Archive-name: puzzles/archive/group
Last-modified: 17 Aug 1993 Version: 4 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge ==> group/group.01.p <== AEFHIKLMNTVWXYZ BCDGJOPQRSU ==> group/group.01.s <== AEFHIKLMNTVWXYZ drawn with straight lines BCDGJOPQRSU not drawn with straight lines ==> group/group.01a.p <== 147 0235689 ==> group/group.01a.s <== 147 drawn with straight lines 0235689 not drawn with straight lines ==> group/group.02.p <== ABEHIKMNOTXZ CDFGJLPQRSUVWY ==> group/group.02.s <== ABEHIKMNOTXZ resembles corresponding Greek letter CDFGJLPQRSUVWY does not resemble corresponding Greek letter ==> group/group.03.p <== BEJQXYZ DFGHLPRU KSTV CO AIW MN ==> group/group.03.s <== BEJQXYZ no US state starting with this letter DFGHLPRU one US state starting with this letter KSTV two US states starting with this letter CO three US states starting with this letter AIW four US states starting with this letter five US states starting with this letter six US states starting with this letter seven US states starting with this letter MN eight US states starting with this letter ==> group/group.04.p <== BDO P ACGIJLMNQRSUVWZ EFTY HKX ==> group/group.04.s <== All answers assume a sans serif type font: BDO no endpoint P one endpoint ACGIJLMNQRSUVWZ two endpoints EFTY three endpoints HKX four endpoints ==> group/group.05.p <== CEFGHIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ ADOPQR B ==> group/group.05.s <== CEFGHIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ no enclosed area ADOPQR one enclosed area (in some fonts, Q encloses two) B two enclosed areas ==> group/group.06.p <== BCEGKMQSW DFHIJLNOPRTUVXYZ ==> group/group.06.s <== BCEGKMQSW prime numbers DFHIJLNOPRTUVXYZ composites ==> group/group.07.p <== CDEFLOPTZ ABGHIJKMNQRSUVWXY ==> group/group.07.s <== Letters found on the eye chart ==> group/group.08.p <== COS ABDEFGHIJKLMNPQRTUVWXYZ ==> group/group.08.s <== Letters that contain only curves ==> group/group.09.p <== CDILMVX ABEFGHJKNOPQRSTUWYZ ==> group/group.09.s <== Letters that are Roman numerals ==> group/group.10.p <== AHIMOTUVWXY BCDEFGJKLNPQRSZ ==> group/group.10.s <== Letters with horizontal symmetry ==> group/group.11.p <== BCDIJLMNOPQRSUVWZ AEFGHKTXY ==> group/group.11.s <== Letters that can be drawn without taking a pen off of the paper ==> group/group.12.p <== COPSUVWXZ ABDEFGHIJKLMNQRTY ==> group/group.12.s <== Capital letters that look like lower case ==> group/group.13.p <== BCDEHIKOX AFGJLMNPQRSTUVWYZ ==> group/group.13.s <== Letters with vertical symmetry ==> group/group.14.p <== EHIS MOT ABCDFGJKLNPQRUVWXYZ ==> group/group.14.s <== Letters which in Morse code consist of only dots, only dashes, or both. ==> group/group.15.p <== HIOX ABCDEFGJKLMNPQRSTUVWYZ ==> group/group.15.s <== Letters with vertical and horizontal symmetry ==> group/group.16.p <== IJ ABCDEFGHKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ==> group/group.16.s <== Letters that are dotted in lower case. ==> group/group.17.p <== J BDFHIKLT GPQY ACEMNORSUVWXZ ==> group/group.17.s <== Letters that have ascenders or dots or descenders in lower case. Letters that have ascenders or dots but not descenders in lower case. Letters that have descenders but not ascenders or dots in lower case. Letters that do not have ascenders or dots or descenders in lower case. User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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