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Predator FAQ

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Archive-name: rural/predator-faq
Posting-Frequency: every 60 days

The Predator FAQ is available at

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 It was last modified with additional or updated information and links
 on Tue Oct 30 09:02:04 2001 EST.  This is the only maintained version of
 the FAQ.  Older versions in archives, newsgroups, or on other WWW sites
 are likely to be out-of-date and incomplete.  The Predator FAQ and
 the table of contents listed below are  1994-2001 Ronald Florence.

                           Predator FAQ


    1.  Livestock predators
    2.  Coyote or coydogs
    3.  Identifying the killer
    4.  Predator season
    5.  Coyote in the pasture
    6.  Fences
    7.  Supplemental fences
    8.  Shooting & trapping
    9.  Guard animals
   10.  Donkeys
   11.  Guard dogs
   12.  Llamas
   13.  Mixed herds
   14.  Chicken Coop
   15.  Poison
   16.  Credits
   17.  Copyright & Permissions

Ronald Florence

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Ronald Florence <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM