Archive-name: sf/science/quick-faq
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Version 1.5.4 of the qdFAQ is at <URL:> Version 1.5.4 adds a short article about lunar beanstalks. Version 1.5.3 adds some more extrasolar planet URLs. Version 1.5.2 adds a link to a FAQ for Version 1.5.1 adds a new article about tidelocked planets. Version 1.5 added the "dinosaur civilisation" topic. I'll try and remember to post this message every month or so. I'll be grateful to anyone who finds errors (even though I never make misteaks) or who points me to additional material. Here's a quick list of topics on the qdFAQ: . The Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox. . Stars and their planets (including links to pages about Solar System planets). . Destroying the Earth. . Dinosaur civilisations, or, remains from a technological civilisation 65 million years ago. . Asteroid impacts. . Types of Stardrive, leading quickly to: questions of time travel and causality associated with FTL travel. . Methods of getting into orbit in general. . Orbital Elevators, or beanstalks as they are sometimes called. . Errors of Science in science fiction. . Weather/climate on tidelocked planets. . Other FAQs. Thanks to those who gave me permission to use their text, and special thanks to those who supplied additional material. -- Richard ------ A sufficiently incompetent ScF author is indistinguishable from magic. What is (and isn't) ScF? ==> ++ to work out my real address needs a human brain ++ User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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