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[rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Section - What is the position of the WOSM as related to God and

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Date: 7 Feb 2000

A. Duty to God is a Fundamental Principle of the World Organization
   of the Scouting Movement (WOSM). When we talk about an Oath or Promise
   must have Duty to God as a requirement for WOSM membership, we must do
   so in context of the WOSM requirement.

   Unless otherwise stated, single quotes indicate quotes from the
   pamphlet Fundamental Principles by WOSM (see below) and double
   quotes indicate quotes from Chapter 1 of the Constitution of

   'The principles are the fundamental laws and beliefs which must
   be observed when achieving the purpose (of the Scout Movement).
   They represent a code of conduct which characterizes all members
   of the Movement.   Scouting is based upon three broad principles
   which represent its fundamental laws and beliefs.   They are
   referred to as "Duty to God", "Duty to others" and "Duty to self".
   As their names indicate, the first refers to a person's
   relationship with the spiritual values of life; the second, to a
   person's relationship with society in the broadest sense of the
   term; and the third, to a person's obligations towards himself.'

   "Duty to God"
   "...adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that
   expresses them and acceptance of the duties resulting
   therefrom."   Note that the body text does not use the
   word God.   In that way, (the WOSM feels) the clause covers religions
   which are non-monotheistic,   such as Hinduism, or those
   which do not recognize a personal God, such as Buddhism.

   'The above-mentioned principles relating to the spiritual, social
   and personal dimensions constitute the fundamental laws and
   beliefs upon which Scouting rests.   Consequently, the program
   of all Scout associations must provide maximum opportunities for
   the growth of young people on the basis of these
   principles....the promises and laws of national associations,
   when first drafted and whenever modified, are subject to the
   approval of the World Organization.'

   The Fundamental Principles of the WOSM

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Previous Document: I heard most United Ways Have Dropped BSA funding, is it true?
Next Document: I heard Wiccan's can't be BSA Scouts, is it true?

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