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Section - 9. What is the RFA? And how do I get an 'Official' title?

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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: 8. Ads for 1-900 numbers, commercial services, and web pages.
Next Document: 9b. Do I have to apply to the RFA to post to ARC?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
RFA stands for Romantic Fireside Association. It is a subset of the
people who read and/or post to ARC, and who find romance in situations
involving fire - fireplaces, candle-light, campfires and the like.

To join, simply post a story/poem/anecdote in ARC featuring: (a) fire
of some sort and (b) Romance. Put "RFA Application: [your name]" in the
Subject line to help people spot it!

The existing members of the RFA will then vote to accept your story.
You only need two votes of acceptance and you're in! Don't panic -
you don't need to wait for votes from everyone! If you want, you can
then choose a title.  The current list of RFA titles is at our website, so
can check the titles that have been used already.  Once you've got your two
votes, e-mail the ARChive maintainer (currently, Lisa Davis at, to make sure the title is unique and to add it to the
This ensures that titles don't get mixed up.  Don't be miffed if people
respond immediately; they're often busy and some sites don't get all the
messages. Also be aware of net.lag -- it can be days or even a week before
your message is distributed widely on the net.  So be patient. E-mailing
your application to the maintainer will help speed the approval of a title!

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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: 8. Ads for 1-900 numbers, commercial services, and web pages.
Next Document: 9b. Do I have to apply to the RFA to post to ARC?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM