Archive-name: sci/waste-faq/charter
Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1997/04/28 Version: 1.1 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge ############################################################ C H A R T E R unmoderated mailing list WASTE unmoderated newsgroup SCI.ENVIRONMENT.WASTE ############################################################ QUICK SUMMARY OF CHANGES: ========================== First Posting! TABLE OF CONTENTS: ================= 1. Aim and discussion topics 2. General information about the Mailing List WASTE & Digest Form 3. Nettiqette 4. Subscription and Archieve on the WWW 5. Contemporary Waste Handbook-Project 6. Find Friends 7. Periodical postings 8. General Information about the Newsgroup SCI.ENVIRONMENT.WASTE 9. Internet for Environmental Communication 10. List owner ond Proponent of newsgroup 11. CEDAR C H A R T E R unmoderated mailing list WASTE unmoderated newsgroup SCI.ENVIRONMENT.WASTE ############################################# 1. Aim and discussion topics ===================== Member statistics: WASTE: 412 members WASTE-Digest: 43 members Short List Description: Effects or impacts of Wastes and Waste Management Methods. Keywords: waste management, hazardous waste, garbage, refuse, industrial waste, municipal solid waste, domestic refuse, source reduction, collecting and fractioning of wastes, waste processing, reuse, recycling, incineration, waste treatment, conditioning to inert them, waste disposal, composting, hazard potential for subsequent generations, greenhouse gases The increasing quantity and the hazards of human wastes evolved to a very serious environmental problem. They can impair the general well-being of man, animals, vegetation, their basis of existence or their natural environment. Tthis topic needs an integrated approch by environmentalists, biologists, ecologists, chemists, technicians and lawyers. This mailing list and newsgroup is proposed to provide a forum for scientific discussion on the one hand by people who are interested in the effects which their wastes can take on our natural environment (soil, water, air and the seas) and on the other hand by people involved in collecting, fractioning, processing, treating, recycling or dumping wastes or other waste management methods. This group is proposed as unmoderated group. A moderation should be the last precaution against off-topic posts, spam, or repetitive flaming (attacks). As this mailing list and newsgroup has the aim to bring together very differnent groups of people it wouldn't be easy for a moderator to filter the postings to serve all. I've chosen the label waste instead of a more specific description (such as recycling or dumping) since this is the usual description for departements of administrations, non governmental organisations and enterprises. An unmoderated mailing list and newsgroup which would provide a world wide forum for a serious discussion by people who try to reduce wastes, which are involved with collecting, fractioning, processing, treating, recycling or dumping wastes or with other waste management methods or people which treat them, so that they can reused for a different purpose, as well as by people, who are cronfronted with the dangers of wastes in everyday life. To assist governments, NGOs, environmentalists and scientists in the acquisition of scientific and legal waste-related information as well as an informative arena on the many different world wide techniques of conditioning, recycling and reusing wastes. Specific topics may include but are not limited to: + the many different types of wastes and their effection on the ecosystems in the soil, the rivers, the atmosphere and the seas and oceans + industrial and municipal solid waste (domestic refuse) + dumping (nowadays or in the past) of toxic wastes in landfill sites + sealing and watertighten of landfill sites and underground dumping sites + different world-wide skills and techniques of waste reduction in the production-process, of processing, treating, recycling and reusing wastes and other waste management methods + environmental impact of waste treating plants and landfill sites + pros and cons of waste incineration and the rank of its spent air + waste-to-energy mechanism + specific problems of transport of hazardous wastes on land, air and sea + pacticable collection systems + wastewater and sludges use, composting + reuse of tyres, waste-paper, packings, etc. + hazards of waste batteries, neon tubes, refrigerator-liquid, synthetics, etc. + greenhouse gases 2. General information about the Mailing List WASTE & Digest Form ================================================= If you (unsubscribe WASTE and) subscribe WASTE-Digest you don't get every posting on the mailing list by email. The server stores all postings till a certain level (50 kilobytes) is reached and then mails you one long email with all the postings of the last few days. The interval time depends on, how many and how long the postings have been. This can be in a few days or last perhaps a week. This is a service for those list members who don't want to get many emails. You can get information about the list and subscribe to the list on the follwoing URL: or (1) Send an e-mail to (2) Subject line does not matter (3) Type the following command on the first line of your mail: subscribe waste your@email.address or to the digested version: subscribe waste-digest your@email.address Replace your@email.address with your email-address. Examples: subscribe waste or subscribe waste-digest To unsubscribe from the list: (1) Send an e-mail to (2) Subject line does not matter (3) Type the following command on the first line of your mail: unsubscribe waste your@email.address or from the digested version: unsubscribe waste-digest your@email.address Replace your@email.address with your email-address. Examples: unsubscribe waste or unsubscribe waste-digest To post a message to the entire waste list (no difference if you receive the digested or the non-digested version) send your mail to ######################################################### # # IMPORTANT: Do not send commands or messages concerning # subscription to the list address. # # Processing commands (subscribe etc.) should be sent to: # # # List related messages should be sent to the listowner: # # # Technical questions should be directed to: # #| ######################################################### 3. Nettiqette ========= The general "netiquette" FAQs posted in the newsgroup news.announce.newusers and news.answers apply to the proposed group and mailing list. Participants are encouraged to use descriptive Subjects (e.g., "Burning PCBs" rather than just "Help" or "Question"). A fine nettiqette and service to the list-members is also to post a summary of all answers to the list you got to your personal email adress to a specific question. You should use English language. Due to telephone rates, speed of modem, download delays and additional rates for the provider the cost of downloading lage files maybe a noticable ammount (i.e. 20 for 1.500 members about US$ 1.000). So the WASTE policy on exchange large (binary) files (i.e. pictures and simulations, etc.) has always been as follows: (a) Anyone willing to share a binary file should contact (b) The file will be put into the WASTE repository on the WWW where those who want could see it. When you reply to someone's posting, snip out the bit you want to comment on - don't simply hit `Reply' on your mailer and send the whole thing back (especially the long ones!) - it costs money. You putting in links to other sites. However, being quite lazy, could you enter them with the http:// before the www.etc such as When you do this it becomes a clickable link and the reader doesn't have to copy and paste it into his browser. Also, if you put mailto:XXXXX (where "XXXXX" is an e-mail address) this makes the e-mail link "clickable" and does not have to be cut and pasted either. If you want to add a newsgroup put news: without slashes before the name of the newsgroup (as news:sci.environment.waste). The current versions of the most popular email programs recognize these conventions. On-topic advertising and e mployment (help and/or position wanted) noticesis are limited to once per week. Please send such post only on fridays. Discussions about saving the nature without context to wastes should better take place on the newsgroups sci.environment and or appropriate mailing list like Wind Energy Weekly from Tom Gray, and the talk about energy-production (with the only exception of waste-to-energy discussion) and production techniques (with the only exception of waste reduction in the production-process) should better take place on the newsgroup or on the sci.engr hierarchy or appropriate mailing lists. The following types of posts are strictly PROHIBITED in this mailing list: * Material and advertisments unrelated to conditioning, recycling, and impact of wastes (off-topic) * Spam (defined as articles posted to more than 5 newsgroups) * Make-money-fast or other chain or fraudulent schemes * Forged posts (anonymous posts are allowed) * Personal insults or repetitive flaming (attacks) The use of e-mail addresses from articles posted to this group for the purpose of sending junk (mass unsolicited) e-mail or for compiling a list so that others may do so is specifically PROHIBITED. In the absence of moderation, prohibitions can, of course, only be enforced by the collective will of the group and/or by after-the-fact complaints to the offender's service provider. If anyone feels offended by other party's action, please, contact the offending service provider and/or the listowner at <> PRIVATELY, never through the list. To set tighter rules to avoid such abusers would, probably, harm the WASTE environment for easy scientific exchange: Our policy is to keep WASTE as open as possible and not-to go moderated. Finally, we have the techical capacity to set up any arrangement of filters whatsoever. However, for transparency, it may rather be a better solution not to start to set filters in a 'tit-for-tat' pattern: It would definitely end up in a kind of 'Alcatraz-set-of-rules'. 4. Subscription and Archieve on the WWW =============================== You can subscribe to the list on the following URL: All postings at this group are saved in a database. You can read them at the following URL: At this sites you can get also supplementary informations about this mailing list and general information about our topic. Also Reference.COM search service has begun archiving this list as of Feb. 26, 1997 Searchable archives for the lists are available at: //"> . at If you do *NOT* want your post archived at Reference.COM, include the following line as an email header or as the first line of your message: X-No-Archive: yes 5. Contemporary Waste Handbook-Project =============================== To support research and best practice in the field of all waste related issues, we invite contributions on "Effects or impacts of Wastes and Waste Management Methods & Legal Background" to set up a eclectronically CONTEMPORARY WASTE HANDBOOK on the WWW at the homepage of the WASTE list: The CONTEMPORARY WASTE HANDBOOK will contain an guide to solve the problems of sustainable waste management, splitted in 10 sections. Every section contains of: - an introduction of the special waste section - a main part consisting of text contributions singned by author - links to archived postings of mailing lists regarding the respective waste section - links to waste related web sites regarding the respective waste section - a summary The proposed sections are: 0. GLOSSARY OF WASTE-TERMS 1. TYPES OF WASTES AND THEIR EFFECTS - HAZARDOUS & PROBLEMATIC WASTES 2. INDUSTRIAL & MUNICIPAL WASTE - PACKAGING 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS & GREENHOUSE GASES 4. WASTE AVOIDANCE & WASTE REDUCTION - SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS 5. SECONDARY MATERIALS - USE, REUSE AND RECYCLING OF WASTE 6. COLLECTION SYSTEMS, TRANSPORTATION & FRACTIONING OF WASTES 7. EFFECTS AND IMPACTS OF WASTE TREATING PLANTS 8. WASTE INCINERATION & WASTE-TO-ENERGY MECHANISMS 9. WASTEWATER, SLUDGE DIGESTORS & SLUDGES USE - COMPOSTING 10. DUMPING OF WASTES & SEALING OF DUMPING SITES Anyone who is willing to partizipate this project is invited to send manuscripts or summaries of links in plain text or HTML to the listowner: For technical questions on the planned installation 6. Find Friends =========== Perhaps you are looking for people from your own contry to discuss an only national related waste-topic or you have an interst in behalf of wastes only in a certain country. Or you are looking for an address for a certain name. You can get the address-list off all current subscribers of the WASTE list: (1) Send an e-mail to (2) Subject line does not matter (3) Type the following command on the first line of your mail: who WASTE Be aware of the possibility of the WHO command and that there is no privacy if you are member of mailing lists (except the CONCEAL command, which is only availible on LISTSERV, not on MAJORDOMO). 7. Periodical postings ================ The list owner collects to information on-topic informations of general interest, which are posted to this mailing list and the corresponding newsgroup on a regular basis. Suggestions and information to append to this FAQs should be sent to the listowner: Current postings on an monthly basis: FAQ-Charter WASTE & SCI.ENVIRONMENT.WASTE (this document) FAQ-WASTE Mailing Lists and Newsgroups 8. General Information about the Newsgroup SCI.ENVIRONMENT.WASTE The newsgrop sci.environment.waste has approximately the same charter as for the WASTE mailing list. 9. Internet for Environmental Communication International workshop that took place in May 1996. There is a booklet availible which is of special interest for those who want to establish an internet facility for environmental informations or which whant to inform what's availible on the net. Topics included espacially the internet facilities of Canada, the European Union, IUCN, Greenpeace, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Danmark, Sweden, Norway, Hungary and Italy. Workshops Homepage: This booklet is availible at the Federal Environment Agency of Austria for ATS 60,-- + shipment (ca. $ 5-10). You can order it online at and click "Publikationen"/"Bestellung"/"elektronische Bestellung" or 10. List owner ond Proponent of newsgroup ###################################################### # Mag. Wolfgang Bujatti # Federal Ministry of Environment of Austria # HOME: Zieglergasse 8/5, A-1070 Vienna # Tel:+43/1/52-68-961 # OFFICE: Stubenring 5, A-1010 Vienna # # # Fax:+43/1/515-22/7502 ###################################################### 11. CEDAR CEDAR is the Central European Environmental Data Request Facility. An Internet node and environmental clearinghouse that provides on-line environmental information. --------------- This is a periodical mail of WASTE subscription list and the newsgroups SCI.ENVIRONMENT.WASTE, ALT.WASTEWATER & *.ANSWERS Feel free to redistribute! Wolfgang Bujatti <> User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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