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[rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Section - What is GSUSA's position on Boys in GSUSA Girl Scouting?

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Previous Document: What is GSUSA's position on men in Girl Scouting?
Next Document: What is GSUSA's position on lesbians in Girl Scouting?
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Girl Scouting exists only to serve girls.   Our eighty years of
experience show that girls have unique needs and interests that
are best met in a program designed especially for them, delivered
in an all-girl setting.   A great deal of research supports this

We recognize that boys have unique needs and interests a well,
which are addressed by organizations designed to meet their
specific needs.   It should be noted that Boy Scouts of
America is a totally separate organization from Girl Scoiuts of
the U.S.A.

From: the GSUSA book "What We Stand For".

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.issues] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 2)
Previous Document: What is GSUSA's position on men in Girl Scouting?
Next Document: What is GSUSA's position on lesbians in Girl Scouting?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM