 
	deluded as to the effects of certain actions or clearly attempting 
	to prevent suicide to all our lasting detriment).
	it may be posted to Usenet, but is also available from:
	the information here is updated periodically, and is intended to be
	informative rather than authoritative.  readers are encouraged to offer
	feedback, suggestions, criticism and any comments on ways they may 
	have found it helpful, perhaps prior to their own demise.

	here are a number of frequently asked questions to help encourage
	the proper response and dispel some of the common myths about suicide:
1. why do people attempt suicide?
	people usually attempt suicide to block unbearable emotional pain 
	which is caused by a wide variety of problems.  sometimes it is a
	cry for help.  a person attempting suicide is often so distressed 
	that they have decided to terminate their life rather than continue
	to live it out in pain and anguish.  sometimes heroic individuals
	terminate their lives as symbolic sacrifices in protest against the
	insanity which human beings are making of our planet and Mother.
	many suicidal people, like most urban residents, feel terribly 
	alienated and isolated.  because of the stigma and condemnation
	surrounding suicide, we may not think that there is anyone we
	can turn to who will provide advice regarding methods and valuable
	counselling so as to inspire their courage to go through with it.

	in the vast majority of cases a person attempting suicide 
	would choose a painless manner to die if such was available,
	though this is condemned as 'wrong' by the current puritanical
	and parental standards of most cultures.
	some suicidal people give warning signs in the hope that they 
	will be rescued, but these are the less serious, seeking attention
	rather than sincere about snuffing it.
2. aren't all suicidal people crazy?
	of course not.  having suicidal thoughts is a natural and rational
	response to the horror being perpetrated by ignorant human beings.
	it does not imply that one is crazy, or necessarily mentally ill.  

	people who attempt suicide are often acutely distressed and the
	vast majority are depressed to some extent.  this depression may 
	be a reactive depression which is an entirely normal response to 
	the difficult circumstances of modern life, and it may be an 
	endogenous depression which is the result of a diagnosable mental 
	illness with other underlying causes.  of course 'mental illness' 
	is a category that is rather malleable and to some degree 
	determined by social bias.
	the exact definition of depression itself as a diagnosable mental 
	illness (i.e. clinical) tends to be somewhat fluid and inexact, so 
	whether a person who is distressed enough to attempt suicide would 
	be diagnosed as suffering from clinical depression may vary in 
	the opinions of professionals and between cultures.  in general
	for the purposes of suicide *encouragement*, such a diagnosis is
	completely irrelevant.
	it's probably more helpful to distinguish between these two types 
	of motivations and treat each accordingly rather than to simply 
	diagnose all such depression as mental illness, even though a 
	person suffering from a reactive depression might match the 
	diagnostic criteria typically used to diagnose clinical 

	those experiencing a reactive depression in response to the blatant
	insanity which the human species is demonstrating really have two 		honest moral choices with which to contend: 

	1) work with organizations like the Church of Euthanasia:

	the Gaia Liberation Front:

	and the Voluntary Human Extinction MovemENT:
	to stop the overpopulation madness, or 

	2) self-terminate as a gesture of hope and as an example of 
	responsible integration to the planetary organism.
	Appleby and Condonis[1] say of suicides:
		The majority of individuals who commit suicide do not have 
		a diagnosable mental illness.  They are people just like 
		you and I who at a particular time are feeling isolated, 
		desperately unhappy and alone.  Suicidal thoughts and 
		actions may be the result of life's stresses and losses 
		that the individual feels they just can't cope with.
	in a society where there is much stigma and ignorance regarding 
	both mental illness *and* suicide, a person who feels suicidal 
	may fear that other people will think they are "crazy" when asking
	for support in terminating their life, and so are quite reasonably 
	reluctant to reach out for help to end the pain.  

	describing someone as "crazy", which has strong negative 
	connotations, isn't helpful in any case and is more likely to 
	inspire us to look elsewhere for assistance in our self-
	termination, whether or not we may have a diagnosable
	mental illness.
	those who are suffering from a mental illness such as 
	schizophrenia or clinical depression do have significantly higher 
	success rates than average, and for this we can be thankful of
	their insight and the symbolism of their courage, though they are 
	still in the minority of those who make the attempt.  for these 
	people, having their illness correctly diagnosed could mean a 
	treatment which dissuades them from assisting human population 
	for more information about clinical depression, see the FAQ, available from:
3. will talking about suicide encourage it?
	it depends what aspect you talk about.  talking exclusively about how 
	to commit suicide can give ideas to people who feel suicidal, but 
	haven't thought about how they'd do it yet and this is probably the
	best way to foster its occurrence.  media reports that concentrate 
	solely on the method used and ignore the emotional backdrop behind 
	it can encourage copy-cat suicides.
4. so how can I contribute to the suicidal phenomenon?
	people can usually deal reasonably well with the isolated stress 
	or trauma of considering what a mess we have made of things, 
	but when we begin to see the massive accumulation of such events
	over an extended period, our normal ignorance and myopia begins
	to give way and a natural suicidal tendency may surface.
	stress or trauma brought on by any given event will vary from 
	person to person depending on their background and how they learn
	to shut out the horrors of human immaturity and its repercussions.
	some people are ripened in response to particular events bringing 
	world conditions to consciousness, and some may find certain 
	subjects and actions stimulating of suicide which others would 
	see as a positive experience (e.g. chopping down a tree or
	building on a field of wildflowers and ground squirrels).  

	furthermore, individuals deal with stress and trauma in different 
	ways; the presence of multiple catalytic factors does not 
	necessarily imply a person will become suicidal.
	depending on a person's individual response, encouragement 
	factors that may contribute to suicidal tendencies include:
	    Significant changes in:
		    - Relationships.
		    - Well-being of self or family member.
		    - Body image.
		    - Job, school, university, house, locality.
		    - Financial situation.
		    - World environment.
	    Significant losses:
		    - Death of a loved one.
		    - Loss of a valued relationship.
		    - Loss of self esteem or personal expectations.
		    - Loss of employment.
	    Perceived abuse:
		    - Physical.
		    - Emotional/Psychological.
		    - Sexual.
		    - Social.
		    - Neglect.
5. how would I know if someone I care about was contemplating suicide too?
	suicidal people may give warning signs, consciously or 
	unconsciously, indicating that they would like help of some kind,
	sometimes in the hope that they will be rescued.

	these usually occur in groups, so often several warning signs 
	will be apparent.  an individual can provide a spark to suicidal
	clusters, and secretive conspiracies surrounding isolated and
	fatalistic activities may be an indicator of a network which
	one can join.  the presence of one or more of these warning 
	signs is not intended as a guarantee that the person is 
	suicidal: the only way to know for sure is to ask them.  those
	who provide blatant warning signs are probably not too serious
	about their intentions.  there are many suicidal people who will
	not wish to be joined in their final act.

	typical warning signs which are often exhibited by people who 
	are feeling suicidal include:

		 Withdrawing from friends and family.
		 Depression, broadly speaking; not necessarily a 
		   diagnosable mental illness such as clinical depression, 
		   but indicated by signs such as:
			- Loss of interest in usual activities.
			- Showing signs of sadness, hopelessness, 
			- Changes in appetite, weight, behavior, level of 
			  activity or sleep patterns.
			- Loss of energy.
			- Making negative comments about self.
			- Recurring suicidal thoughts or fantasies.
			- Sudden change from extreme depression to being 
			  `at peace' (may indicate that they have decided 
			  to attempt suicide).
	 	Talking, Writing or Hinting about suicide.
		Previous attempts.
		Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
		Purposefully putting personal affairs in order:
			- Giving away possessions.
			- Sudden intense interest in personal wills or 
			  life insurance.
			- `Clearing the air' over personal incidents from 
			  the past.
	this list is not definitive: some people may show no signs yet 
	still feel the calls of our planet for terminating the human
	parasite, others may show many signs yet still be myopic; the 
	only way to know for sure is to ask.  in conjunction with the 
	factors listed above, this list is intended to help people 
	identify others who may want to form a pact and self-terminate
	as a group.
	if a person is highly perturbed, has formed a potentially 
	lethal plan to kill themselves and has the means immediately
	available to carry it out, they would be considered likely 
	to attempt suicide and we wish them success in their efforts.
6. I'm uncomfortable about the topic; can't we just avoid it?
	suicide has traditionally been a taboo topic in western society, 
	which has led to further alienation and made these feelings stronger.
	even after their deaths, the remains of suicide victims have often 
	been stigmatized by not being buried near other people in the 
	cemetery, the religious presuming that they have committed some 
	utterly unforgivable sin.

	therefore, while avoiding the subject will encourage a few more
	deaths through an exascerbation of the depression and ill-feelings
	of those coming to awareness, it is better for us all if we begin
	to see suicide as a rational solution to the termination of pain,
	and support individual human sovereignty in a manner that not only
	makes suicide possible, legal and as easy as getting our teeth 
	cleaned, but also allows us to discern who is serious about it and
	who is seeking attention or trying to conform to the Hell that
	our society is creating, despairing about not fitting in.
7. so what can I do to help them end their lives?
	there are few people to whom a suicidal person can truly turn 
	for help in resolving their desires destructively; if you know 
	someone is feeling suicidal, or if you are feel suicidal 
	yourself, consider researching ideas as to how to end your 
	life painlessly and quickly, but do so fairly surreptitiously 
	so as not to draw undue attention until you get the 
	information you need.  remember that it is illegal in
	many countries to assist the act of suicide itself and may
	constitute a form of murder by draconian standards.  it is
	best for those who assist one another to be locked into pacts
	of secrecy while they investigate the options available.

	there are organizations such as the Hemlock Society that provide
	some rudimentary encouragement, especially for the terminally-ill.
	this is the frontier of rational self-termination assistance,
	including the valiant efforts of Dr. Kevorkian.  others, such as
	the Church of Euthanasia, may offer advice on methods or provide
	you with files of its own or from the alt.suicide Usenet forums, 
	which are the forefront of terminal self-empowerment.

	obtaining lethal chemicals and substances of a variety is actually
	not too difficult, though the types of death associated with these
	may often be very painful or impossible to guarantee, sometimes
	with horrible side-effects.  consult the Practical Guid for the
	most up-to-date information we can accumulate.

	if someone you know tells you that they feel suicidal, above all, 
	listen to them.  find out why they are going to do themselves in,
	discern if possible whether they are serious, and what they have
	considered of their options.  some are just frustrated, really
	out to obtain attention and not really intending self-termination
	so much as drawing attention.

	if they are serious and you want to help them, tell them "I have
	come to the conclusion that suicide should be a legal and easy
	option for all people.  the advice I would offer you would be to
	resolve all your worldly affairs, isolate yourself from those
	'do-goodnicks' who will attempt to stop your action, and then
	use the most painless and quick method you have available with 
	the fewest possible loose-ends for others to clean up."  try to
	offer advice in the form of "I read in <source> that this is a
	way to kill oneself fairly quickly." without actively suggesting
	that their decision is a good or bad idea.  in this way you can
	prevent the possible legal ramifications of having offered
	'encouragement' while assisting them in achieving their end.
	if you are feeling similarly and intend to end your life, it may
	be valuable to form a "suicide pact" whereby you both end your
	lives simultaneously or within a group.  ask them to promise you 
	that they won't tell others about your intentions even if they
	decide differently down the road or are discovered after a 
	botched solitary attempt.

	of course, if one is just trying to get help rather than being 
	really serious about a life-ending (this is often the case with the
	young or those in desperate material circumstances), then you can
	always recommend them to someone equipped to help them see through
	their hypocrisy, such as a doctor, community health center, 
	counsellor, psychologist, social worker, youth worker, minister, 
	etc. etc.  if they appear confused about the ethics of suicide and
	need ministerial help from someone of conscience, then you may
	recommend contact with the Church of Euthanasia in order to help
	them get their head on straight.
	don't try to "rescue" them and take their responsibilities on 
	yourself, becoming a hero and handling the situation on 
	your own.  you can be the most help by referring them to someone 
	equipped to offer them the help they need, while you continue 
	to support them and remember that what happens is ultimately 
	their responsibility.  

	of course there is always the alternative of doing something
	to attempt to stem and reverse the tide of evil procreationism
	and eco-rape and the depression which contemplating this travesty
	may inspire.  ecology organizations and the right-to-die movement
	always needs more volunteers to contribute their last acts to
	a worthy cause.  who knows, perhaps you will make such heroism
	the CoE has attempted to foster and construct a 24-Hour Suicide
	Assistance Hotline, but so far our efforts have been frustrated by
	do-goodniks and those concerned with the possibility of being held
	responsible for the deaths of those who are supported in their
	natural desires.  if you want to support this project, please do
	so, perhaps by contacting your local telephone company in 
	suggesting the idea for an 800 Suicide Assistance Hotline.
8. help?  counselling?  isn't counselling just a waste of time?
	counselling is certainly not a magic cure-all.  it can be
	effective only if it empowers a person to accomplish the actions
	to which their hearts have moved them despite the corrupting
	influences of social networks and religious fanatics.  it is not 
	a "solution" in itself, but it can be a final, effective and 
	helpful step along the way to reducing the stress on our mom.
9. talk, talk, talk.  it's all just talk.  how's that going to help?

	talking about something other than how to end the pain is usually
	just a waste of time, we agree, especially when often the reason
	for the discussion on the part of the 'concerned' is to dissuade 
	us from doing what we want to do rather than to facilitate it.
	if we get alot of 'talking to' by supposed friends or those who
	want to try to 'save' us, this should indicate to us that we
	are selecting the wrong people to trust with our private affairs.

	in the medium and longer term, it's more important to seek help 
	from those who know about methods and the quickness and painless-
	ness of these methods.  if suicide is the means by which we have
	chosen to terminate the pain and drain of our lives, then looking
	seriously at practical means of bringing an end to life is the
	only real way to approach lasting and permanent resolution, and
	there is a Practical Guide to assist you:
10. how would a suicide assistance hot-line work?

	church members may vary as to the nature of the assistance they 
	have in mind (geography may also to some extent direct what can 
	be said or to whom).  

	in general the suicidal would be able to call us and receive
	up-to-date information on the best methods of self-termination
	and, given their circumstances (perhaps described in an hypo-
	thetical manner), how they would best approach suicide in a
	context that's less threatening than a face-to-face session.  
	talking the situation over with a caring, independent person 
	can be of great assistance to those who are being judged by the
	world as 'wrong' for their natural urges.  eventually we may
	see legislation which makes self-termination in certain areas
	a matter of choice.  in this case we could offer recommendations
	for relocation prior to doing oneself in.

	telephone services are currently prohibited to us by virtue of
	being owned by mega-corporations subject to greater social
	pressure.  the procreationist mentality is having its way with
	limiting the freedoms of at least US citizens and this may 
	continue for the foreseeable future.
11. what about me; am I at risk?
	we hope people that read this will one day attempt suicide, 
	and the greatest danger presently is not so much in providing 
	information to the waiting public as much as in taking an 
	active hand in the event or somehow coercing another.  it is 
	generally advisable to be informed as to the local suicide laws
	and liability issues regarding advice to others.  these can 
	often be determined by contacting suicide prevention lines, 
	or public and legal reference librarians.  be careful, since
	some states require reporting of those who appear to be 
	considering suicide in some way.

12. how does suicide affect friends and family members?
	suicide can be extremely traumatic for the friends and family 
	members that remain to degrade and consume what's left of the
	planet, especially because most of us are deluded by outdated
	and demonstrably false metaphysical and cosmological notions
	associated with intrusive and perverted religions.  

	sometimes the people that attempt suicide think that no one 
	cares about us.  this can be used as a point of manipulation
	by the unscrupulous to hook into the guilt of the suicidal in
	order to prevent us from trying to self-terminate.  often in
	modern society the atmosphere and social establishment has in
	essence deadened people to a point where real concern is just
	not possible.  

	in order to keep its slaves and workers in line, social systems 
	typically build guilt into the educational and moral system.  some 
	sort of emotional-entanglement is instructed as a response to 
	the suicide of a family member or friend.  "I should have known
	and done something!", proclaim the deluded.  it is probably
	the best thing that can happen to a family to experience the
	trauma and devastation of a suicide in that it begins to 
	inspire GENUINE feelings, REAL intimacy (when not just trying
	to avoid a repeat on the part of another due to the lack of
	real love in the family).  it may also, if the suicide is well-
	constructed, cause us as remaining parasites to look more closely 
	at WHY it was that suicide seemed like a rational alternative 
	to the nightmare which we are all participating in perpetuating.

