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[rec.scouting.*] Scouting Around the World Pt. 1 (FAQ 8)
Section - Scouting in Norway.

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In Norway we have several scout-associations, NSF, YMCA and YWCA.
However, they are cooperating well, I think (At least so in this town,
Bergen). NSF (Norges SpeiderForbund Norwegian Scout Association) is
mixed boys and girls , 
they were two separate associations, but joined
their forces in '78. YMCA (KFUM in Norwegian) is only men, as the name
suggests, however I think they are closely linked with YWCA nowadays,
and there may be exceptions, such as female scoutmasters. YWCA is the
female counterpart.

I will after this speak about NSF only, since that's the organisation
I'm a member of. Most of it will apply for the other assications too,
though, at least the major parts.

NSF is divided into 4 age-groups:
6-7:   Bever scouts (this one is fairly new, not so many have them yet).
8-10:  Cub scouts.
11-16: Scouts (I really have no other name for them. :-))
16+  : Rovers.

The lower age for a scoutmaster is 17 years, however it is possible
to become an assistant scoutmaster from the age of 16 years.
Many scoutmasters are also rovers, and scoutmasters and rovers are
often two names of the same group of scouts. There IS no official
higher age for rovers, but the natural limit is somewhere around
22-23 years, when one often go away, get married or simply get
other interests.

In Norway we belive that scouting is outing, and try to do as much
of our activities as possible in the nature. We have national camps
every 4th year, and regional camp every 4th year, in such a way
there will be two years between every major camp. In addition the
groups have camps of their own, and there is also arranged national
camps for rovers in particular, since they will often have other
interests than younger scouts. A typical size for a national camp
nowadays is 19.000 scouts, and the last regional camp in Bergen
counted 650 scouts. This was with guests, though, there is always
guest from other countries at our camps, and even at our last
regional camp we had 150 foreign guests, some even from so far
away as Spain.

Last, a little tip for all those who leave their group for studies:
so those who want to continue with scouting when they leave town
can join those groups. I know they have a lot of fun, and at least
the one in Trondheim is a large resource when it comes to arranging
national evenements. However, I guess Bjoern Arne can tell you more
about that (

User Contributions:

Nathan Read
That was very informative it was also very nice I learned a lot.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM