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The RSC/UKSC Cricket FAQ
Section - Is there a good online store to buy cricket equipment?

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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
  If you want to browse/select yourself, check out either
  cricinfo's or google's categorised links. Need advice?
  Read on.

Donald Rose: 
  The largest retailer of cricket equipment of all kinds is 
  the Kingsgrove Sports Centre. They specialise in cricket 
  equipment from bats, protective equipment, gloves, balls 
  to more esoteric things like slips fielding cradles, nets, 
  cricket bags. If Kingsgrove can't provide it, it probably 
  ain't available. 
  They can ship anywhere in the world and they have an 
  on-line e-market site at 
  They ship a considerable amount of equipment to the USA. 

Ron Knight: 
  If this newsgroup ever does get a FAQ this question must 
  be on it. Check out Chico Khan's listing of equipment 
  vendors at the USA Cricket Association's website 
  Click the link marked "Equipment" on the left. 

Grahame Giddings: 
  There are links to most major UK equipment suppliers' 
  web sites on the Cricket Links page of my site 
  I haven't got experience of the quality of any of these 
  companies' mail order services but I have brought a lot 
  of kit 'over the counter' from Vee-Kay Sports over the 
  past 20-odd years and have been very satisfied. 

Ned lloyd: 
  A variety of bats, balls, bags, books, magazines, pads, 
  bags and almost anything you'd want to do with cricket. 
  Almost all products can be delivered to your door. 
  Check the prices out!!! 

  The best idea is to go to a sports store, try out the 
  equipment you want and then buy online. It gets delivered 
  to your door, and it costs less. I generally take a risk 
  and just buy the equipment anyway, so it's worth a go. 

John Hall: 
  [highly recommended by regulars]

ravi krishna: 
  I believe the best place to buy cricket equipment in USA 
  is Devon Street, Chicago. 

  is somewhere where i would fully recommend. there own 
  brand of ton bats are very good 

  Anyone else wants to share his experience with us? <Grin> 


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Previous Document: How do I use the grip-applicator cone?
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM