Archive-name: radio/public-radio-faq
Version: $Id:,v 1.42 2000/01/21 12:01:01 rsk Exp $ See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Originally written by Rich Kulawiec,; Copyright Rich Kulawiec 1994-2000. [ January 2000 update: currently being rewriten. ] READ THIS NOTE: I receive an average of hundreds of mail messages per day. If you want to make sure that your update/correction/reply to this article comes to my attention when I'm working on the next version, please send your message as a reply to this article, i.e. make absolutely certain that you preserve the "Subject:" line. If you don't do this, your reply may sit in one of my numerous mail queues for months or even years. Please don't send an update more than once -- doing so only adds to the queue that I have to process when doing updates. If you want to make certain that I've received something, then make a note of the information on the "Version:" line above. If it has changed when you next see this article, and your information isn't included, then I've missed it. Otherwise, it's safe to presume I've got it and it queued for inclusion. The FAQ may be reproduced and propagated via http, ftp, gopher or other common Internet protocols by anyone provided that (1) it is reproduced in its entirety (2) no fee is charged for access to it and (3) it's kept up-to-date. This latter is probably best accomplished by mirroring one of the FAQ archives -- that way you'll get a new copy everytime I update it, which is approximately monthly. (If you do put it up on the web, I'd like to know the URL, but that's not a requirement. It just would be nice.) Reproduction of this FAQ on paper, CDROM or other media which are sold is permissible only with the express written consent of its author. If you are reading a copy of this document which appears to be out-of-date, there are a variety of methods that you can use to retrieve the most current method. If you are familiar with access to the FAQ archives via mail, ftp, and www, then you already know how. If not, then send email to with the command "send usenet/news.answers/news-answers/introduction" in the message, and a complete guide to FAQ retrieval will be mailed to you. What's this about? In the US, most radio stations are commercial: they are owned by companies who are trying to make a profit from their operation. The way that they generate income for themselves is to sell airtime for commercials. But there's another group of radio stations, "public radio", which are not funded in this manner. They are almost always commercial-free, and get their money from (1) listeners, who "subscribe" to the station (2) grants from various foundations, and (3) other fundraisers, such as concerts. There are even radio networks (NPR, APR, etc.) which produce programming shared by many of these stations in the same way that commercial networks such as ABC or CBS produce programming for their stations. Public radio (and public television) are often the only independent sources of news information in many communities. (The paragraph above was written in response to a query from Roswitha Hahn-Drodofsky, who asked just what this "public radio" thing is all about. In my American-centrism, it had escaped me that this article might confuse people elsewhere in the world. Hopefully the short exposition above will clear it up a bit. ---Rsk ) Another view on what this is about: I recently received a fascinating note from Michael Carraher, providing another answer to the same question. I've been reading his note, re-reading mine, and then trying to figure out a way to integrate the two into a coherent presentation that's as accurate as I can make it. Well, I haven't figure that out -- but I do think he made some extremely insightful observations, and I think that until I get a chance to meld his work with mine, the best thing I can do is reprint it here just as he sent it to me. I hope that those of you who are reading this will find the juxtaposition of his opinion with mine to be useful, and that it will help you reach an understanding of your own. ----------begin note from Michael The distinction between commercial and noncommercial stations -- according to the FCC -- is commercials. Most, but not all, commercial stations are owned by corporations but some are community-based, or mom and pop, or owned by nonprofit organizations (churches, colleges, etc.). Not all radio stations make a profit. I am a bit uncomfortable with your statement which implies the profit motive underlies commercial broadcasting. That may be true much of the time but I assert we don't know the motives of the people who run commercial stations (or noncommercial stations for that matter). Sources of funding for public radio stations include: Corporate underwriting (currently the largest source for NPR/PRI stations), Foundation grants, CPB/government funds, listener contributions and other fund raisers. It should be noted that "other fund-raisers" includes businesses run by various public radio organizations on a for profit basis (e.g., NPR sells satellite time to commercial broadcasters, PRI runs a mail order catalog business, WHYY operates a TV production facility). The line between corporate underwriting and advertising is a fine one. The distinction appears to be that a corporate underwriting announcement cannot make product comparisons nor ask people to buy. Many corporate underwriting announcements do extoll a product's virtues. Public radio "development" people do solicit corporate underwriters, much as commercial broadcast "sales people" solicit advertisers -- and they often cite audience research data to justify the "use" of public radio as a promotional tool to underwriters. And, sometimes, public radio operations do show a surplus. Surplus money is invested, paid to staff/managers as bonuses, ploughed back into the operation (anything except paid to stockholders as dividends). The only "independent" source of news in many communities? You need to define terms here. Independent of what/whom? If you are suggesting corporate ownership means a lack of independence -- or quality -- in news presentation, I believe there are numerous examples to the contrary. There are also examples of public radio stations giving into to government and political pressures. Maybe by independent you mean "locally-owned." That term would be more accurate, but locally owned does not necessarily mean better. You are in Philadelphia. KYW is commercial, owned by a corporation and not locally owned. Their news presentation is different from WHYY, but I would not say it is in anyway inferior nor compromised in its integrity. Also your definition of public radio would include many religious broadcasters (from whom contributions are their main -- sometimes only -- source of income). You might want to rework your definition to distinguish NPR/PRI/Pacifica type public radio from -- what to call it? -- "parochial radio." BTW: I've never been that thrilled with the name "public radio." All radio is public. "Public" is better than "educational" (the name used prior to the Carnegie Commission report in 1967). It's almost 30 years now, maybe these stations no longer need a generic name to distinguish themselves from other broadcasters. ----------end note from Michael Disclaimer: I don't work for NPR, or any public radio station at the moment; I once worked for WCBU (Peoria) and am currently a member of WHYY and WXPN (Philadelphia). But I'm certainly an unabashed supporter of public radio. Questions answered (or at least asked!) within: Q. What are the major NPR-carried shows and their contact info? Q. What are the NPR affiliates around the country? Q. How do you obtain a station list or programming schedule from NPR? Q. What's the difference between National Public Radio, American Public Radio, Public Radio International, Pacifica Radio, and all that? Q. How do I get my hands on general NPR info? Q. How can I find out about books and albums mentioned on the air? Q. How can I get my paws on some of the music I've heard on the air? Q. Are there are books and articles about, or by NPR or NPR people? Q. How about recordings made by NPR people? (i.e. non-broadcast material) Q. What's the relationship of NPR to PBS? Q. How did NPR originally come about? Q. Can I get NPR programming outside the US? Q. I've heard listener commentary on ATC/ME; how do I send mine in? Q. I like public radio so much I want to work for them; now what? Q. Where else can I look for radio info? Q. How is public radio funded? Q. Is anybody saving all this? Q. Are there any other resources out there? Q. Hey -- what about Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish recipe? Several people have commented that this list is NPR-centric; that's not intentional. If you have information to share, NPR-related or not, please send it along, and I'll try to incorporate it. If you find errors, omissions, or whatnot, please drop me a line; and remember that this is still mostly a draft document, with lots of work to be done on it before it's truly useful. Q. What are the major public radio shows and their contact info? I've alphabetized the list of shows below, which should make it a bit easier to deal with. A general note: all NPR programs have pages which can be found at; there's an NPR FAQ there as well. Afropop Worldwide: A mixture of African, pop, jazz, and rock musics. Host: Georges Collinet Email: All Things Considered Daily news magazine with basic national and international news, longer in-depth pieces, commentary, and whimsy. Producer: NPR News Hosts: Robert Siegel, Linda Wertheimer, Noah Adams Email: American Forum: Email: American Forum School of Communication The American University Washington, DC 20016 Anthem: Art Beat: Magazine show focusing on performing, visual, audio and other arts. Host: Marty Moss-Coane Producer: WHYY, Philadelphia Artscape: BBC World Service: UK, European, US and world news from the BBC's perspective. Email: Beyond Computers: Computer technology and its implications. Host: Gina Smith Bluestage: Live blues performances ranging from traditional to contemporary. Bodytalk: Weekly call-in show with health/medical advice. Producer: Eriz Nuzum, Web: Bridges: Liberal and conservative points of view. Host: Larry Josephson Car Talk: Auto advice with an attitude. Hosts: Click and Clack (aka Tom & Ray Magliozzi) Producer: Dewey, Cheetham and Howe, and WBUR Phone: (800) 332-WBUR Web: Charlie Rose: Interviews with celebrities. Host: Charlie Rose A Chef's Table: Curious culinary commentary. (sorry) Host: Jim Coleman Producer: WHYY, Philadelphia The Derek McGinty Show An early afternoon call-in interview show on WAMU. As of July 1996, its second hour went national, following on the heels of Diane Rehm. The first hour is still heard only in Washington, and tends to focus more on local issues. Email: The Diane Rehm Show: For many years, a local morning call-in interview show on WAMU. It recently began syndication, and is now heard on affiliates in Arkansas, Texas, Oregon, Baltimore, and a few other places. Email: Do You Remember These?: Old-Time Radio program featuring some of the best comedy, drama, and variety shows of the 30's-50's. Great stuff. Not sure about distribution. Producer: Frank Thomas, WCBU Earth & Sky: Presents natural science in a way which is fun, interesting and easy-to-understand. Broadcast each day on over 640 radio stations in the USA and Canada and around the world on various international radio networks; most stations at public radio. Listeners can visit Earth & Sky on the World Wide Web to listen to today's show, ask Earth & Sky a question, or research past programs. Many of the scripts have hypertext links to background information, additional references, listener comments, and classroom discussion questions. Assoc. Producer: Chris Luther, Byrd & Block Communications, Austin, TX Email: Web: FTP: Mailing list server: (Send it a "help" request to find out how to use it.) Echoes: Email: E-Town: recorded live in Boulder, Colorado PO Box 954 Boulder,CO 80306 303-443-8696 fax: 303-443-4489 Flashpoints: Distributed throughout a number of cities through the Pacifica Network. The host is Dennis Bernstein; it's a political commentary show with a left-wing viewpoint and it emphasizes world news and how the U.S. government responds to world events. Fresh Air FA is a one-on-one interview program; guests come from all walks of life, including politics, the arts, education, and medicine. Host: Terry Gross Email: Producer: WHYY, Philadelphia Web: Cassettes are now available for FRESH AIR (most of the programs from July 1993 on). The cost is $9.95 plus shipping and handling. Listeners can call 1-800-934-6000 to request tapes of Fresh Air. Hearts of Space: HoS features electronic and atmospheric music. Email: Hearts of Space P.O. Box 31321 San Francisco, CA 94131 Playlist is a one-way mailing list, primarily for distribution of the weekly playlists from the nationally syndicated radio program, Music from the Hearts of Space. The list will occasionally carry announcements about new releases on Hearts of Space Records, updated lists of the stations that carry the program, touring schedules of HOS artists, and other information of interest to HOS listeners. Hearts of Space playlists will continue to be posted in the USENET newsgroup, Playlists and other HOS resources are being made available at, through gopher and the World-Wide Web. For current information about accessing these and other HOS resources send a message to subscribe to playlist, simply send the command subscribe in the body of an e-mail message to List Owner: Eric S. Theise <> <> Horizons: Producer: NPR Jazz From the Four Queens: Joe Frank - In the Dark: Producer: KCRW-FM, Santa Monica The KCRW Joe Frank Page "Somewhere Out There" is at: Web: You can also find the Joe Frank FAQ in your favorite archives of Usenet's news.answers newsgroup (like where you found the FAQ you're reading right now); I'd suggest this one: Web: But you can probably find quite a few by feeding "Joe Frank" to any web search engine. Le Show: LS is a tongue-in-cheek variety show which showcases Harry Shearer's (Saturday Night Live, Spinal Tap) brand of humor. Host: Harry Shearer Living on Earth LoE focuses on environmental issues, from a scientific and political perspective. Email: Producer: (at WBUR, Boston) Marketplace (PRI) Marketplace is a daily review of the business world, and includes interesting commentary. Email: Web: Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz: Web: Monitor Radio: Similar to ME/ATC, but from another viewpoint. Email: Producer: Christian Science Monitor (distributed by PRI) Web: Mountain Stage: Folk, Old-Time, Country and related music, live; surprisingly wide range of performers. They've also issued a series of CD's containing some of the best performances; they are: Best of Mountain Stage Volume 1: Blue Plate BPM-001CD (Dr. John, Richard Thompson, Buckwheat Zydeco, others.) Best of Mountain Stage Volume 2: Blue Plate BPM-002CD (John Prine, REM, Robyn Hitchcock, Delbert McClinton, others.) Best of Mountain Stage Volume 3: Blue Plate BPM-003CD (Timbuk 3, Bruce Cockburn, Warren Zevon, others.) Best of Mountain Stage Volume 4: Blue Plate BPM-004CD (Duke Robillard, The Bobs, Pops Staples, Marcia Ball, others.) Best of Mountain Stage Volume 5: Blue Plate BPM-005CD (Los Lobos, subdudes, Steve Forbert, Indigo Girls, others.) Best of Mountain Stage Volume 6: Blue Plate BPM-006CD (Nanci Griffith, Iris Dement, Bruce Hornsby, others.) IMHO, this is an exceptionally well-chosen and well-produced series. Blue Plate is reachable at 33 Music Square West, #102A, Nashville, TN 37203 or (800) 521-2112. Producer: West Virginia Public Radio Email: (is forwarded to Don Wafer, stage manager for the show). Morning Edition: Daily news magazine with basic news plus commentaries. Producer: NPR News Host: Bob Edwards Email: Listener comments: (202) 842-5044 My Word: BBC-produced word game program. My Music: Similar to My Word, a quiz program about (what else) music. National Press Club: NPR Playhouse: Radio plays in the dramatic tradition of old time radio, but with modern works and production techniques. Close your eyes and imagine a time when radio ruled the airwaves. Producer: Various (BBC, Globe Radio, etc.) On The Media: Discussion of media's influence on American society. Host: Brian Lehrer Only A Game: Host: Bill Littlefield Producer: WBUR, Boston Executive Producer: David Greene e-mail: Phone: (617) 353-2790 x121 Sports, public radio style. "Baseball, basketball, football, more, sack, shuffleboard, and lore of games I can't remember, or fit into rhyme." --Bill Littlefield People's Pharmacy: Producer: WUNC, Chapel Hill, NC Hosts: Joe and Terry Graedon Performance Today: Host: Martin Goldsmith Email: Powerpoint: Issues facing African-Americans. Host: Ken Walker A Prairie Home Companion: APHC is a midwestern-flavored throwback which is not unlike the variety shows of 40's radio. Distributed through PRI. Host: Garrison Keillor Producer: Minnesota Public Radio, Newsgroups: rec.arts.wobegon Web: Quirks & Quarks: I don't know what this is, but it's rumored to be produced in Canada and distributed by PRI. Rabbit Ears Radio: Half-hour long adaptations of folk tales and classic children's stories, narrated by famous actors and accompanied by famous musicians. Hosts: Mel Gibson and Meg Ryan Web: ears (Yes, I believe there really is a space in that URL.) Early in 1996, Rabbit Ears Productions was acquired by Millennium Media Group of Philadelphia. According to an article found by searching AltaVista, they have a web site at (Note: I've been unable to connect to either of these sites. Has anyone else had better luck? ---Rsk 11/25/96) Radio Times: Discussion of social, political and aesthetic issues with one or more guests, occasional call-in segments. Host: Marty Moss-Coane Producer: WHYY, Philadelphia Remember This One?: Jazz from the 40's through the 80's. Host: Bob Perkins Producer: WHYY, Philadelphia Rider's Radio Theater: Produced by WXVU, Xavier University, Cincinnati. Riverwalk, Live From The Landing Classic and vintage jazz weekly hourly series on Public Radio International. Now in its eighth year, the series is hosted by David Holt and features the Jim Cullum Jazz Band of San Antonio, TX. Guests and David Holt focus on topics and personalities in the world of pre-WWII small-band jazz artists and groups such as Louis Armstrong, WC handy, King Oliver, Bessie Smith, Bix Beiderbecke, Joe Venuti and many others. Songwriter focus: Gershwin, Porter, Berlin, Mercer, and others. Web: Savvy Traveler: Tips on being a tourist. Host: Rudy Maxa Science Friday: SF is the Friday segment of ToTN; features science guests in call-in format. Host: Ira Flatow Email: Schickele Mix: Music program featuring Peter Schickele (originator of PDQ Bach); syndicated by PRI. Musical analysis and exploration, sometimes features surprising juxtapositions of diverse musics. Selected Shorts: Short stories (and excerpts from longer works) read aloud. Producer: Symphony Space/WNYC-FM Software Hardtalk: News and views about the computer industry. Unfortunately hosted by John Dvorak, who is so out of it that he still thinks VMS is a pretty neat idea, can't spell "UNIX", and who was last heard confusing listeners about the difference between uuencoding and the JPEG standard. Fortunately, most of the guests are considerably more clueful. Sound Money: Investment, tax, and real estate advice. Distributed by PRI. Sound and Spirit: Host: Ellen Kushner. Sounds like Science: The week's top science news plus features. Host: Ira Flatow. Soundprint: Focuses on the work of independent radio producers. Topics are usually social, historical, scientific, or ecological in nature. Producer: Soundprint Email: Internet mailing list: send mail to with subscribe SNDPRNT in the body of the message. St. Paul Sunday Morning: Sunday Rounds: Medical issues. Host: John Stupak Producer: Michelle Stupak/Consultation Radio Network Internet: coming soon! Produced at: WJHU, Baltimore Talk of the Nation: Call-in show with multiple guests, frequently political. Host: Ray Suarez Email: Tech Nation: Discusses issues of technology and society. Host: Dr. Moira Gunn This American Life: Examination of different bits of Americana. Host: Ira Glass To the Best of Our Knowledge: One-on-one interview/discussion show, often compared to "Fresh Air". Guests are less likely to be well known, and are chosen for their unusual viewpoints, rather than because they represent a particular "side" of an issue (many are authors). Interviewers often include their own comments, so it's more like a conversation than an interview. Three one-hour shows are produced each week, and local stations may air them together or separately. Usually one hour deals with politics and social trends, one with science and technology, and one with arts and culture. Each show consists of several one-one-one interviews by different interviewers, loosely based around a common topic. Distributed by PRI, also heard on Armed Forces Radio Producer: Wisconsin Public Radio Host: Jim Fleming Interviewers: Jim Fleming, Steve Paulson, Judith Strasser, Anne Strainchamps Web: (home page, author lists) Mailing List: (including advance program notes) SnailMail: Wisconsin Public Radio 821 University Ave Madison WI 53706 Tapes are available, the phone number is announced at the end of the show. (Probably the same as Whad'ya Know). Voices in the Family: Examines psychological and emotional issues. Call-in segments. Host: Dan Gottlieb Email: Producer: WHYY, Philadelphia Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me: A quiz show based on the week's news. Host: Dan Coffey Weekend All Things Considered The weekend version of ATC. Producer: NPR News Host: Daniel Zwerdling (and Jackie Lyden on occasion) Email: Web: Weekend Edition/Saturday: Saturday version of ME. Producer: NPR News Host: Scott Simon Email: Weekend Edition/Sunday: Sunday version of ME. Producer: NPR News Host: Liane Hansen Email: Listener comments: (202) 371-1775, or Puzzle entries: (DO NOT send them to the "listener comments" address - they'll just be deleted). Weekly Edition: Compilation of pieces that ran on All Things Considered and Morning Edition during the previous week. Broadcast on the weekend, and not to be confused with Weekend Edition/Saturday or /Sunday. West Coast Live: Variety show with California flavor. Host: Sedge Thompson Email: or Web: http://www.wclorg/wcl/ Subscription Information: Reservations to Live Shows: Audience Adventures: (These last three may no longer be current.) Snail-mail address: West Coast Live 915 Cole Street, Suite 124 San Francisco, California 94117 Phone: (415) 664-9500 Fax: (415) 664-9596 Additional information is available by sending a mail message to; put the following (only!) in the body of the message: INFO West_Coast_Live END Whad'ya Know?: WYK is a humorous, offbeat variety show featuring Michael Feldman's midwestern sense of humor as well as a great jazz duo. Host: Michael Feldman Producer: Wisconsin Public Radio Mailing list: Newsgroup: Web: (Following the URL above will get you a carriage list.) Features announcer Jim Packard and musicians John Thulin and Jeff Eckels, and occasionally Clyde Stubblefield on the drums. Cassette recordings of WYK? broadcasts are $15 each, and can be ordered through The Radio Store. To order by phone, call 1-800-747-7444. Mail orders may be sent to: The Radio Store P.O. Box 5006 Madison, WI 53705 Shipping and handling charges will be added to your order. Be sure to specify the program you want by its original air date. Tickets for Madison broadcasts of WYK? are available free of charge. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope, along with a note explaining when you're planning to be in Madison to: Whad'Ya Know? Studio Audience 821 University Ave. Madison, WI 53706 Most ticket requests are fulfilled within a week after we receive your letter. It's a good idea to ask for tickets at least six weeks in advance. If you're planning to visit Madison, but don't have tickets ahead of time, you can always get in line on Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. At 9:30 a.m., after all ticket holders have been seated, any remaining seats are turned over to those waiting in line. Most of those waiting in line get eventually get in. WYK? is broadcast from the Parliamentary Room on the 4th Fl. (Terrace Level) of 821 University Ave., at the corner of University and Park. Wisconsin Public Radio is reachable at (608) 263-3970, and is on the web at Ron Bean tells me that Michael Feldman had a couple of earlier shows that were not nationally distributed, while he was still driving a cab in Madison. The World: World news for American listeners. World Update: News from around the world including interviews and features. Producer: BBC World Service World Cafe: WXPN's flagship program, featuring a wide variety of pop/rock/blues/folk. Distributed by PRI. Email: Producer: David Dye Web: Need the following for each show: E-mail addresses Producer Internet mailing lists/newsgroups Phone/snail-mail address Staff for each show Commentators who frequently appear Anything else relevant :-) Q. What are the NPR/PRI/public radio stations around the country? There are lists of stations on NPR's home page at and on PRI's home page at There's a map called "WMPR" ("Where's My Public Radio?" that lists all NPR/APR affiliates on a map; availability info here as soon as I get it. Here's a state-by-state breakdown with locations, frequencies and URL's where I have them. Alaska Anchorage KSKA-FM, 91.1 (They also have repeaters throughout the state, in Eagle River, Palmer, Talkeetna, Barrow and Dutch Harbor.) Fairbanks KUAC-FM, 104.7 Ketchikan KRBD-FM, 105.9 Valdez KCHU-AM, 770 Alabama Huntsville WLRH-FM, 89.3 Muscle Shoals WQPR-FM, 88.7 Tuscaloosa WUAL-FM, 91.5 Arkansas Fayetteville KUAF-FM, 91.3 Little Rock KUAR-FM, 89.1 Arizona Phoenix KJZZ-FM, 91.5 Safford KUAZ-FM, 89.1 Tucson KUAT-AM, 1550 California Berkeley KPFA-FM 94.1, Pacifica affiliate Fresno KFCF-FM, Pacifica affiliate Groveland KXSR-FM, 91.7 Los Angeles KCRW-FM 89.9 (home of it's the Le Show! and others) 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405 KPFK-FM, Pacifica affiliate Pasadena KPCC-FM 89.3 Sacramento KXJZ-FM, 88.9 San Diego KPBS-FM, 89.5 San Francisco KALW-FM 91.7 KQED-FM 88.5 Colorado Colorado Springs KRCC-FM, 91.5 Cortez KSJD-FM, 91.5 Connecticut Bridgeport/Fairfield WSHU-FM, 91.1 New Haven WPKN (independent) Florida Orlando WMFE-FM, 90.7 Georgia Carrollton WWGC-FM, 90.7 Iowa Ames WOI-AM, 640 Cedar Falls KUNI-FM, 90.9 KHKE-FM, 89.5 Cedar Rapids KCCK-FM, 88.3 Iowa City WSUI-AM, 910 Mason City KRNI-AM, 1010 KUNY-FM, 91.5 Idaho Boise KBSU-FM, 90.3 McCall/Twin Falls KBSM-FM, 91.7 Illinois Bloomington WGLT-FM, 89.1 Carbondale WSIU-FM, 91.9 Chicago WBEZ-FM, 91.5 W???-FM, 89.9? (College of DuPage) Edwardsville WSIE-FM, 88.7 (Has a directional antenna aiming away from Missouri side of STL metro) Olney WUSI-FM, 90.3 Peoria WCBU-FM, 89.9 (NPR) gopher:// Quincy WQUB-FM, 90.3 Pittsfield WIPA-FM, 89.3 Rockford/DeKalb WNIJ-FM, 90.5 Springfield WSSU-FM, 91.9 (Sangamon State U.) Urbana-Champaign WILL-AM 580 (mostly talk) WILL-FM 90.9 (mostly music) Indiana Bloomington WFIU-FM, 103.7 Elkhart WVPE-FM, 88.1 Indianapolis WFYI-FM, 90.1 Lafayette/West Lafayete WBAA-AM, 920 (Purdue) Richmond WVXR-FM, 89.3 Vincennes WVUB-FM, 91.1 Kansas Garden City KANZ-FM, 91.1 Hill City/Hays KZNA-FM, 90.5 Lawrence KANU-FM, 91.5 (also heard in Topeka and Kansas City) Manhattan KKSU-AM, 580 (12:30 pm - 5:30 pm weekdays) Pittsburg KRPS-FM, 89.9 Wichita KMUW-FM, 89.1 Kentucky Bowling Green WKYU-FM, 88.9 Elizabethtown WKUE-FM, 90.9 (repeater for WKYU-FM) Hazard WEKH-FM, 90.9 Henderson-Owensboro WKPB-FM, 89.5 (repeater for WKYU-FM) Louisville WFPL-FM, 89.3 Morehead WMKY-FM, 90.3 Richmond/Lexington WEKU-FM, 88.9 Somerset WDCL-FM, 89.7 (repeater for WKYU-FM) Lexington WUKY-FM, 91.3 Louisiana Monroe KEDM-FM, 90.3 New Orleans WWOZ (independent) Maine (All stations carry same programming, i.e. Maine Public Broadcasting Network/NPR.) Bangor WMEH-FM, 90.9 Calais WMED-FM, 89.7 Ft. Kent WMEF-FM, 106.5 Portland WMEA-FM, 90.1 Presque Isle WMEM-FM, 106.1 Waterville WMEW-FM, 91.5 Maryland Baltimore WJHU-FM, 88.1 (Baltimore Public Radio, NPR/PRI) WEAA-FM, 88.9 Salisbury WSCL-FM, 89.5 Hagerstown WETH-FM, (don't know frequency; repeater station of WETA, Washington, DC) Massachusetts Boston WBUR-FM, 90.9 (617) 353-2790 (Boston University Radio, has three repeaters on Cape Cod; they're high-school stations that carry WBUR most of the day.) WGBH-FM, 89.7 (617) 492-2777 ("Great Blue Hill", has a repeater in Cambridge at 96.3 FM) WMBR-FM, 88.1 (college station),; also has gopher/www server WUMB-FM, 91.9 (college station) WERS (Emerson College's station; may be independent) Amherst WFCR (Five College Radio) in an NPR/PRI affiliate. Great Barrington WAMQ-FM, 105.1 (repeater of WAMC in Albany, NY) Michigan (Some of this needs to be reformatted, but I wanted to get it out ASAP even though it's a bit raw. ---Rsk ) Ann Arbor WUOM-FM, 91.7 Affliated with the University of Michigan. Recently left a largely classical format and switched to mostly-talk format with heavy NPR programming. Central Michigan University Public Radio Network WCMU-89.5 FM Mt. Pleasant WCML-91.7 FM Alpena WCMW-103.9 FM Harbor Springs WCMZ-98.3 FM Sault Ste. Marie WUCX-90.1 FM Bay City A wide variety of programming including ATC, Morning Edition, Car Talk, Afropop Worldwide, Echoes and locally produced jazz, folk, classical and blues shows. Detroit WDET-FM, 101.9 Affliated with Wayne State University. Great Lakes Consortium. Morning Edition, Car talk, ATC, Fresh Air. East Lansing WKAR-FM, 90.5 WKAR-AM, 870 Affliated with Michigan State University. Talk of the Nation. Flint WFUM-FM, 91.1, affiliated with WUOM in Ann Arbor. Grand Rapids WGVU-AM, 1480 WVGR-FM 104.1, affiliated with WUOM in Ann Arbor. Interlochen Interlochen Arts Academy broadcasts from Interlochen, near Traverse City, from the following transmitters: WIAA-Interlochen 88.7 FM Traverse City 100.7 FM East Jordan 100.9 FM. The format is mostly classical along with ATC and Morning Edition. They also carry Car Talk. Marquette WNMU-FM, 90.1 Carries NPR news but not sure what else. Ypsilanti WEMU-FM, 89.1 Affliated with Eastern Michigan University. Format is largely blues and jazz with ATC and Morning Edition. Minnesota Austin KMSK-FM, 91.3 Duluth KUMD-FM, 103.3 Grand Rapids KAXE-FM, 91.7 Mankato KMSU-FM, 89.7 Northfield/Twin Cities WCAL-FM, 89.3 Minneapolis/St. Paul KNOW-FM 91.1 Missouri Chillicothe KRNW-FM, 88.9 Columbia KBIA-FM, 91.3 (has repeater in Kirksville) KOPN-FM, 89.5 (alternative programming from KBIA) Kansas City KCUR-FM, 89.3. Maryville KXCV-FM, 90.5 (has repeated in Chillicothe) Point Lookout KCOZ-FM, 90.5 Rolla KUMR-FM, 88.5 Springfield KSMU-FM, 91.1 St. Louis KWMU-FM, 90.7 (see also Edwardsville, IL) Warrensburg KCMW-FM, 90.9 Mississippi Biloxi WMAH-FM, 90.3 Boonville WMAE-FM, 89.5 Bude WMAU-FM, 88.9 Greenwood WMAO-FM, 90.9 Jackson WMPN-FM, 91.3 Meridian WMAW-FM, 88.1 Mississippi State WMAB-FM, 89.9 Oxford WMAV-FM, 90.3 Senatobia WKNA-FM, 88.9 Montana Billings KEMC-FM, 91.7 Bozeman KBMC-FM, 102.1 Havre KNMC-FM, 90.1 Miles City KECC-FM, 90.7 Nebraska Omaha KIOS-FM, 91.5 Nevada Las Vegas KNPR New Hampshire Concord WEVO-FM, 89.1 (repeaters in Nashua and Dover) Hanover WEVH-FM, 91.3 (covers the Upper Valley of the Connecticut River) and repeats WEVO 100%. Keene WEVN-FM, 90.7 (covers southwestern New Hampshire) New Jersey Newark WBGO-FM, 88.3 (NPR, jazz) East Orange WFMU-FM, 91.1 (independent, free-form radio) New York Albany WAMC-FM, 90.3 Binghamton WSKG-FM, 89.3, with repeaters: WSQG at 90.9 in Ithaca; WSQC at 91.7 in Oneonta/Cooperstown, and WSQE at 91.1 in Corning/Elmira. Carries NPR news and programs, PRI programs, as well as local classical music programming Has sister station WSQX in Binghamtom that airs NPR news and jazz. You can contact these nice folks by phone at (607) 729-0100, or via email at Buffalo WBFO-FM, 88.7 (716) 829-2555 Canajoharie WCAN-FM, 93.3 Geneva WEOS-FM, 89.7 Jamestown WUBJ-FM, 88.1 Repeater of WBFO-FM in Buffalo Kingston WAMK-FM, 90.9 Middletown WOSR-FM, 91.7 New York, NY WNYC-AM, 820 (almost all talk) Email: WNYC-FM, 93.9 (includes classical music) ????, Pacifica affiliate Olean WOLN-FM, 91.3 Repeater of WBFO-FM in Buffalo Oswego WRVO-FM Email: Rochester WXXI-AM 1370 Syracuse WAER-FM, 88.3 (Syracuse U.) WCNY-FM, 91.3 WRVO-FM, 90.3 (tranlator) Ticonderoga WANC-FM, 103.9 Utica WRVN-FM, 91.9 (repeater for WRVO Syracuse) WUNY-FM, 89.5 (repeater for WCNY Syracuse) Watertown WRVJ-FM, 91.7 (repeater for WRVO Syracuse) WJNY-FM, 90.5 (repeater for WCNY Syracuse) XLLATOR, 88.5 (translator for WSLU) North Carolina Asheville WCQS-FM, 88.1 Chapel Hill/Raleigh/Durham WUNC-FM, 91.5 Phone (919) 966-5454 Internet: Franklin WFQS-FM, 91.3 Winston-Salem/Greensboro/High Point WFDD-FM, 88.5 North Dakota Bismarck KCND-FM, 90.5 Dickinson KDPR-FM, 89.9 Grand Forks KFJM-AM, 1370 Jamestown KPRJ-FM, 91.5 Minot KMPR-FM, 88.9 Williston KPPR-FM, 89.5 Ohio Chillicothe WVXC-FM, 89.3 Cincinnati WVXU-FM, 91.7 Cleveland WCPN-FM, 90.3 Columbus WCBE-FM, 90.5 WOSU-AM 820 Dover WKRJ-FM, 91.5 Kent WKSU-FM, 89.7 Lima WGLE-FM, 90.7 Mount Gilead WVXG-FM, 95.1 Toledo WGTE-FM, 91.3 West Union WVXM-FM, 89.5 Wooster WKRW-FM, 89.3 Youngstown WYSU-FM 88.5 (Youngstown State University, Oklahoma Lawton KCCU-FM, 89.3 Norman KGOU-FM, 106.3 Stillwater KOSU-FM, 91.7 Tulsa KWGS-FM, 89.5 Oregon Portland KOPB-FM 91.5 and 4 other stations (KOAC 550, Corvallis, KOAB Bend, etc) and 21 translators of Oregon Public Radio throughout Oregon. KBPS-AM 1450 and KBPS-FM 89.9 Pennsylvania Harrisburg WITF-FM, 89.5 Philadelphia WHYY-FM, 90.9 (NPR) WXPN-FM, 88.50 (independent) Pittsburgh WDUQ-FM, 90.5 South Carolina Aiken WLJK-FM, 89.1 Beaufort WJWJ-FM, 89.9 Charleston WSCI-FM, 89.3 Columbia WLTR-FM, 91.3 Conway WHMC-FM, 90.1 Greenville WEPR-FM, 90.1 Rock Hill WNSC-FM, 88.9 Sumter WRJA-FM, 88.1 South Dakota Aberdeen KDSD-FM, 90.9 Brookings KESD-FM, 88.3 Faith KPSD-FM, 97.1 Lowry KQSD-FM, 91.9 Martin KZSD-FM, 102.5 Pierre KTSD-FM, 91.1 Rapid City KBHE-FM, 89.3 Sioux Falls KCSD-FM, 90.9 Vermillion KUSD-FM, 89.7 KUSD-AM, 690 Tennessee Dyersburg WKNQ-FM, 90.7 Jackson WKNP-FM, 89.7 Johnson City WETS-FM, 89.5 Memphis WKNO-FM, 91.1 Texas Austin KUT-FM, 90.5 Dallas/Ft. Worth KERA-FM, 90.1 Houston ????, Pacifica affiliate KUHF-FM, 88.7 (University of Houston, about half NPR) San Antonio KSTX-FM, 89.1 Virginia Charlottesville WVTU-FM, 89.3 Marion WVTR-FM, 91.9 Norfolk WHRV-FM, 89.5 Roanoke WVTF-FM, 89.1 Vermont Burlington WVPS-FM, 107.9 Rutland WRVT-FM, 88.7 Windsor WVPR-FM, 89.5 Washington Bellingham KZAZ-FM, 91.3 Pullman KWSU-AM, 1250 Seattle KUOW-FM, 94.9 (NPR + classical) Tacoma/Seattle KPLU-FM, 88.5 (NPR + jazz) Washington, DC WAMU-FM, 88.5, affiliated with American University. WETA-FM, 90.9 (WETA is now located across the river in Arlington, VA. They are planning to move their facilities to Washington, where I think they will rent space from George Washington University (but AFAIK will not be affiliated with GWU).) WDCU-FM, 90.1 Affiliated with the University of the District of Columbia Doesn't broadcast much NPR or PRI material. (No longer carries Weekend Edition/Sunday.) West Virginia Beckley WVPB-FM, 91.7 Buckhannon WVPW-FM, 88.9 Charleston WVPN-FM, 88.5 Huntington WVWV-FM, 89.9 Martinsburg WVEP-FM, 88.9 Morgantown WVPM-FM, 90.9 Parkersburg WVPG-FM, 90.3 Wheeling WVNP-FM, 89.9 Wisconsin Appleton WLFM-FM, 91.1 Auburndale WLBL-AM, 930 Delafield WHAD-FM, 90.7 Green Bay WGBW-FM, 91.5 Highland WHHI-FM, 91.3 Kenosha WGTD-FM, 91.1 LaCrosse WHLA-FM, 90.3 Madison WHA-AM, 970 WERN-FM 88.7 (same management as WHA-AM, mostly music + ATC, ME, WE) Milwaukee WUWM-FM, 89.9 (Run by UW-Milwaukee. NPR affiliate, but not directly onnected to other WPR stations. Listener area overlaps with WHAD) Menomonie WHWC-FM, 88.3 Oshkosh WRST-FM Park Falls WHBM-FM, 90.3 Superior KUWS-FM, 91.3 (Interesting note on WPR stations from Ron Bean: The first station was WHA, which stood for "Wisconsin-- Heartland of America". Other stations were variations on this: WHAD (Delafield), WHHI (Highland), WHLA (LaCrosse) and WHRM (Rib Mountain). WLBL stood for "Land of Beautiful Lakes". Other stations had other origins and joined the network later. ) Wyoming Jackson KUWJ-FM, 90.3 Laramie KUWR-FM, 91.9 Q. How do you obtain a station list or programming schedule from NPR? As mentioned above, NPR does publish a station list. Send SASE to Listener Services, 635 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20001 or become a member of your local station. Q. What's the difference between National Public Radio, American Public Radio, Public Radio International, Pacifica Radio, and all that? Steve's comments: I think APR became PRI because it was beginning to be distributed internationally. PRI is an alternate network to NPR that is carried by some NPR stations. Marketplace, Garrison Keilor's show are PRI shows- not NPR. I think APR was originally formed when Keilor couldn't get backing from NPR. PRI now produces a number of programs. Randall's comments: American Public Radio has changed it's name to Public Radio International. This is a competitive organization to NPR. In the past they only distributed programming to affiliates for re-broadcast; they recently announced that they will begin producing programs as well. NPR has always produced and distributed programming. Rich Dean's comments: A separate division of NPR (actually a separate company) manages the public radio satellite system. NPR does not own the satellite and must rent time like everyone else... [which includes PRI. In other words, NPR and PRI programming might wind up passing through the same transponders, but both of them have to rent the time.] Krishna's comments: During the late 70s and early 80s, Minnesota Public Radio wanted NPR to carry _A Prairie Home Companion_ nationally. NPR was cool to the idea; and MPR and the public radio stations of 3 states adjoining Minnesota formed American Public Radio. The names NPR and APR were sufficiently alike that most people assume that the two were either the same, or they did not bother to distinguish between the abbreviations and the organizations behind them. During the summer of 1994, APR finally decided to adopt the name Public Radio International. The "official" reason was that APR was starting to distribute BBC and CBC programs in the US, and was also distribution US programs to other countries, hence the "American" in its name is not very appropriate. Most people think that the "real" reason was to distance their name from NPR as much as possible. APR/PRI does not produce programs on its own; it distributes programs produced by other public radio stations and uses the NPR satellite network for its feed. WYK is one such program--- produced by Wisconsin Public Radio and distributed by PRI. Of course, everyone knows that on WYK PRI should be known as the International House of Radio (... whose employees are lucky to be working at all, let alone tying up the office phones trying to play the quiz ...). For the contemporary historians among us, the history of NPR is fairly well documented in many books and articles. The evolution of APR/PRI is less well documented. In any case, interested readers should check out the CPB and NPR Web pages for more information: Public Radio International has a web site at with program descriptions, carriage lists, a bit of history of the network, etc. As well as WPR's own web site: i The CPB comment line is 1-800-CPB-2190 (1-800-272-2190). Pacifica Radio is another independent network, not a part of NPR. There are different levels of affiliation with Pacifica; there seem to be about half a dozen or so fully-affiliated stations around the country. You can find Pacifica on the web at: And you can find all of the Pacifica stations at http://www.<call letters>.org where the <call letters>" are KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, WBAI, and WPFW. Some of those stations have their own web sites; for example, WBAI is found at:, or at 99.5 FM if you happen to be in New York. KPFT is at 90.1 FM is in Houston, Texas. Q. How do I get my hands on general NPR info? To order transcripts online: telnet - select Information Databases, select Journal Graphics. For more info, e-mail to Include as much info as possible, including your credit card number and they'll e-mail you the transcript. Don't feel safe throwing your credit card number thru unsecure (insecure?! :-) ) e-mail, call 202-414-3232, which is NPR's Audience Services, or send $12.90 (plus 2.50 shipping/handling) for cassettes of TALK programs (2 hours) to NPR Tapes, 635 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, DC 20001-3753 -- please indicate the date of the broadcast. By the way, transcripts are $10.00 (plus $1.50 shipping/handling). In fact, anybody who wants to contact NPR should call Audience Services between 10 AM and 5 PM ET Monday through Friday. (Sorry, folks no 800 number.) Q. How can I find out about books and albums mentioned on the air? The booklist and album list produced by Erika Grams at WUNC is posted weekly on and other appropriate news groups. They list books and albums reviewed or discussed recently on the NPR news programs. The booklists 6/93-Present are available via gopher under the NEWS! option or via anaonymous ftp (/pub/academic/literature/book-reviews). Q. How can I get my paws on some of the music I've heard on the air? PRMS 800 # to order music: You can order WBFO music (and the music of many public radio stations, and music mentioned in many NPR features) through the MAIL with PRMS (Public Radio Music Source). Order recordings (CDs & cassettes) heard on WBFO with the 800 #. Call 1-800-75-MUSIC That's 1-800-756-8742. Hours are 8am -- 1am. The # is toll free. CDs go for retail plus shipping/handling. Participating Public Radio stations, like WBFO, benefit from PRMS sales. PRMS tries to keep up-to-date with music heard on public radio as a service to public radio listeners. Q. Are there are books and articles about, or by NPR or NPR people? "NPR - A Cast of Characters" Thomas Looker, "The Sound and the Story" 1995 Anecdotal look at NPR's news programming Linda Wertheimer's new book collecting text of stories, commentaries, etc. from ATC's first 25 years, entitled "Listening to America". Numerous books by Garrison Keillor "Car Talk" by Tom & Ray Magliozzi, with Terry Bisson, published by Dell, 1991. And really, really trivial: Dan Zwerdling and his wife used to write neighborhood restaurant reviews for the Virginia Weekly section of the Washington Post. Noah Adams' book "Fridays With Red: A Radio Friendship" by Bob Edwards, about his relationship with Red Barber. 1993, Simon & Schuster, ISBN 0-671-87013-0. Dave Isay His book, "Holding On" (Norton, 1996) is based on a radio series he did for ATC. There's also a companion CD on Shanachie. If you can't find it, email him at or give him a call at his non-profit radio production office in NYC at (212) 353-2548. He has another book. "A Way Out of Nowhere" (Scribner) based on radio documentaries he did with two kids growing up on South Side of Chicago, coming out in June '97. "The Puzzlemasters Presents" (Times Books) is a collection of 200 of Will's best mind twisters heard on NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday. Robert Siegel's "The NPR Interviews 1994 Susan Stamberg's bibliography (fragmentary, could use help fleshing this out): All Things Considered--10th anniversary 1981 American Women, A Political Portrait. 1982 April continental magazine 1983 The Battle of Midway 1982 The Best of All Things Considered 1985 Comedy journal 1982 A Conversation with Poet Laureate Rita D 1993 A Decade of change the world's women gat 1985 Dying, death and bereavement 1993 Eleanor Roosevelt remembered 1984 Elevators 1978 Every night at five : Susan Stamberg's 1982 Family and intergenerational relationships 1993 FDR rememberedd 1982 February continental magazine 1983 The future of aging 1993 Goodbye Saigon, hello Ho Chi Minh City 1985 How the body ages 1993 Hungary's "market socialism" 1981 Illness and disability 1993 Intellect, personality and mental health 1993 January continental magazine 1983 Q. How about recordings made by NPR people? (i.e. non-broadcast material) Bailey White's "First Words -- Dead on the Road" is available on cassette, and maybe CD, read by the author. Many other NPR commentators' works are also available...including Andre Codrescu, Tom Bodett, and Lynda Barry. I think the label ("Dove") is an offshoot of the "Windham Hill" label. Q. What's the relationship of NPR to PBS? See above. Q. How did NPR originally come about? National Public Radio was founded in the early 1970s, soon after the creation of the CPB. NPR owns and operates many geosynchronous communication satellites that are used to transmit not just NPR-produced programs, but also programs produced by CPB affiliated organizations. Q. Can I get NPR programming outside the US? NPR and PRI (Public Radio Int'l, formerly APR) can be heard overseas via get the info you want, e-mail to: Be sure and tell the folks there where you are writing from, they are trying to gauge what kind of listenership NPR (and PRI) have overseas, and what kind of interest there is in this service. --- (Daniel Atkinson) writes: All Things Considered can be heard on AFN in Europe on Mediumwave. The best signal is on 873khz, and 1107 and 1143 are also used. I think the morning edition is also aired too, most probably in our mornings if I correctly recall their ads for it. It's best just to listen around to find interesting programmes and note their time. Around this time of year (December) AFN can propagate the best part of 24hrs on 873khz. ATC is aired at about 21/22 UTC or sometime around that. Reception isn't brilliant, but it's listenable. Q. I've heard listener commentary on ATC/ME; how do I send mine in? All Things Considered Commentary Guidelines (courtesy of Ori Hoffer, transcript guru) The following are guidelines for submitting commentaries for possible broadcast. - Send a sample tape on cassette. - Include up to three commentaries on the tape. - Each commentary should be between 2 to 3 minutes in length-- approximately 250 words. Occasionally we accept pieces that are shorter or longer. - The tape does not have to be broadcast quality. If we decide to use your commentary, we will arrange to have it professionally recorded. - If the subject matter of your commentary is timely, please indicate this on your package. - Scripts should be included. - Tapes and manuscripts will be returned if you send us a self-addressed, stamped padded envelope. Manuscripts will be returned if you include a self-addressed stamped envelope. - Payment for commentaries that air is $150.00. - Send your tapes to: Commentaries, All Things Considered, National Public Radio, 635 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001 - You will receive a response within approximately 6 weeks. Thanks for your interest in All Things Considered and please keep listening. Q. I like public radio so much I want to work for them; now what? From Rich Dean of NPR: You can find the public radio Job Opportunities bulletin on NPR's gopher and Web sites.... its a long file (~130k), but pretty comprehensive and will save you $25/year in subscription costs if you don't work at a public radio station! gopher:// Q. Where else can I look for radio info? Besides the places already mentioned, try KZSU's (Stanford) web site at Also try Chuck Taggart's home page, which lists non-commercial stations all over the country: it's found at Q. How is public radio funded? [ under construction ] -- listener contributions -- general-purpose grants -- directed grants -- state/federal funds Q. Is anybody saving all this? A. Yes. Besides lots of radio show collectors who probably have switched from reels of half-track tape to DAT :-), there is an official archive. The National Public Broadcasting Archives are at the University of Maryland, and are the official repository of NPR, PBS, CPB and some other organizations. You can find them on the web at: Q. Are there any other resources out there? A. Yup. Here's one that I think is quite interesting, even though I've just started exploring it: This site has program listings for radio stations in the New York City area, as well as links to other sites. It's maintained by Rob Chin, Q. Hey -- what about Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish recipe? Mama Stamberg's cranberry relish Ingredients: 2 cups cooked cranberries 1 small onion 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 cup sour cream 2 tablespoons horseradish Grind onion and cranberries together. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Put into plastic container and freeze. Thaw in refrigerator a few hours before serving. Makes 1 1/2 pints. Acknowledgements: Chris Bannon, Richard Dean, David Benders, Mark Eckenwiler, Erika Grams, Michael Faklis, Amy Forsberg, Dave Cooper, Clay Zambo, Peter Copeland, Richard Chonak, Steve Stroh, Randall S. Benn, Terry Coffey, Joe Russo, Dan Schaffer, Susanne Havelson, Esther Vail, Clarence Taylor, John C. Burant, Bert Holland, William Jenks, Ben Parker, Chriss Koch, Gaylin Laughlin, David A. Kaye Gregory Byshenk, Mark Roberts, Chuck Taggart, Harv, WYSU Radio, Don Wegeng, Robert Holt, Stephen Linam, Rachel Johnson, Mark Wozniak, Richard Looney, Dave Kanzer, Steve Bacher, Mike Stallcup, Eric S. Theise, Mark Clear, Mark Blass, Michael Black, Krishna Kunchithapadam, John Munson, Lew Bernstein, John E. Krauss, Ted Young, Rob Landry, Ori Hoffer, Curt Swinehart, Chuck Taggart, Gene Lewis, Rich Heli, Rob Means, David Greene, Andrew Steinberg, Steve Deveau, Karen King,, Jeff Blair, Catherine Yronwode, Doran at RBJ, Chris Luther, Greg Maxey, Peter Haeussler, Jim Gottlieb, Stephen Brandi, Don Mopsick, Gary Koerzendorfer, Rob Chin, Dave Isay, Bill Grebner, Ned Wharton, Naomi Lewin, Glen Hoag, Doran Barons, John Felton,, Eric Robert Jablow, Tim Horrigan, Frank Belvin, Ron Bean, Michael Carraher, Daniel Atkinson. User Contributions:Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:
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