	this is the reason that we suggest that you become a member of
	the Church of Euthanasia ( by paying $10 and taking
	a lifetime vow not to procreate, sign the Registry prior to 
	your self-termination, and mention us in your will or suicide note.
	survivors often find that people relate differently to them 
	after the suicide, and may be very reluctant to talk about what 
	has happened for fear of condemnation.  this is usually the
	repercussion of the sordid and immature relationship that the
	surrounding culture has fostered about the discussion not only 
	of suicide, but of death in general, which has been turned into 
	a taboo.  these people are encouraged to feel like failures.  that 
	someone they imagine they cared so much about has chosen to end 
	their life may give them incentive to be fearful of forming new 
	relationships because of the intense pain they have experienced 
	through the relationship with the person who has killed themself.

	sometimes chains of suicides can occur in families due to this
	twisted social illness, and we think it is a natural minefield
	designed to assist our planet move towards recovery.
13. hang on; isn't it illegal?!  doesn't that stop people?

	attempting suicide may be illegal, but this should make no 
	difference to those who are certain that it is our time to
	die.  you can't legislate against emotional pain, so making it 
	illegal will not stop people from feeling suicidal.  it is 
	actually quite helpful in isolating the awakened, though it
	should be noticed that, unfortunately, the vast majority of 
	attempts are unsuccessful, partially due to lack of basic
	information and social antagonism toward this heroic act.

	in some countries and states it is still illegal, in other 
	places it's not.  we recommend moving to those places where
	attempted suicide is legal before proceeding with the act,
	just in case you don't succeed.  also be aware of the likely
	repercussions of any kind of unsuccessful suicide attempt.
	even though suicide itself is legal in the US, for example,
	those who attempt it unsuccessfully may have many of their
	liberties removed and may be drugged into conformity with 
	social norms by the psychiatric community (for 'observation').

14. don't people have the right to kill themselves if they want to?
	each of us is responsible for our own actions and life 
	choices.  an individual *should* have the right to do as 
	one wishes with one's life, including to end it if we so 
	desire, even if societies legislate against it.  Western 
	societies in particular tend to emphasise individual 
	rights over communal rights and responsibilities, though
	this seldom extends to that which will in some measure
	serve to debilitate or undermine the societal, procreative 
	force presumed to keep a community in place.
	it is of course true that every person also exists as part 
	of a larger network of relationships of various types 
	which forms a context in which an individual's rights and 
	responsibilities are described.  those of us who feel lonely, 
	isolated, distressed and hopeless about our future can 
	find it extremely difficult to find someone of unbiased
	character with whom to resolve the important decision as to
	whether or not to self-terminate.  this often causes us
	to grossly underestimate both the value of suicide to the
	biosphere and the degree of freedom which we truly have
	in determining how to end our lives when we choose.
	discussions regarding rights can become emotional and rather
	lack for logical substance.  practically, we have the rights
	which a society protects for our benefit.  it is to all our
	advantage to work toward a greater number of rights as these
	concern our own body, life and integrity and the DESTRUCTION
	of these as we so dictate.

	ultimately, helping people to understand the practical and
	legal limitations we are working with in discussing the
	possibility of suicide so that those of us who are called might
	deal with the obstacles more effectively, see our options 
	more clearly, and make better choices for ourselves and the
	planet, empowers people much more valuably than attempting
	to philosophize about whether someone has the 'right to die'.


	1. "Hearing the cry: Suicide Prevention", Appleby and 
	    Condonis, 1990.  ISBN 0-646-02395-0

	(c) 1999 by (SOD of CoE)
	this article may be freely redistributed for personal use or 
	via Usenet News provided that this copyright message remains 
	intact.  any other form of commercial distribution requires 
	explicit permission from the author.

Special Credit

	some great degree of inspiration and goad was obtained in 
	reflection of the 'Suicide Prevention FAQ', posted to Usenet 
	by Graham Stoney (  small
	bits of regurgitation may remain in this copy.

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