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[rec.scouting.*] Unit Administration (FAQ 12)
Section - Outing Planning booklet

( Single Page )
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Previous Document: Cub Pack Administration - Budget "the cheap way"
Next Document: Liquid fuels - Certification Program Proposal for scouts
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I had a zillion (well, 2) requests for my Outing Planning booklet, so here it
is.  The Outing coordinator (usually me) completes one of these per outing.
Whenever possible, I have the Jr. Leaders do most of the 'work'.  I also have
a Patrol Planning booklet - mostly for menu and duty-roster planning.  Since
little of it is on my Mac at present, I'll have to do some typing before I
can post it.
Mike S.

(I have done the best I can in converting my MAC proportional files to
non-proportional - any alignment errors are accidental ...  )
-----------------------------cut here ----------------------------------------
                    OUTING PLANNING FORM

%) Choose Theme or Activity _____________________- __________________

%) Outing target group is _______________________________

%) Suggested location(s)  _____________________-______________________

%) Choose outing dates - from _____/_____/_____  to  _____/_____/_____

%) Reservations Made by ________________________  on  ____/____/____

%) Special water or firewood arrangements _____________________________

%) Detailed Outing Program
    and Times Planned by ________________________ and ________________________

%) Estimate Costs & Issue Permission Slips - by ________________________

   estimated costs are _________  Forms due back by ____/____/____.

%) File Tour Permit - by ________________________ at ________________.

%) Participating  | are ________________________ and ________________________

    Adults        | and ________________________ and ________________________

                  | and ________________________ and ________________________

%) Extra Drivers  | are ________________________ and ________________________

                  | and ________________________ and ________________________

%) Emergency Contact is  ________________________

%) Adult Buyer is _________________________

%) JOB                   'new'         SHARK            BAT       VENTURE

%) Plan Menus        |_____________|_____________|_____________|_____________|

%) Buy Food          |_____________|_____________|_____________|_____________|

%) Pack Patrol Box   |_____________|_____________|_____________|_____________|

%) Set Up Duty Roster|_____________|_____________|_____________|_____________|

                                   PROGRAM PLAN

  DAY___________  DATE ___/___/___    DAY__________  DATE ___/___/___

 6:00 ___________________________  |  6:00 ___________________________
 6:30 ___________________________  |  6:30 ___________________________
 7:00 ___________________________  |  7:00 ___________________________
 7:30 ___________________________  |  7:30 ___________________________
 8:00 ___________________________  |  8:00 ___________________________
 8:30 ___________________________  |  8:30 ___________________________
 9:00 ___________________________  |  9:00 ___________________________
 9:30 ___________________________  |  9:30 ___________________________
10:00 ___________________________  | 10:00 ___________________________
10:30 ___________________________  | 10:30 ___________________________
11:00 ___________________________  | 11:00 ___________________________
11:30 ___________________________  | 11:30 ___________________________
12:00 ___________________________  | 12:00 ___________________________
12:30 ___________________________  | 12:30 ___________________________
 1:00 ___________________________  |  1:00 ___________________________
 1:30 ___________________________  |  1:30 ___________________________
 2:00 ___________________________  |  2:00 ___________________________
 2:30 ___________________________  |  2:30 ___________________________
 3:00 ___________________________  |  3:00 ___________________________
 3:30 ___________________________  |  3:30 ___________________________
 4:00 ___________________________  |  4:00 ___________________________
 4:30 ___________________________  |  4:30 ___________________________
 5:00 ___________________________  |  5:00 ___________________________
 5:30 ___________________________  |  5:30 ___________________________
 6:00 ___________________________  |  6:00 ___________________________
 6:30 ___________________________  |  6:30 ___________________________
 7:00 ___________________________  |  7:00 ___________________________
 7:30 ___________________________  |  7:30 ___________________________
 8:00 ___________________________  |  8:00 ___________________________
 8:30 ___________________________  |  8:30 ___________________________
 9:00 ___________________________  |  9:00 ___________________________
 9:30 ___________________________  |  9:30 ___________________________
10:00 ___________________________  | 10:00 ___________________________
10:30 ___________________________  | 10:30 ___________________________

                        TROOP 164 - OUTING PERMISSION FORM

                            RETURN BY ____/____/____

Our son(s) _____________________ has/ve my permission to participate in the

_______________________________  Scouting event.  In case of emergency,

I/we can be reached at ______________________________ .

(I) can                 ____ participate                | my vehicle
                        ____ drive out (departure)      | can carry   ________
                        ____ drive back (return)        | scouts.

The cost for this outing will be $____.____ per boy,

                             and $____.____ per adult,
which is not refundable.

I have enclosed:  _____cash     _____check      for $____.____

(or)    I/we still owe Troop 164 $____.____

I/we hereby voluntarily waive any claim against the drivers who furnish
transportation, leaders of the Boy Scouts of America, Scout Troop 164,
its chartered organization, and the local and national council, for any
and all occurrences which might arise.  No liability whatsoever is
assumed or will be exercised by the undersigned.  I also give permission
for the adult leaders on this outing to authorize emergency treatment
should such treatment be deemed by them to be necessary.

        date ___/___/___            signed _________________________________
                                                (parent or guardian)


----------------------------------tear here -----------------------------------

                        *** BOY SCOUT OUTING REMINDER ***
                              - keep this portion -

_________________ will participate in the __________________________ event.

Departure and return is from    ___ St. Paul's
                                ___    other - __________________________

The Troop will leave at ___:____  on  _______________

and return           at ___:____  on _______________

(this is approximately what my form looks like - I get my database
 program to print a complete roster of Scouts by Patrol)

Scout      |Pat- |still|att- |perm.|par- |amt. |     OUTING:______________
Name       |rol  |owe? |ended|slip |ent? |paid |
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     DATE:___/___/___
Stolz, A   |Ven  |     |     |     |     |     |
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|          COSTS
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     -------------------------
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |Expense          | amt. |
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |-----------------|------|
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |                 |      |
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |-----------------|------|
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |                 |      |
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |-----------------|------|
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |                 |      |
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |-----------------|------|
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |                 |      |
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |-----------------|------|
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |                 |      |
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |-----------------|------|
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |Total costs      |      |
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     --------------------------
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     -------------------------
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |Bank deposits    | date|
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |-----------------------|
-----------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|     |                 |     |
                         TOTAL COLLECTED |     |     ------------------------|
                                         -------     |                 |     |
food costing per person -  $1.00 - snacks               $1.50 - breakfast
                           $2.00 - lunch                $2.50 - dinner

a copy of the LOCAL TOUR PERMIT APPLICATION form required by Council

I have also collected ALL the Auto insurance info from all our parents
so I can fill this form out without constantly calling parents for their
Auto insurance numbers.

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Unit Administration (FAQ 12)
Previous Document: Cub Pack Administration - Budget "the cheap way"
Next Document: Liquid fuels - Certification Program Proposal for scouts

Single Page

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Bill Nelson)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM