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Section - 14. Hey! That last post had nothing to do with ARC!

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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: 13. How come everybody seems to know everybody else?
Next Document: 15. What's the difference between ARC and alt.romance?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Watch out for cross-posting.  We sometimes are inflicted with flame-bait
from other groups. Ignore them.  They go away faster that way.  Just pay
attention to the newsgroups that you are posting or following-up to, and
all of us will enjoy ARC that much more.

Be aware that many of the regular ARC readers do not even *bother* to read
a thread that is cross-posted.  So if you feel you are being ignored, make
sure you haven't cross-posted your article.  While you may feel that your
post is germane to several groups, a large number of people believe that
cross-posts do more harm than good, so if you do decide to cross-post, be
prepared to get some complaints.

Also, watch out for idiots who don't bother to read a newsgroup for a
couple of weeks before they post.  Ignore them.  If you can't, send them a
gentle e-mail note and point out that they made a mistake.  Don't expect
any gratitude, though.  Many newlings and wanna-be anarchists (masquerading
under the guise of "Free Speech" and "First Amendment" rhetoric) will flame
you back for merely suggesting that they don't have the GodGivenRight(tm)
to spew irrelevant nonsense to the widest possible audience.

Some newsreaders have a feature known as a "kill file".  This will allow
you to automatically kill (i.e., never see) posts from a particular person
or site or subject line.  Check the documentation or man page of your
particular software for more information.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: 13. How come everybody seems to know everybody else?
Next Document: 15. What's the difference between ARC and alt.romance?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM