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sci.math FAQ: Table of Contents

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Archive-name: sci-math-faq/tableofcontents 
Last-modified: Apr 04, 1995
Version: 6.2


     * Contents
     * Introduction
          + Why a list of Frequently Asked Questions?
          + Frequently Asked Questions in Mathematics?
     * Fermat's Last Theorem
          + History of Fermat's Last Theorem
          + What is the current status of FLT?
          + Wiles' line of attack
          + If not, then what?
               o What has been proved
               o Conjectures
          + Did Fermat prove this theorem?
     * Prime Numbers
          + Largest known Mersenne prime
          + Largest known prime
          + Largest known twin primes
          + Largest Fermat number with known factorization
          + Algorithms to factor integer numbers
          + List of record numbers
          + What is the current status on Mersenne primes?
          + Formulae to compute prime numbers
     * What are numbers?
          + Introduction
          + Construction of the Number System
          + Construction of N
          + Construction of Z
          + Construction of Q
          + Construction of R
          + Construction of C
          + Rounding things up
          + What's next?
     * Special Numbers and Functions
          + How to compute digits of pi ?
          + Indiana bill sets the value of pi to 3
          + Euler's formula: e^(i pi) = -1
          + What is 0^0
          + Why is 0.9999... = 1 ?
          + Name for f(x)^(f(x)) = x
     * Names of Large Numbers
     * Unsolved Problems
          + Does there exist a number that is perfect and odd?
          + Collatz Problem
          + Goldbach's conjecture
          + Twin primes conjecture
     * Symbolic Computation Packages
     * Fields Medal
          + Historical Introduction
          + Table of Awardees
     * Famous Problems in Mathematics
          + The Four Colour Theorem
          + The Trisection of an Angle
     * Mathematical Games
          + The Monty Hall problem
          + Master Mind
     * Projective plane of order 10
     * The Axiom of Choice
          + Relevance of the Axiom of Choice
          + Cutting a sphere into pieces of larger volume
     * The Continuum Hypothesis
     * Theory of quaternionic analytic functions
     * Mathematical Oddities
          + Erdos Number
          + Why is there no Nobel in mathematics?
          + Who is N. Bourbaki?
     * Which are the 23 Hilbert Problems?
     * Formulas of General Interest
          + How to determine the day of the week, given the month, day
            and year
          + Formula for the Surface Area of a sphere in Euclidean N
          + Formula to compute compound interest.
     * General Bibliography and Textbooks
     * The Sci.Math FAQ Team
     * Copyright Notice
    Thu Dec 08 20:49:28 EST 1994

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM