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sci.math FAQ: Which are the 23 Hilbert Problems?

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Archive-name: sci-math-faq/hilbert
Last-modified: February 20, 1998
Version: 7.5

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               Which are the 23 Hilbert Problems?

   The original was published in German in a couple of places. A
   translation was published by the AMS in 1902.
   This article has been reprinted in 1976 by the American Mathematical
   Society (see references).
   The AMS Symposium mentioned at the end contains a series of papers on
   the then-current state of most of the Problems, as well as the
   The URL contains the list of problems, and their current status: eww6n/math/Hilbert'sProblems.html
   Mathematical Developments Arising from Hilbert Problems, volume 28 of
   Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, pages 1--34, Providence,
   Rhode Island. American Mathematical Society, 1976.
   D. Hilbert. Mathematical problems. Lecture delivered before the
   International Congress of Mathematicians at Paris in 1900. Bulletin of
   the American Mathematical Society, 8:437--479, 1902.
Alex Lopez-Ortiz                                                     Assistant Professor	
Faculty of Computer Science                    University of New Brunswick

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM