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FAQ: Books and Tapes on Scientology

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Archive-name: scientology/users/books_tapes
Last-modified: 1995/2/7
Version: 1.2

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--------------< FAQ: Books and Tapes on Scientology >---------------

               * *   A N N O U N C E M E N T  * *

The books _What is Scientology?_ (1992, Church of Scientology Inter-
national) and _Scientology: A New Slant on Life_ (1965, L. Ron Hubbard),
are available in ASCII form via anonymous FTP from FTP.PCNET.COM
out of the respective directories /users/brianw/wis and 
/users/brianw/lrh_essays. (Note: The ../lrh_essays directory also 
contains a number of other essays written by L. Ron Hubbard.)

*                                                                  *
*                 S U G G E S T E D   B O O K S ,                  *
*                                                                  *
*              L E C T U R E S   A N D   V I D E O S               *
*                                                                  *
*       (Taken from _What is Scientology?_,  Chapter 41)           *
*   (Copyright (c) 1992, Church of Scientology International,      *
*         All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.               *
*                                                                  *
*  The best source of information on Dianetics and Scientology     *
*  technology is the books and lectures of L. Ron Hubbard. This    *
*  list of materials offers a path of discovery, from basic        *
*  materials on the subjects to the more advanced or specialized.  *
*  Some of the materials are available in public bookstores and    *
*  libraries; the rest can be obtained at any of the Scientology   *
*  organizations listed in Chapter 43. Many of these works have    *
*  been translated into a number of different languages. [Note:    *
*  See "Announcement" above to find out which books are in ASCII   *
*  and available via anonymous FTP.                                *

*                                                                  *
*                           B O O K S                              *
*                           ~~~~~~~~~                              *
*                                                                  *
*  BASIC INFORMATION on Dianetics and its procedures               *
*                                                                  *

_The Basic Dianetics Picture Book_

   Gives essential information to the new reader in abbreviated
   form with each principle clearly illustrated. Shows
   mechanisms of the reactive mind and how Dianetics auditing

_Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health_

   Basic text of Dianetics and the first accurate description of
   the human mind and Dianetics therapy. This handbook contains
   instructions one can apply, with no other training, and audit
   another on Dianetics.

_The Dynamics of Life_  [Originally published under: _Dianetics:
                         The Original Thesis_]

   L. Ron Hubbard's first book on his research into the mind and
   life. Contains several case histories of early auditing

_Self Analysis_

   Over twenty auditing lists a person can use by himself to
   gain tremendous insight into his past. Contains a version of
   the "Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation" and tests for reader to
   plot himself on the chart before and after auditing.

_Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science_

   Traces the track of discovery which led to Dianetics
   breakthroughs. Details each milestone L. Ron Hubbard passed
   to chart the mind and develop technology to nullify engrams.

*                                                                 *
*   Books covering ADVANCED DIANETICS principles and procedures   *
*                                                                 *

_Science of Survival_

   Most complete description of human behavior ever written.
   Built around the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. Makes
   possible thorough prediction and understanding of human

_Dianetics 55!_

   Full description of communication and its applications to
   life and auditing. L. Ron Hubbard's most complete exposition
   of the subject.

_Notes on the Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard_

   Compiled from L. Ron Hubbard's lectures shortly after the
   publication of _Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental
   Health_. Contains first descriptions of the Tone Scale and
   ARC triangle.

_Advanced Procedure and Axioms_

   Advanced Dianetics principles and auditing techniques.
   Provides descriptions of mental phenomena discovered after
   publication of *Dianetics*. Appendix contains Tone Scale,
   Logics and Dianetics Axioms.

_Handbook for Preclears_

   Written as an advanced personal workbook. A companion text to
   _Advanced Procedure and Axioms_. Contains auditing lists a
   person can do on his own or in conjunction with an auditor.

*                                                                  *
*  DIANETICS principles and procedures to be applied to CHILDREN   *
*                                                                  *

_Child Dianetics_

   Explains a new approach to child rearing using Dianetics
   principles and technology. Contains many techniques for use
   with children of all ages.

*                                                                  *
*  BASIC INFORMATION on Scientology; the philosophy and practice   *
*  of Scientology principles                                       *
*                                                                  *

_The Basic Scientology Picture Book_

   An illustrated explanation of fundamental data of Scientology
   and their application to the individual in auditing. Includes
   the eight dynamics, the parts of man, ARC, the E-Meter, how
   auditing works and other basic principles.

_Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought_

   Basic text of Scientology. Describes many key philosophic
   principles and covers specific processes essential to
   increased ability.

_A New Slant on Life_

   Collection of insightful writings on a wide variety of
   subjects including the two rules for happy living, justice,
   professionalism, marriage, what is greatness and over twenty
   others. Excellent as a broad survey of Scientology data.
   [Available in ASCII from FTP.PCNET.COM /users/brianw/lrh_essays.]

_Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics_

   Compilation of the key knowledge of Scientology. Contains the
   Factors, Axioms, Logics, scales and codes of Dianetics and
   Scientology. Extremely useful reference work of fundamental

*                                                                   *
*  ADVANCED SCIENTOLOGY books, covering advanced information on     *
*  Scientology principles and procedures                            *
*                                                                   *

_Scientology 8-80_

   Details Technique 8-80, a specialized form of Scientology,
   specifically, the electronics of human thought and beingness.
   Provides basic answers to goals of life in the physical

_Scientology 8-8008_

   Advanced explanation of techniques to rehabilitate abilities,
   ethics and goals. Was textbook for famous Philadelphia
   Doctorate Course lecture series given in late 1952. Book
   gives basic description of native potentials and abilities of
   the thetan.

_The Creation of Human Ability_

   A manual containing over 100 auditing procedures aimed at
   restoring the thetan's determinism over his thoughts,
   decisions and actions.

*                                                                  *
*  Information on the subject of PAST LIVES                        *
*                                                                  *

_Scientology: A History of Man_

   Unique description of the principal events that have shaped
   man as he exists today. Describes common thetan experiences
   on the time track, explaining relationship between a thetan
   and his body and how electronics affect the thetan.

_Have You Lived Before This Life?_

   First thorough account of the exploration of past lives.
   Dozens of case histories accurately reported which detail
   people's experiences with this phenomenon.

*                                                                   *
*  Books containing the FULL PHILOSOPHIC AND TECHNICAL DATA         *
*  of Dianetics and Scientology                                     *
*                                                                   *

_The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology_

   Eighteen volumes containing all of L. Ron Hubbard's technical
   bulletins, articles and essays from 1950 to the present.
   Fully indexed. The broadest, most complete written record on
   the spirit, the mind and life in existence.

_The Research and Discovery Series_

   A massive (over 100 volumes when complete) transcription and
   publication of all L. Ron Hubbard's recorded technical
   lectures and demonstrations. The only complete running record
   of all Mr. Hubbard's research into the mind and life.
   Supplemental material contained in each volume illuminates
   track of research and development.

*                                                                   *
*   Books covering the HANDLING OF DRUGS AND TOXINS; how to         *
*   rid one's body of unwanted toxins, drug residues and other      *
*   harmful substances                                              *
*                                                                   *

_Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective Purification Program_

   Comprehensive explanation of L. Ron Hubbard's breakthrough
   methodology for detoxifying the body of harmful drug
   residuals and other toxins. Contains all necessary data and
   technology to enable a person to do the entire program.

_Purification: An Illustrated Answer to Drugs_

   Describes in picture form the harmful effects of drugs and
   other toxins on the body and how the Purification program
   eliminates these.

_All About Radiation_

   Written in conjunction with a medical doctor, L. Ron Hubbard
   describes his research in the field of radiation. Explains
   the nature of radiation's effects on life. Provides means of
   preventing and counteracting these.

*                                                                   *
*  SUCCESS in the workplace                                         *
*                                                                   *

_The Problems of Work_

   Contains the fundamentals of workplace technology, such as
   how to handle confusions and be effective on the job.
   Applicable to any working environment or job.

_How to Live Though an Executive_

   Advanced principles of administration such as how to
   efficiently run a company and how to handle employees, for
   executive use.

_Organization Executive Course Volumes_

   Eight volumes plus an index volume which contain all L. Ron
   Hubbard's administrative policy. Contains the technology of
   groups and how to make them survive.

_Management Series Volumes 1, 2 and 3_

   Full collection of third dynamic management technology.
   Contains all tools needed for successful management at any
   level: personnel, organizing, finance, data, targeting out
   group goals, management by computer, marketing, public
   relations and others.

*                                                                   *
*  Information on REMEDYING DIFFICULTIES with students and          *
*  preclears                                                        *
*                                                                   *

_The Book of Case Remedies_

   Dozens of techniques applied to assist someone having
   difficulty as a student or preclear. The remedies resolve the
   problem and enable the person to progress again on the
   Bridge. Particularly valuable book for auditors, Case
   Supervisors or Course Supervisors.

*                                                                   *
*  Information on the subject of ETHICS, JUSTICE AND MORALS         *
*                                                                   *

_Introduction to Scientology Ethics_

   All fundamentals of Scientology ethics and justice systems.
   Includes all conditions formulas, ethics and justice codes of
   Scientology, application of ethics to others, and a fold-out
   copy of the organizing board; these are many tools to raise
   one's condition in life.

_The Way to Happiness_

   A common-sense guide to better living. Written as a
   nonreligious moral code, it contains twenty-one precepts for
   successful living in a modern world. Over 40 million copies
   of the book have been distributed throughout the world.

*                                                                  *
*  Books of QUOTATIONS from L. Ron Hubbard's writings              *
*                                                                  *

_Understanding: The Universal Solvent_

   Hundreds of quotations on myriad subjects which convey the
   essence of Scientology.


   A companion volume filled with hundreds of profound
   quotations from L. Ron Hubbard's writings.

*                                                                  *
*  E-METER books, giving the full theory and use of the            *
*  E-Meter                                                         *
*                                                                  *

_Understanding the E-Meter_

   Fully illustrated explanation of the principles and mechanics
   of the E-Meter. Includes photographs of every meter model
   ever developed.

_Introducing the E-Meter_

   Basic book on E-Meter setup and operation. First book on E-
   Meter studied in Academy training.

_E-Meter Essentials_

   Explains basics of recognition and interpretation of E-Meter
   reactions. Vital for correct use of the meter.

_The Book of E-Meter Drills_

   The complete set of all drills developed by L. Ron Hubbard to
   train someone in proper use of the E-Meter. E-Meter training
   manual for auditors.

*                                                                    *
* Books on STUDY TECHNOLOGY -- for both children and adults          *
*                                                                    *

_Basic Study Manual_

   Fundamentals of study technology for teenagers on up. Fully
   illustrated presentation of how to study to ensure
   comprehension and understanding and the ability to apply
   anything one studies.

_Learning How to Learn_

   Introduction to learning for young students aged 8 to 12.
   Presents most basic data of study technology in fully
   illustrated format.

_Study Skills for Life_

   Contains basics of study technology for young teenagers.
   Fully illustrated.

_How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children_

   Gives young students skills needed to use a dictionary, a
   vital necessity for learning. Fully illustrated.

_Grammar and Communication for Children_

   Contains L. Ron Hubbard's breakthrough in the subject of
   grammar. Fully illustrated and presented for young students.
   Makes grammar understandable and something a person can *use*
   in his life.

*                                                                   *
*  Technology covering how to use BASIC TECHNIQUES AND              *
*  PROCEDURES to enhance the survival of one's fellow man           *
*                                                                   *

_The Scientology Handbook_

   Full body of basic Scientology technology which anyone can
   read and apply to change conditions. Dozens of techniques and
   principles thoroughly explained to provide effective ways one
   can bring real help to others.

*                                                                   *
*  CEREMONIAL information                                           *
*                                                                   *

_Ceremonies of the Church of Scientology_

   Contains the inspiring and beautiful church services, sermons
   and ceremonies.

*                                                                   *
*  Technology and know-how of ART                                   *
*                                                                   *


   Contains all of L. Ron Hubbard's essays on art, used by
   artists to achieve their goals. Codifies for the first time
   artistic endeavors in any art form.
*                                                                  *
*                                                                  *

*                                                                  *
*                         L E C T U R E S                          *
*                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                          *
*                                                                  *
*   Lectures on personal achievement: The Personal Achievement     *
*   Series                                                         *
*                                                                  *
*  There are nearly 3,000 recorded lectures by L. Ron Hubbard      *
*  on the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. The following     *
*  list presents a sampling of some of these lectures; each one    *
*  is an excellent introduction to Dianetics and Scientology       *
*  principles.                                                     *
*                                                                  *

"The Story of Dianetics and Scientology"

   L Ron Hubbard shares his earliest insights into human nature
   and gives a compelling account of his experiences in
   developing Dianetics and Scientology.

"The Road to Truth"

   Explains man's attempts to find truth and the traps and half-
   truths that he has fallen into on the way. Mr. Hubbard tells
   why this has occurred and how the road to truth can be

"Scientology and Effective Knowledge"

   Describes why man has remained for so long at a loss for
   workable answers to life. Explains the relationship of
   observation to knowledge and reveals the key to truly knowing
   and understanding a subject.

"The Deterioration of Liberty"

   Discusses three subjects -- freedom, liberty, justice --
   important to man's survival. Analyzes how man loses his
   freedom and outlines the actions one can take to regain it,
   for himself and his fellows.

"Power of Choice and Self-determinism"

   Man's ability to determine the course of his life depends on
   his ability to exercise power of choice. L. Ron Hubbard
   describes how one can increase the power of decision for
   himself and for others.

"Scientology and Ability"

   Tells how a person becomes unable to cause things in his
   environment and explains workable methods which can be used
   to restore a person's ability and success in life.

"The Hope of Man"

   Various men in history brought forth the idea that there was
   hope of improvement, but L. Ron Hubbard's discoveries in
   Dianetics and Scientology have made that hope a reality.
   Explains how Scientology has become man's one true hope for

"The Dynamics"

   Data on the eight dynamics is covered here, including how man
   creates on them, what happens when a person gets stuck in
   just one dynamic, and how wars relate to the third dynamic.


   Explains what money really is and how a money system
   operates. Provides an understanding of how one can gain
   greater control over his own income and finances.

"Formulas for Success -- The Five Conditions"

   Natural laws govern the conditions of life, with exact steps
   to take in handling each of these conditions. Invaluable
   technology to help one succeed in *any* endeavor.

"Health and Certainty"

   Explains how one's health is related to his certainty or lack
   of it, how false certainties can be forced on him. Shows the
   way to achieve certainty and improve one's condition in life.

"Operation Manual for the Mind"

   Difficulties of trying to get along in life without knowing
   how the mind works are explored. Describes why man existed
   for thousands of years without any understanding of how his
   mind was supposed to operate, and how this problem has been
   solved in Scientology.


   Defines what a miracle is and sheds light on why they are so
   apparently lacking in the world today. Miracles are usually
   thought of as only having happened centuries ago in some
   distant place but this is not the case.

"The Road to Perfection -- The Goodness of Man"

   Unlike earlier practices that sought to "improve" man because
   he was "bad," Scientology assumes that man has good qualities
   that simply need to be increased. Shows how workable this
   assumption really is, and how one can begin to use his mind,
   talents and abilities to the fullest.

"The Dynamic Principles of Existence"

   Some people seem more interested and involved in life than
   others, and generally have more fulfilling lives as a result.
   Discusses the importance of being a knowing part of and
   participant in any and all of the functions of life.

"Man: Good or Evil?"

   Gives usable definitions of *good* and *evil*, and powerfully
   illustrates what man's basic nature really is. Man has
   struggled with the concepts of good and evil throughout his
   history This lecture greatly illuminates them.

"Differences Between Scientology and Other Studies"

   Oftentimes the important questions in life are the ones a
   person asks himself; and unlike other studies which try to
   force a person to accept beliefs, Scientology enables one to
   find his own answers. It points the way to true understanding
   of and belief in oneself.

"The Machinery of the Mind"

   Gives an understanding of different mental phenomena, how
   these can cause a person to lose control and how one can
   regain power of decision and control of his life.

"The Affinity-Reality-Communication Triangle"

   Explains how the ARC triangle works and how it can be used to
   resolve problems and improve personal relationships.

"Increasing Efficiency"

   Inefficiency is a major barrier to success, but there are
   ways to increase one's efficiency. Provides data on how to
   increase one's effectiveness in life.

"Man's Relentless Search"

   Describes what man is really searching for in life and how he
   can find it. His quest to find himself has repeatedly ended
   in failure and disappointment. With Scientology one's search
   no longer has to end this way.


                          V I D E O S

"How to Use Dianetics"

   A succinct explanation of Dianetics principles and step-by-
   step instructions of how to do Dianetics auditing as taught
   in _Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health_. The
   soundness of L. Ron Hubbard's theories and workability of his
   techniques are clearly demonstrated.

"Introduction to Scientology"

   An hour-long interview with L. Ron Hubbard, who provides
   candid answers to many commonly asked questions about
   Scientology. The source of Scientology relates his researches
   into life and the development of Scientology, its
   fundamentals, procedures and organizations.

*  "Dianetics," "E-Meter," "Hubbard," and "Scientology," are trademarks *
*  and service marks owned by the Religious Technology Center and are   *
*  used with its permission. "Scientologist" is a collective membership *
*  mark designating members of the affiliated churches and missions of  *
*  Scientology.                                                         *

----------------------< End of Books and Tapes FAQ >--------------------------

For more information on Scientology, FTP to FTP.PCNET.COM /users/brianw
or write to:


User Contributions:

Never mind who i am
you are a cult why do you try to poison us with your lies ? Yhwh would bellow at you that there is only one church , when God sent Jesus down he said to him establish a church on earth , we all know he did not mean gather many churches together & let Christianity bicker about which one is the right one , & it is clearly obvious your church is not the one obviously you have not read the bible or you would have known , a passage in the bible tells us exactly what that church is the passage reads " & the called them pastors "also the bible refers to the pastors as elders , so think about this the catholic church calls it's leaders priest the protestant church calls it's leads reverend or minister the Baptist church calls it's leaders pastor or elder , so it is obvious that & clear although some can't or refuse to see he meant the Baptist church
Agujero De'Asno
Christianity is a lie and stolen from Satan the gentiles are his he created the earth your God only created the Arab's and Jews, it is them who are poisoning with mind control lies stealing Satan's holidays changing them and trying to steal his people from him, telling them he is evil and hell is a fire pit LIES he is gentle ,if you don't believe what i am saying go to joy of satan it will tell you all about how the evil jews are corrupting the gentiles and need to be destroyed.
Sara O'Brian
all religions are wrong they got half of what they claim from the old pagan religion, wicca an earth and nature religion which worships Zeus father of sky and Hera mother of earth, and they wrongly imprisoned and executed witches solely because they were afraid of power witches would never use to harm anyone, which is where the occult and voodoo came from they created it to use to prove that there was black dark evil magic, we are a geltle people
Larry Anderson
there is no religion nor a God I and my family are Atheist's and have been for years, it is obvious that if there were a God he would be here now with all this hate going on if there is he as abandoned us,

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM