'Add the following to your FAQ.
'For: First Minnesota: "Meets Fridays 7pm-2am at The Source, NW corner of Snelling & Larpenteur." 'Also add: '18XX railroad gaming and Settlers of Catan: Mike Schneider, 612-529-7168. 'And don't forget mention of Red Dragon Hobby, on Lake Street.' mn.sf Asked Questions 1. How do I find gaming gatherings? ****SOME MINNESOTA GAMING GROUPS, ASSOCIATIONS AND CONVENTIONS**** Fantasy Role Playing Gamers Association FRPGA is a student gaming organization at the University of Minnesota For info try Jim Felling at (612) 378-9581 or write c/o Dave Rust, 1826 North Alameda Street. Roseville, MN 55113 First Minnesota Historical War Gaming Society Specializes in historical war gaming and multiplayer board gaming For info contact Source Comics and Games (612) 645-0386 Gamesday Players Board and card gaming almost every Friday evening For info contact Richard tatge at (612) 824-5559 Lords of Chaos Roleplaying emphasis on AD&D For info contact John at (612) 698-6482 Midwest Area Gaming Enthusiasts MAGE covers all aspects of gaming. For info contact David Glewwe at (712) 722-1136, or 2802 360th Street, Rockvalley IA 51247 Nepenthe Writes, produces, plays and promotes live action gaming in the Twin Cities For info contact Maurice 'Skip' Manton at (612) 776-9881 or Penny Robinson at (612) 686-8830 St. Paul Area Road Knights SPARK is a Car Wars club. Affiliated with the AADA. For info contact Brian Strassman at (612) 487-6895 Role-Playing Special Interest Group RPSIG is a loosely connected umbrella of gaming clubs focused on promoting the hobby of gaming, educating the community on role-playing and teaching members how to role-play. For info contact Twin Cities Becky Teed (612) 646-8190 Winona Karl Unnasch (507) 454-5330 Mankato Dena Connort-Millard (507) 625-4928 River Falls Charles Hahr (715) 425-9912 Twin Ports Gamers Guild for info contact Jason Winter at (218) 728-1255 Southern Minnesota Gaming Society SMGS does gaming, role-playing, board games and historical simulations, and meets in Savage, MN For info contact Todd (612) 895--1744, or Mike or Angie at (612) 731-1294 Twin Cities Area Historical Miniatures Group Military history and historical miniatures. For info contact the Source (612) 645-0386 University of Minnesota Gaming Society. for info contact same as Fantasy Role Playing Gamers Association (above) Gaming BBSes: Fire Opal (612) 882-4812 Science Fiction BBS (612) 423-7358 Greylien (612) 623-7850 Gaming list provided by Michelle Bottorff Compiled Mar '97 **Some information may be out of date** Please send updates, corrections, additions and meeting times to bottorff@pconline.com 2. Is this an appropriate place to ask about a puzzling line in Eleanor Arnason's _Ring of Swords_? (Approximately: biters of rats and poisoners of socks). Mon, 29 Sep 97 David Lenander <d-lena@maroon.tc.umn.edu> Re: mn.sf (Minnesota SF) FAQ 'Actually, I THINK Eleanor has an e-mail address (unless it's lapsed in the past couple of months).... I have an Eleanor Arnason page, 'http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/m391/d-lena/Eleanor%20%26%20trog.html 'and you could direct this question to me for asking her. As it happens, I have asked this question, as someone asked it of me a while back. It's a reference to CIA plans that became public in the 70s to try to assassinate Fidel Castro with poisoned socks. The other reference is to G. Gordon Liddy (I think) who was deathly afraid of rats. In some autobiography, he recounts how, in order to overcome this fear, he made himself eat a rat. Unfortunately, these references were not as widely-known as Eleanor thought, and she regrets that she put them into the book in a fashion that confuses people--many readers seem to think they're missing another of the garblings of common American aphorisms, which is something that occurs frequently in this book.' 2. Are there any formal or informal groups which get together to Watch Babylon 5? 3. What sf organizations, stores, etc. are there outside the Twin Cities, in Minnesota and nearby parts of other states and provinces? (Fargo and Thunder Bay, for example.) 4. How does a newcomer get in touch with Star Trek groups in Minnesota? email Joan Verba at verba001@maroon.tc.umn.edu for information. 5. Is there an organized Babylon 5 fandom in this area? The Minnesota sf community/communities Note that "Minnesota SF community" is larger than "Minnesota fandom" or "Minnesota fandoms". It includes, for example, people who regularly buy sf at specialty bookstores. It's also larger than Minnesota. I know there are groups, stores. etc. not mentioned here. Some will be, if you (or someone) send me the information. Some won't be -- I don't see any purpose in listing an invitational writing group, for example. Additions and corrections from people in Minnesota (and adjacent states and provinces) are welcome. If you _thoroughly_ disagree with what I say here, it's probably easier to write and post a competing guide than to change my mind. Written SF Central Club: Mnstf (aka Minn-StF, etc.) is less central than it used to be. But it's where you go for information by phone (612-824-5559), mail (EINBLATT) or web (www.mnstf.org); and it runs Minicon, the largest local mostly-written-sf convention. Mnstf meets the first and third Saturday of every month (usually); usually in someone's home, usually starting at 2:30 pm. There is no programming. Rivendell is the University of Minnesota Mythopoeic Society group. Usually meets once a month for discussion focusing on one fantasy book. During the school year, usually meets at Coffman Union; in the summer, meets at people's homes. David Lenander. Internet: D-LENA@TC.UMN.EDU home: (612) 292-8887 work: 626-3375 Rivendell Group web-page: http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/m391/d-lena/RIVENDELL.html North Country Gaylaxians is for gay, bisexual, etc. sf fans. They have good taste in restaurants. Second Foundation meets about every six weeks to discuss one science fiction author's works. Call Eric Heideman, (612) 825-9353. Bookstores Uncle Hugo's has a very good stock, both new and used. The new books include some British paperbacks. Note: For most Post-Apocalypse novels, you'll need to visit the siamese-nonidentical-twin Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore. unclehugo@aol.com. Dreamhaven also has a very good stock. Dreamhaven has magazines and books Uncle Hugo's doesn't and vice versa. The main store on Lake Street could be considered two stores: one for sf and one for popular culture. The Dinkytown store is, I understand, mostly comix now. dreamhvn@visi.com. Visual sf For Star Trek groups, see Joan Verba, above. Writing Minnesota Imaginative Fiction Writers Alliance (MIFWA) meets quarterly to discuss writing. If you're looking for a writing group, or your writing group is looking for new members, this is a good place to start. Call Eric Heideman, (612) 825-9353. The Worldbuilding Society meets monthly to discuss worldbuilding -- that is, the background for sf and fantasy. For further information, email dsgood@visi.com or call (612) 871-5461. Open writing groups: Are there any? Music There are now housefilks once a month. ("Filk" was, originally, homebrew music associated with the written-sf community. It has expanded into various related fandoms, and has developed a singer-songwriter movement.) Monthly Filk (music) circle at home of Laramie Sasseville, 3236 Cedar Ave. S. Singers and instrumentalists at any level of ability are welcome. FFI: Laramie 721-6076 or SSKYLARKER@aol.com. Date of the December gathering not yet set. Music is _sometimes_ played at Mnstf meetings. See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge -- Dan Goodman dsgood@visi.com http://www.visi.com/~dsgood/index.html Whatever you wish for me, may you have twice as much. User Contributions:
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