Archive-name: sci/waste-faq/lists/nature-sci/part2
Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1997/06/12 Version: 1.1 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge ############################################### # WASTE, # ENVIRONMENTAL AND # SUSTAINABLE # MAILING LISTS # & # NEWSGROUPS # # Nature Science Lists # Part 2 ############################################### HIERARCHY: ========== Lists Index: +++++++++ ABOUT REQUEST FOR CHANGING, DELETING OR ADDING QUICK SUMMARY OF CHANGES TABLE OF CONTENTS A. WASTE RELATED MAILING LISTS Waste Lists part 1 & 2: +++++++++++++++++ 1. Waste related Mailing Lists Enviro Lists part 1 & 2: +++++++++++++++++ 2. Environmental, Env. Engeneering & Env. Law Mailing Lists touching wastes Nature Science Lists part 1 & 2: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. Nature Science & Medicine Mailing Lists touching wastes & related issues Waste Newsgroups: +++++++++++++++++ B. WASTE RELATED AND WASTE TOUCHING NEWSGROUPS & GATEWAYS I. NEWSGROUPS 1. Waste related Newsgrops 2. Environmental, Env. Engeneering & Env. Law Newsgroups touching wastes 3. Nature Science & Medicine Newsgrops touching wastes and related issues II. GATEWAYS 1. Waste related Gateways 2. Environmental, Env. Engeneering and Env. Law Gateways touching wastes 3. Nature Science & Medicine Gateways touching wastes and related issues 3. Nature Science & Medicine Mailing Lists touching wastes & related issues: ################################################################## (continued from Nature Science Lists1) BIOSPH-L ======= Contact: mailto:LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: many Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - Purpose: Discussion of the Earth's Biosphere. Broadly interdisciplinary, but the main focus is on ecology and the biosphere. To subscribe mailto:LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM and in the body of the message put SUBSCRIBE BIOSPH-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname List-adress: mailto:BIOSPH-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Comments: Good for questions of general topic. Last updated: 15/05/97 ECOSYS-L ======== Contact: mailto:ECOSYS-L-request@VM.GMD.DE (Joachim Benz) Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - ECOSYS-L list for ecosystem theory and modelling. This mailing list is intended for the discussion in the field of ecosystem theory and modelling. Typically the material will be question-and-answer, where someone wants information on any problem in this field. In addition contributions - to build up a list of mathematical models, - to build up an address-list of scientists, who are engaged in modelling and - to standardization of mathematical formulation of ecological processes are welcomed. To subscribe mailto:LISTSERV@VM.GMD.DE and in the body of the message, put subscribe ECOSYS-L Firstname Lastname List-adress: mailto:ECOSYS-L@VM.GMD.DE Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 COFARM ======= Contact: mailto:listserv@umdd.bitnet Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - Advancing Agricultural Research. To subscribe, send email to mailto:listserv@umdd.bitnet and in the body of the message, put subscribe cofarm Firstname Lastname List-adress: mailto:cofarm@umdd.bitnet Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 HYDROLOGY ========== Contact: (Andrew Haines, List manager) Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - For those interested in hydrology - the science of water in the environment. It is relevant to those outside of traditional engineering hydrology, and emphasises multidisciplinary, fundamental, scientific research in hydrology. It has an Australian focus, but a large international membership. To subscribe and in the body of the message, put SUBSCRIBE HYDROLOGY Firstname Lastname List address: Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 WATERSCI ========= Contact: or (Bill Hall) Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - Water science discussion group. This is a forum to discuss water science issues with the community at large particularly in the context of environmental protection. Areas of interest include the following: * Biological indicators * Catchment and water quality modelling * Catchment management * Catchment processes * Conferences * Coastal (oceanographic) processes * Coastal waters * Estuaries * Eutrophication * Impact assessments * Inland waters * Marine and freshwater ecology * Microbiologal water quality * Protocols and standards * Research design * Sediment-water interactions * Statistical methods * Trace contaminants in aquatic ecosystems * Water storages To subscribe and in the body of the message put subscribe watersci List-adress: Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 GR-ANNOUNCE ============ Contact: or Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: yes Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - The Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN) is an international network of people and institutions committed to actively improving and sustaining the planet's water upon which all life depends. An electronic mailing list for people interested in watershed education. * Updates about GREEN's latest initiatives, workshops, publications, and conferences. * Information about other environmental and educational organizations, programs, materials, and events as they cross our desks. To subscribe and in the body of the message, put subscribe gr-announce your@email.address List address: Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 MARBIO ====== Contact: (Mike Marshall) Ranking: * Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: high Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - Global Directory of Marine Science Institutions & Scientists. The purpose of the Marine Biology list-server is to provide a forum on all issues of interest to marine scientists throughout the world. Appropriate topics for discussion will include (among others): -- marine ecology (invertebrates, fish, plants, etc.) -- evolution and the origin of life -- systematics -- chemical oceanography -- physical oceanography -- seagrass and algal biology, systematics, and ecology -- habitat restoration -- estuarine ecology -- mangrove biology -- funding opportunities -- job openings in marine science -- new and historical data availability -- abstracts for new and recent publications -- new research in progress -- course announcements from marine labs and universities -- threats to the marine environment -- anything else that is of interest to the marine science community -- meeting and conference announcements -- the availability of unpublished documents (grey literature) that might be of interest to many -- web page announcements of interest to marine scientists -- marine parks and preserve news The last directory of scientists working in marine and freshwater science was published by Unesco in 1983. As part of my work in marine information management with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, we would like to compile a new directory. The most obvious way is online and so we have set up a Directory database. We are making this request to scientists worldwide, so that eventually it will become THE online finding tool for those working in marine and freshwater science and those seeking contract partners, co-authors, reviewers, specialists etc. INPUT FORM SEARCH FORM To subscribe and in the body of the message, put subscribe marbio your@email.address end List address: Comment: Very limited purpose for waste topics. Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 FISH-ECOLOGY ============ Contact: mailto:SOLARIS@CICEI.ULPGC.ES Ranking: * Recipients: some hundred Frequency in average per day: very high Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - All aspects of fish ecology. To subscribe mailto:LISTSERV@SEGATE.SUNET.SE and in the body of the message put subscribe fish-ecology Firstname Lastname List-adress: mailto:fish-ecology@SEGATE.SUNET.SE Comment: Very limited purpose for waste topics. Last updated: 15/05/97 RESTORATION ECOLOGY ==================== Contact: (Jerry Dion) Ranking: *** Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: high Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - Restoration Ecology internet mailing list - sponsored by the Society for Ecological Restoration (their web page is: To subscribe Jerry Dion will you put on the list. It will take a few days. List-adress: Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 WETLAND RESTORATION ECOLOGY ============================ Contact: Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: yes Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - Wetlands Restoration Ecology internet mailing list - sponsored by the Society for Ecological Restoration (their web page is: To subscribe He will you put on the list. It will take a few days. List-adress: Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 ELI-WETLANDS ============ Contact: (Teresa Opheim) Ranking: *** Recipients: Frequency in average per day: high Established: - Moderated: yes Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: public list ELI-Wetlands is an electronic forum for the discussion of all aspects of the law, policy science, and management of wetlands, floodplains, and coastal water resources. ELI-Wetlands will be used to exchange information and ideas, announce conferences, call for papers, and alert wetlands professionals to new publications. Topics of discussion include but are certainly not limited to Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting, wetlands restoration, mitigation banking, and wetland protection efforts in such regions as the Chesapeake Bay, Everglades, and coastal Louisiana. To subscribe, send email to and in the body of the message put subscribe eli-wetlands your-email@address List-adress: Comment: Very interesting but limited purpose for waste topics. Last updated: 15/05/97 SPECIESLIST ========== Contact: or (Richard Stafursky) Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - Specieslist is a mailing list for contacting those interested in information regarding the World Species LIst (WSL). The WSL is free, access to all public domain world species databases. To subscribe and in the body of the message, put subscribe specieslist Firstname Lastname List-adress: Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 MICROSCOPY =========== Contact: mailto:Listserver@MSA.Microscopy.Com Ranking: (not yet ranked) Recipients: - Frequency in average per day: - Established: - Moderated: - Archived: - Non-members may contribute mail: - Status: - Microscopy Society of America listserver. Questions/comments/answers in the various fields of Microscopy To subscribe mailto:Listserver@MSA.Microscopy.Com and in the body of the message, put subscribe List-adress: mailto:Microscopy@MSA.Microscopy.Com Comments: - Last updated: 15/05/97 --------------- This is a periodical mail of WASTE subscription list and the newsgroups SCI.ENVIRONMENT.WASTE, ALT.WASTEWATER & *.ANSWERS Feel free to redistribute! Wolfgang Bujatti <> User Contributions:Part1 - Part2 [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Wolfgang Bujatti)
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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