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Sacramento, California USENET FAQ Part 2 of 6

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Archive-name: sac/faq/part2
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: Jun. 26, 1996
Version: 21Jun96 [ASCII/Multipart]
URL: < >
Ebb: < >

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
               The Sacramento, California USENET FAQ Part 2 of 6
            Frequently Asked Questions about Sacramento, California
                           (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996


                             David F. Prenatt, Jr.
                              Internet Esquire(sm)
                                 P.O. Box 74632
                              Davis, CA 95617-5632

                     < >

                        < >

The Sacramento, California USENET FAQ (Sacramento USENET FAQ) may be
comprised of more than one part.  If it is, please see the TABLE OF
CONTENTS in Part One for a complete list of the questions that I have
attempted to answer and for other important legal information.  Caveat
emptor:  I assume no obligation for anyone through the publication of the
Sacramento USENET FAQ.  Furthermore, all versions of the Sacramento USENET
FAQ are my personal property and are protected by applicable copyright
laws.  All rights are reserved except as follows:  I hereby give my
permission to anyone who has access to this version of the Sacramento
USENET FAQ to reproduce the information contained herein for non-profit
purposes, provided that proper credit is given to me as the author of this
FAQ and that I am notified of any use other than personal use.  Permission
to reproduce any version of this FAQ may be revoked by me at any time.

- - - - -
               The Sacramento, California USENET FAQ Part 2 of 6
            Frequently Asked Questions about Sacramento, California
               (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996 by David F. Prenatt, Jr.


1.1)  Who wrote this FAQ and how can I reach him? [Rev]

     This FAQ was written by me, David F. Prenatt, Jr.  Until further
     notice, you can reach me by my e-mail at the Davis Community Network:

 (< >)

     or by snail-mail (i.e., U.S. Mail) at my P.O. Box:

          David F. Prenatt, Jr.
          Internet Esquire(sm)
          P.O. Box 74632
          Davis, CA 95617-5632

     or on the World Wide Web (< >).

1.2)  What information is contained in this FAQ?

     Anything that I, as the author of this FAQ, decided would be of
     interest to people who are interested in the community of Sacramento,
     California.  See PREFATORY QUESTIONS (Section 0) for more information.

1.3)  How is this FAQ organized?

     This FAQ may be arbitrarily divided into unequal parts where I felt it
     was convenient to do so.  I did this for two reasons.  The first
     reason is that some readers of this FAQ may have specific questions
     and may not want to read the entire FAQ.  If this version of this FAQ
     is comprised of more than one part, the first part will contain the
     complete TABLE OF CONTENTS.  Thus, readers may refer to the TABLE OF
     CONTENTS to find out which part of the FAQ contains the specific
     questions that they want answered.  Second, some computer services and
     applications are unable to handle extremely large computer files.  If
     this version of this FAQ is comprised of more than one part, no one
     part will exceed 32k.  See the TABLE OF CONTENTS in this FAQ for more
     detailed information about how the contents of this version of this
     FAQ are organized.
          This FAQ uses standard Uniform Resource Locator (URL) protocol
     references to accomodate readers with a web browser:

          <ftp://[ftp site][directory][archive] > = file transfer protocol

          <gopher://[gopher address] > = gopher protocol

          <http://[World Wide Web address] > = hypertext transfer protocol

          <mailto:[e-mail account]@[domain] > = SMTP e-mail protocol

          <news:[newsgroup or article reference] >  = USENET protocol

          <telnet:[telnet site] > = IP telnet protocol

     These URL references will act as hyptertext links for those using
     Netscape to read this FAQ on the USENET newsgroups or are reading a
     hypertext version of this FAQ.

1.4)  How can I obtain this FAQ? [Rev]

     This FAQ is archived at in the pub/usenet/news.answers
     directory under the archive name sac/faq/part* (where * = 1 through 6)
     and available by anonymous ftp and e-mail request.  See Section for more information on ftp and e-mail request.  This FAQ is
     updated monthly and the most current version is posted to the
     news.answers USENET newsroup (<news:news.answers >) and sac.general
     (<news:sac.general >); a hypertext version of this FAQ is available at
     the USENET FAQ project:

     < >

          Snail-mail requests for the Offline 21Jun96 Version of this FAQ
     will be honored within the United States (U.S.), if those requests are
     accompanied by $5.00 in U.S. funds, in the form of a check or money
     order for each copy of this FAQ requested to cover the cost of
     printing, shipping, and handling; volume discounts and licensing
     agreements are available.  At my discretion, I may ship a more recent
     offline version of this FAQ unless you specify otherwise.

1.5)  Are there any other FAQs available by the author of this FAQ? [Rev]

     Yes.  I have published five other FAQS similar to the FAQ that you are
     now reading:

          The King Hall Law School USENET FAQ (King Hall USENET FAQ),
     appearing on ucd.king-hall <news:ucd.king-hall >) and available by
     anonymous ftp and e-mail request at the ftp server:

  < >
     . . . [through] . . .
  < >
    (see part 1 for a complete list of the TABLE OF CONTENTS)

     with a hypertext version available at the USENET FAQ Project:

   < >

          The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ, appearing on ucd.general
     (<news:ucd.general >), and available by anonymous ftp and e-mail
     request at the ftp server:

          < >
          . . . [through] . . .
          < >
          (see part 1 for a complete list of the TABLE OF CONTENTS)

     with a hypertext version available at the USENET FAQ Project:

         < >

          The Davis, California USENET FAQ (Davis USENET FAQ), appearing on
     davis.general (<news:davis.general >) and available by anonymous ftp
     and e-mail request at the server:

          < >
          . . . [through] . . .
          < >
          (see part 1 for a complete list of the TABLE OF CONTENTS)

     with a hypertext version available at the USENET FAQ Project:

          < >

        The Yolo County, California USENET FAQ (Yolo County USENET FAQ),
    appearing on yolo.general (<news:yolo.general >)and available by
    anonymous ftp and e-mail request at the server:

          < >
          < >
          < >
          (see part 1 for a complete list of the TABLE OF CONTENTS)

     with a hypertext version available at the USENET FAQ Project:

          < >

          The San Francisco Bay Area USENET FAQ (Bay Area USENET FAQ),
     appearing on ba.general (<news:ba.general >)and available by anonymous
     ftp and e-mail request at the server:

          < >
          . . . [through] . . .
          < >
          (see part 1 for a complete list of the TABLE OF CONTENTS)

     with a hypertext version available at the USENET FAQ Project:

          < >

          These FAQs are updated once a month and the most current versions
     are posted on news.answers (<news:news.answers >) and the appropriate
     designated USENET newsgroup.  The Offline 21Jun96 Versions of these
     FAQs are available within the U.S. by snail-mail request, if your
     request is accompanied by $5.00 U.S. currency in the form of a check
     or money order for each copy of each FAQ that you order, to cover the
     cost of printing, shipping, and handling; volume discounts and
     licensing agreements are available.  Including the FAQs that are
     listed here, I have about a dozen FAQS that are currently under
     construction and/or pending approval of the *.answers team.


     I have tried to answer some of the more frequently asked questions
     about visiting Sacramento in this section.  For more information,
     contact the Sacramento Convention & Visitors Bureau:

          1421 K St
          Sacramento, CA 95814
          (916)264-7777; FAX (916)264-7788
          (< >)

2.1)  What reasons would someone have for visiting Sacramento?

     Sacramento is a popular destination for tourists as the historical
     seat of the 19th Century California Gold Rush and the modern day state
     capital of California.  As the state capital, it is the statewide
     center of commerce and politics and contains the largest major city in
     California (in terms of population) within 100 miles of its borders.
     As a major city, Sacramento also serves the more local needs of many
     surrounding communities.

2.2)  Where is Sacramento and how do I get there?

     Sacramento is located at the Intersection of Interstate 5 (I-5) and
     Interstate 80 (I-80), approximately 100 miles northeast of San
     Francisco.  If you are coming to Sacramento from Southern or Central
     California, take I-5 North (or alternatively Route 99 North, if it is
     closer); from the San Franciso Bay Area, take I-80 East; from Northern
     California, take I-5 South (or Route 70/99 South if it/they are
     closer); from Nevada take I-80 West or the legendary coast-to-coast
     Route 50 West (whichever is closer).  The Sacramento Metropolitan
     Airport is located on the remote northwest edge of Sacramento County
     and is served by ten major airlines.

2.3)  Where can I get something to eat in Sacramento?

     See Section 5.2 for information on restaurants in Sacramento.

2.4)  Where can I find lodging in Sacramento?

     Sacramento is a major city and finding lodging is not a problem.
     However, I do know at least one person who has made the mistake of
     lodging at the airport hotel when he drove into Sacramento from the
     San Francisco Bay Area, not realizing how spread out Sacramento is and
     how remote the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport is from downtown
     Sacramento and most of the populated areas of Sacramento.  Take
     location into account when selecting a hotel.
          For more information about lodging in Sacramento, readers with a
     web browser may visit the URL on the World Wide Web, Where to Stay in

          < >

2.5)  What sort of recreation and entertainment is available for visitors
      to Sacramento?

     Visitors to Sacramento usually find Old Sacramento ("Old Sac") very
     entertaining.  Old Sac could be termed a tourist trap, but it is also
     an authentic blast from the past, with such attractions as the Wells
     Fargo Museum.  For more information about Old Sac, readers with a web
     browser may visit the Old Sacramento Home Page on the World Wide Web
     (< >).
          Old Sac is connected by a footpath to the Downtown Plaza, a
     charming shopping mall with an open-air roof.  The Downtown Plaza has
     several unique stores and displays along with several nightclubs
     connected into one big night club (America Live).  Parking at the
     Downtown Plaza is free for 3 hours with validation from one of the
     stores there; 4 hours if you eat at one of the restaurants.
          At the east end of the Downtown Plaza, you will run into the K
     Street Mall.  This is signaled by a change in architecture, from a two
     story building with an open air roof to a mall with no roof at all.
     Meanwhile, you will notice that the tracks of the light rail run down
     the middle of the mall.  The best time to visit the K Street mall
     (during the summer) is on Thursday night for the Street Fair.
          To the south of the K Street mall is the state capitol.  A number
     of interesting exhibits and displays are located in the capitol
     building (open seven days a week), the state courts building (housing
     the State Court of Appeals and the California Supreme Court; open
     business hours on weekdays), and the state offices building (open
     business hours on weekdays).  To the west of these state buildings is
     Sutter's Fort at 27th St and L St, a place to which every visitor or
     resident of California should make a pilgrimage.  A number of other
     museums are also located in and around the state building.  For more
     information on places of interest in Sacramento, see Section 5.

2.6)  What sort of transportation services are available to and from

     Sacramento is served by the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport, Amtrak,
     and Greyhound.  Regional Transit, in cooperation with mass transit
     services of outlying areas, provides some of the best transportation
     services for commuters that I have yet encountered in a major city.
     For more information, readers with web browser should visit Smart
     Traveler on the Internet (< >), a site on
     the World Wide Web that provides links to various transportation
     services and options in the Greater Sacramento Area and beyond; the
     following URL, may also be useful:

          < >.

2.6.1)  How far is the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport from Sacramento and
        how do I get there?

     The Sacramento Metropolitan Airport is located in the remotest parts
     of northwest Sacramento County, on the outskirts of the city of
     Sacramento.  Most of the populated regions of neighboring counties are
     closer to the airport than are the populated regions of Sacramento
     County.  Take I-5 North (which is actually westbound for most of the
     trip) from downtown Sacramento to the airport.  You can't possibly
     miss the airport; it's the only development in that area.  Where should I park at the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport?

     Short term parking is usually available near the terminal of your
     airline for 75 cents for the first half hour, $1.50 per hour to a
     maximum daily rate of $10; long term parking is $1.50 per hour up to a
     maximum daily rate of $5.  Circle around the airport once before
     parking to make sure that you know where you are going once you park.  Is there airport shuttle service at the Sacramento Metropolitan

     A number of companies provide shuttles services to Sacramento.  They
     are listed in the airport's Bi-Monthly Flight Schedule.  See Section for more information on how to obtain the Bi-Monthly Flight
     Schedule.  Where can I get more information about the Sacramento
          Metropolitan Airport?

     Call the Metro's BeeLine at (916)552-5252 or write:

          Department of Airports
          6900 Airport Blvd
          Sacramento, CA 95837

     Be sure to ask for the Bi-Monthly Flight Schedule; Readers with a web
     browser may also wish to visit Southwest Airlines Home Page on the
     World Wide Web (< >).

2.6.2)  Amtrak. [Rev]

     The Sacramento Amtrak station is located at 401 "I" St, Sacramento,
     95814, (800)872-7245.  Readers with a web browser may visit Amtrak's
     Home Page on the World Wide Web (< >).  Amtrak's
     Capitol Route is an affordable and pleasant way to reach the Bay Area,
     but the trains do not run on time.  Make sure that you allow plenty of

2.6.3)  Greyhound.

     The Sacramento Greyhound station is located at [7th and L St],
     Sacramento, 95814, (916)444-7270.

2.6.4)  Are there any commuter services to distant outlying areas in

     Regional Transit (in cooperation with other transit services) provides
     transportation to a number of communities that neighbor Sacramento.
     See Section 3.4.1 for more information about services offered by
     Regional Transit.

- - - - -

End Document:

               The Sacramento, California USENET FAQ Part 2 of 6
            Frequently Asked Questions about Sacramento, California
                           (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996


                             David F. Prenatt, Jr.
                              Internet Esquire(sm)
                                 P.O. Box 74632
                              Davis, CA 95617-5632

                     < >

                        < >

Link to next document:

< >

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM