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Archive-name: puerto-rico-FAQ
Posting-Frequency: monthly

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
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                S O C . C U L T U R E . P U E R T O - R I C O

                              Introduction and
                          Frequently Asked Questions

                                June 6, 1996
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   Welcome to soc.culture.puerto-rico!   This article contains information
   about this group,  about Puerto Rico and about visiting Puerto Rico.  I 
   hope that the information provided is useful to you and that you decide
   to  participate  in the group  and  contribute  with  your  ideas.  

!  In this issue I have corrected the information about "Where to stay in
!  Puerto Rico?"  that was  missing from  previous postings.   Also,  the
!  section on "Where can I get information about Puerto Rico in the Web?"
!  is constantly updated.

   New area code for Puerto Rico:  Effective March 1, 1996,  the area code
   for Puerto Rico is 787.    The old area code  (809)   can still be used
   until the end of the year.

   This posting is in Usenet digest format.   If your news reader supports
   the  digest  format,  press  Ctrl-G (^G)  to go  to the  next question.  
   Otherwise, search for the next line with  "Subject:"  at the beginning.  
   Changes to this file are now  marked  with an  exclamation mark  (!) at 
   the  beginning of the line.

   You can read a hypertext version of this document in the World Wide Web
   faq.html >  or  retrieve  the  most   recently   posted   version  from
   < >.

   The information is correct to the best of my knowledge.  If you find an 
   error, let me know the correction.  Contributions from other people are 
   also included and I have tried to give proper credit to the authors. If 
   you have any comments and wish them to be included,  send me a message.
   Also,  if you  want  to  change any of the comments you  have provided, 
   let  me  know  and  I will make the  changes accordingly.

   You can copy and redistribute this file  in  whole or in parts only for
   personal  and/or  non-commercial purposes  as long as  you give  proper
   credit to the sources  including information on contributors at the end
   of each section and the following information:
     Document: SOC.CULTURE.PUERTO-RICO: Introduction and FAQ
     Distribution Date: June 6, 1996
     Maintainer: Zeydy Ortiz Laureano <>
     Archive: < >

   If you have any ideas,  suggestions or comments  on how to improve this 
   file (or just want to say hello),  please, send me a message.  Also, if
   you find any  information  on the  Internet that may be  included here, 
   let me know.

   Zeydy Ortiz Laureano

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	-> Charter
	   - Topics of discussion
	   - Posting Policy
	   - Language
	-> What is BORIKEN?
	-> Reminders
	-> Summary of things to remember
	-> I do not understand Spanish.  Why don't you write in English?!?
	-> I am trying to practice Spanish.  Will I get flamed if I write
	   to this newsgroup in my poor Spanish?
	-> Can't you write proper Spanish?!?!
	-> Why don't you use diacritical marks (accent marks,
	   tildes, dieresis) in soc.culture.puerto-rico?
	-> How do I create a kill file?

	-> Patron Saint Festivals
        -> Christmas Celebrations
	-> National Symbols
        -> Where can I get information about Puerto Rico in the Web?
        -> Where can I get image files of Puerto Rico?
        -> Who is providing Internet services in Puerto Rico?

	-> Do I need a passport?
        -> What places should we visit in Puerto Rico?
 	   - San Juan Metropolitan Area
             + Old San Juan
             + Metropolitan San Juan
           - Northeast and Offshore Islands
 	   - South Coast
 	   - West Coast
 	   - Northwest
  	   - Mountains
	-> Where to stay in Puerto Rico?
	   - San Juan Metropolitan Area
	   - Northeast and Offshore Islands
	   - South Coast
	   - West Coast
	   - Northwest
	   - Mountains
	-> What are Paradores Puertorrique~nos?
	-> Where can I get more tourist information?

        -> Other festivities
        -> What to do with an annoying person?

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   Soc.culture.puerto-rico  was  proposed  for  creation  in  the  BORIKEN 
   mailing list  some time  in  January of 1994  by  Mauricio A. Hernandez   
   <>.   After  the initial period  of  discussion  
   and the voting (YES: 355, NO:23) the group was created in April 6, 1994.

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Subject: Charter

   Name:           soc.culture.puerto-rico
   Status:         unmoderated
   Description:    Puerto Rico's culture, politics, and society

 - Topics of discussion:
   Soc.culture.puerto-rico will be a  newsgroup dedicated  solely  to  the 
   discussion  of  issues  related  to the  life,  culture,  and  politics 
   affecting the nearly  5 million Puerto Ricans  living in the island, in
   the mainland USA, and around the world.

 - Posting Policy:
   Soc.culture.puerto-rico  will be  unmoderated.  Contributors  must  use 
   their own judgement  to decide  the relevance of their articles  to the
   topics discussed in soc.culture.puerto-rico.  Discussions that are only 
   relevant to a very few individuals should be moved to e-mail.
 - Language:
   Spanish is Puerto Rico's  principal  language.  Thus  we expect Spanish 
   to be the  dominant language in the  newsgroup.  Nevertheless,  a large 
   part of Puerto Ricans who have access to USENET know and use English as
   a second language.  Therefore,  articles written in English  will be as 
   welcomed as those written in Spanish.

   Soc.culture.puerto-rico  will not  be initially  gatewayed  to the list 
   server BORIKEN  (BORIKEN@ENLACE.BITNET).  However, the possibility of a 
   link will remain open and  will be decided later by  the members of the 
   BORIKEN list server.

   Contributions: Mauricio A. Hernandez <>

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Subject: What is BORIKEN?

   BORIKEN is a mailing list administered by the University of Puerto Rico
   to exchange information about  the society and  culture of Puerto Rico. 
   If  you  want to  participate in  the discussion,  send  a  message  to 
   LISTSERV@ENLACE.BITNET   with the message:  SUB BORIKEN Name Last Name. 
   You can leave blank the  Subject line.  Messages to the group should be 

   If you are having problems trying to subscribe to BORIKEN, try sending
   your subscription message to and
   messages to the group to

   Some  readers of  soc.culture.puerto-rico  are or were  in the  BORIKEN 
   mailing list.

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Subject: Reminders

   Due  to  differences in the experiences in the  life  of every  person,
   disagreement  and  misunderstanding  are very likely to occur.   We can
   learn  from each other and  broaden our knowledge if  the arguments are 
   kept in focus and not as personal attacks. 

   Before posting to  soc.culture.puerto-rico,  please read the  newsgroup
   news.announce.newusers  to  understand  the   Usenet   community.   The 
   following documents describe what is expected to be the proper behavior
   in newsgroups.  

   * Rules for Posting to Usenet 
   by Mark Horton <> 
   < >
   * A Primer on How to Work with the Usenet Community 
   by Chuq Von Rospach <>
   < >
   * Hints on Writing Style for Usenet 
   by A. Jeff Offutt VI <>
   < >

   If you like sarcasm, also read:
   * Emily Postnews Answers Your Question on Netiquette 
   by Brad Templeton <>
   < >

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Subject: Summary of Things to Remember 

       Never forget that the person on the other side is human.
       Don't blame system admins for their users' behavior.
       Never assume that a person is speaking for their organization.
       Be careful what you say about others.
       Be brief.
       Your postings reflect upon you; be proud of them.
       Use descriptive titles.
       Think about your audience.
       Be careful with humor and sarcasm.
       Only post a message once.
       Please rotate material with questionable content.
       Summarize what you are following up.
       Use mail, don't post a follow-up.
       Read all follow-ups and don't repeat what has already been said.
       Double-check follow-up newsgroups and distributions.
       Be careful about copyrights and licenses.
       Cite appropriate references.
       When summarizing, summarize.
       Mark or rotate answers or spoilers.
       Spelling flames considered harmful.
       Don't overdo signatures.
       Limit line length and avoid control characters.
       Please do not use Usenet as a resource for homework assignments.

   From: "A Primer on How to Work with the Usenet Community"
   by Chuq Von Rospach <>
   < >

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Subject: I do not understand Spanish.  Why don't you write in English?!?

   For most of us, Spanish is our native language. We are more comfortable
   communicating  with each other in the language that is most natural for
   us.  I am sorry that you may not understand our postings.   However, if
   you have a question feel free to  post in  English.   It is very likely
   that you will get a kind response in English.

   Read  the  section  on  "Language"  in  the  charter  for more details
   (see "Charter").

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Subject:  I am trying to practice Spanish.  Will I get flamed if I write
	  to this newsgroup in my poor Spanish?

   I have noticed that  some people  that claim to speak Spanish as  their 
   first language  do not write  Spanish correctly  in this  newsgroup for 
   different  reasons  (see also "Can't you write Spanish correctly?!?!").  
   So, I don't think you  will get  flamed for  your writing.  Most people 
   appreciate your efforts in  learning our language  and will  try to get
   the idea  of what you are  trying  to say.  However,  if you  feel that
   your  message may  not be  understood,  include the  English version in
   your post.

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Subject: Can't you write Spanish correctly?!?!

   Yes  we  can, thank-you-very-much.  However,  spelling flames  are  not
   appreciated  in  Usenet  groups and  soc.culture.puerto-rico  is not an 
   exception.  Please consider the following facts: 
	- Not all the participants  in this group have the time to correct 
	  every single word we type.  
	- Spanish automatic spelling checkers are not widely available.  
	- There exists a  great number of Puerto Ricans  who lived most of 
	  their lives in the  mainland USA  and  whose  first language  is
	- For some, this newsgroup is one of the few places where they can 
	  practice writing in Spanish.  Trying to embarrass people because
          of  their  spelling  tend  to  inhibit  them,  as well as others 
	  reading in the sidelines, from participating in the group.

   Please,  do not  embarrass  yourself by trying to embarras  others with 
   spelling flames.   But  if you  must become  a  speaker  for the  "Real 
   Academia de la Lengua Espa~nola", please do so by e-mail.

   Contributions: Mauricio A. Hernandez <>

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Subject: Why don't you use diacritical marks (accent marks, tildes, dieresis) 
in soc.culture.puerto-rico?

   Not all terminal support the  Extended Character Set  needed to display
   the special characters (e.g., vowels with accent marks). Some terminals 
   will simply not display the character or replace it with another making 
   your message very difficult to  understand.  For example,  if I were to  
   write "Hernandez" using an 'a' with an accent mark, some terminals might
   show  this  as  "Hernndez"  or as  "Hern@ndez".  To  work  around  this 
   situation, some people have adopted the following strategies:

 - Accent marks:* Place the mark after the letter (Mari'a, Jose').
		* Use upper case (MarIa and JosE).
		* Don't use an accent mark.

 - Tildes:  	* Place a tilde (~) before or after the n (puertorrique~nos).
		* Place a circumflex (^) before the n (puertorrique^nos).
		* Use "ny" instead (puertorriquenyos).
		* Use "nn" instead (puertorriquennos).
		* Use "nh" instead (puertorriquenhos).
		* Use upper case n (puertorriqueNos).
		* Don't use a tilde (usually not recommended)

 - Dieresis:	* Place a colon after the letter (Mayagu:ez).
		* Place a double quote after the letter (Mayagu"ez).
		* Don't use a dieresis.

   Your  posting  will be more readable if you use characters  that can be
   displayed  at  every  terminal  type.  If  you can  see the  characters
   correctly in your terminal, it does not mean that everyone will be able 
   to see them as well.  Those who wish to read  an article  that includes 
   special characters,  refer to the document by Jorge Donato available at 
   < >.  Also,  a filter to
   to eliminate the special characters (for Unix systems)  can be found at 
   < >.

   Contributions: Mauricio A. Hernandez <> and
   Jorge Donato<>

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Subject: How do I create a kill file?

   Some news readers support the  creation of a file, called "kill file",
   to limit the articles that are accessed.  The main purpose of the file
   is  to mark  as read  some articles  based on  some  pattern.  You can  
   eliminate all messages from a particular subject or a given person.

   The following information is specific to the  rn/trn  news reader.  [If 
   you have information  for other  news readers,  send me a note with the 
   instructions. <>]

   Pressing a  'k'  when reading  an article  you can  mark  as  read  all
   articles with the  same subject as the current one.   Pressing 'K' will 
   do the same but will also  add a line  to the local kill file such that 
   the every time  you read the group,  articles with the same subject are 
   marked as read.  

   You can edit directly your kill file using control-K (^K).  You can add 
   a line such as:
	/unwanted subject/:j
   to eliminate all articles that contain the string 'unwanted subject' in
   the Subject: line.  

   To discard articles from a particular person, add
        /^From:.*e-mail address/h:j
   to  the kill file  where  'e-mail address' is the login name  and  the
   complete site where the person is posting messages.  You will  need to
   add a backslash ('\') before each dot in the site address.

   For more information, read the  "rn killfile FAQ" in  news.answers  or
   < >   and   the 
   manual pages for your news reader.

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   Puerto Rico  is a  Caribbean Island  located  about  a  thousand  miles 
   southeast of Miami  between the Dominican Republic and the U. S. Virgin
   Islands.   It is roughly  100 by 35  miles with a  population of  about 
   3.8 million people.  Puerto Rico is a territory  of  the  United States
   of America  and  we  have  common  citizenship,  currency  and defense.
   Although  Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens,  residents of Puerto Rico do
   not pay  federal  income tax (but neither can they vote in presidential
   elections).  Over 2 million  Puerto Ricans  live in the  United States, 
   primarily in the northeast.

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Subject: Patron Saint Festivals

   Every  year,  each  town  celebrates  patron  saint  festivals (fiestas 
   patronales)  in  honor  of  the area's  patron saint.   The festivities
   include religious processions since  they were originated as a Catholic
   tradition.  However, they  have  adopted  other elements of African and 
   local origin.  They also include games, regional food, music and dance.

   Following  is a  list,  ordered by  date,  of  the  festivals  that are
   celebrated in each town.  The festivities last ten days,  including the 
   date listed, and activities are  held evenings on  weekdays and all day 
   on weekends.

   Aguas Buenas		Los Santos Reyes  		Jan. 6 
   Corozal		La Sagrada Familia		Jan. 9 
   A~nasco		San Antonio Abad		Jan. 17 
   San Sebastia'n	San Sebastia'n (of course)	Jan. 20 
   Lajas		La Virgen de la Candelaria	Feb. 2 
   Manati'		La Virgen de la Candelaria	Feb. 2 
   Mayagu:ez		La Virgen de la Candelaria	Feb. 2 
   Coamo		La Virgen de la Candelaria	Feb. 2 
   Coamo		San Blas			Feb. 3 
   Loi'za Aldea		San Patricio			Mar. 17 
   Ciales		San Jose'			Mar. 19
   Gurabo		San Jose'			Mar. 19
   Luquillo		San Jose'			Mar. 19
   Pe~nuelas		San Jose'			Mar. 19
   Lares		San Jose'			Mar. 19
   Patillas		San Benito			Mar. 31 
   Guaynabo		San Pedro Ma'rtir		Apr. 29 
   Arecibo		Apo'stol San Felipe		May 1 
   Bayamo'n		La Santa Cruz			May 3 
   Trujillo Alto	La Santa Cruz			May 3 
   Maunabo		San Isidro			May 15
   Sabana Grande	San Isidro Labrador		May 15 
   Carolina		San Fernando			May 30 
   Toa Alta		San Fernando			May 30
   Barranquitas		San Antonio de Padua		June 13 
   Ceiba		San Antonio de Padua		June 13 
   Dorado		San Antonio de Padua		June 13 
   Guayama		San Antonio de Padua		June 13 
   Isabela		San Antonio de Padua		June 13 
   Maricao		San Juan Bautista		June 24 
   Orocovis		San Juan Bautista		June 24 
   San Juan		San Juan Bautista		June 24 
   Toa Baja		San Pedro Apo'stol		June 30 
   Arroyo		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Barceloneta		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Cata~no		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Cidra		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Culebra		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Hatillo		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Morovis		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Ri'o Grande		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Villalba		Virgen del Carmen		July 16 
   Aibonito		Santiago Apo'stol		July 25 
   Fajardo		Santiago Apo'stol		July 25 
   Gua'nica		Santiago Apo'stol		July 25 
   Loiza Aldea  	Santiago Apo'stol		July 25 
   Santa Isabel		Santiago Apo'stol		July 25 
   San Germa'n		San Germa'n (of course)		July 31 
   Comerio		El Santo Cristo de la Salud	Aug. 6 
   San Lorenzo		San Lorenzo (of course)		Aug. 10 
   Cayey		Ntra. Sra. de la Asuncio'n	Aug. 15 
   Adjuntas		San Joaqui'n & Santa Ana	Aug. 21 
   Rinco'n		Santa Rosa de Lima		Aug. 30 
   Juana Diaz		San Ramo'n Nonato		Aug. 31 
   Hormigueros		Ntra. Sra. de la Monserrate	Sept. 8 
   Jayuya		Ntra. Sra. de la Monserrate	Sept. 8 
   Moca			Ntra. Sra. de la Monserrate	Sept. 8 
   Salinas		Ntra. Sra. de la Monserrate	Sept. 8 
   Cabo Rojo		San Miguel Arca'ngel		Sept. 29 
   Naranjito		San Miguel Arca'ngel		Sept. 29 
   Utuado		San Miguel Arca'ngel		Sept. 29 
   Yabucoa		Los Angeles Custodios		Oct. 2 
   Aguada		San Francisco de Asi's		Oct. 4 
   Naguabo		Ntra. Sra. del Rosario		Oct. 7 
   Vega Baja		Ntra. Sra. del Rosario		Oct. 7 
   Yauco		Ntra. Sra. del Rosario		Oct. 7 
   Cano'vanas		La Virgen del Pilar		Oct. 12 
   Ri'o Piedras		La Virgen del Pilar		Oct. 12
   Quebradillas		San Rafael Arca'ngel		Oct. 24 
   Aguadilla		San Carlos Borromeo		Nov. 4 
   Guayanilla		La Inmaculada Concepcio'n	Dec. 8
			de Mari'a
   Humacao		La Inmaculada Concepcio'n	Dec. 8
			de Mari'a
   Juncos		La Inmaculada Concepcio'n	Dec. 8
			de Mari'a
   Las Mari'as		La Inmaculada Concepcio'n	Dec. 8
			de Mari'a
   Las Piedras		La Inmaculada Concepcio'n	Dec. 8
			de Mari'a
   Vega Alta		La Inmaculada Concepcio'n	Dec. 8
			de Mari'a
   Vieques		La Inmaculada Concepcio'n	Dec. 8
			de Mari'a
   Ponce		Ntra. Sra. de la Guadalupe	Dec. 12

   Contributions: Jimmy Gonzalez Luna <> from the 
   book of Jennie Sosa de Remy, "Etiqueta y Tradiciones Puertorrique~nas",
   Art Printing Inc., pp. 242-243, 1980.

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Subject: Christmas Celebrations

   In Puerto Rico, as well as most of Latin America,  Christmas traditions
   have their roots in Catholicism.  Due to  contact  with other cultures,  
   some  of these traditions  have evolved and changed through time.  Some 
   customs  have lost their  religious meaning  and become  secular events 
   where everybody, regardless of religious affiliation, participate.

   Here  is the calendar of  celebrations  for the  Christmas  holidays in 
   Puerto Rico.

   MISAS DE AGUINALDO [Nine consecutive nights before Christmas Eve]
      - In the  Catholic tradition  these masses are celebrated with music 
	and carols.  They are celebrated at dawn (between 5:00 and 6:00am)
	during nine days before Christmas Eve.
      - The favorite  music instruments to use during  these  masses,  and
	throughout  the  season,  are: "el cuatro"  (a small guitar);  the
	guitar;	"el gu:iro" (a  hollow wood  shell made from the skin of a 
	fruit called "higuera"); and  "maracas"  (made from the same fruit 
	as the "gui:ro", but smaller and round).
      - These masses originated in Mexico and Central America, to motivate 
 	the Native Americans to join  Christianity.   Native Americans  in 
 	Mexico  used to  celebrate  the  birth  of  their  Sun God  during
        December,   with   music   and   dancing.   Catholic  missionaries 
        incorporated  these  custom to  their  masses  to  make them  more 
        appealing to the  Natives  and facilitate the  transition from one
        faith to another.
      -	From Mexico, this custom spread to the Caribbean. It is unknown in 
	South America and Spain.

   MISA DE GALLO [December 24 at midnight]
      - In the Catholic Church, this mass is celebrated on December 24  at 
	midnight. Its purpose is to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Like in 
	the  "Aguinaldo"  mass,  there  is  music  and  singing,  but  the 
        atmosphere is more solemn.

   NOCHEBUENA [Christmas Eve - December 24]
      - A special dinner  or  party  is  organized  by  many  families  to 
        celebrate the birthday of Jesus at home.
      - The menu varies  from  one  family  to  another,  but  it  usually 
        includes a special dish, like baked chicken or turkey, and roasted
        pork or ham.
      - The main dish is accompanied by  Spanish rice  with  pigeon  peas, 
        local  vegetables like  cooked green bananas,  fried plantains  or 
        cooked yam.  Another Holiday dish is called "pasteles".  It's made
        of mashed green	bananas, filled  with meat  and  other vegetables, 
        wrapped in the leaves of the banana tree (the leaves are  only for
        wrapping,  we don't eat	them).  They are cooked in boiling water.
      - We also have Holiday desserts like: "arroz con dulce" (rice cooked 
        with spices, sugar, milk, and  coconut milk)  and  "tembleque"  (a 
        custard	made  with  cornstarch, sugar,  and  coconut milk).   They 
        taste better cool down or cold, when its consistency  becomes more 
      - The nougat,  imported from Spain,  is another  popular  sweet dish 
        during the Holidays.  Nuts are also popular.

   NAVIDAD [Christmas - December 25]
      - Christians celebrate Jesus' birthday.
      - Santa Claus brings gifts to the children who had  been good during
        the year.  This custom originated in the USA, but since the 1940's
        has  become part of  Puerto Rico's  Holiday  traditions.  In other 
        Spanish-speaking countries like  Spain and Mexico is also becoming
      - The  Christmas tree is another  custom imported  from the USA.  We
	decorate  a pine  tree (natural  or  artificial)  with lights  and 
	adornments.  The houses are also decorated with lights.
      - People build "nacimientos"  (also called "Belens"  or  "pesebres", 
        known in English as  cribs or creches).  These  cribs recreate the
        story of  Jesus' birth.  They are made with scale  figures made of
        wood, plastic  or porcelain.  The  complexity  of the crib  varies
        from one place  to another.  Some are simple,  with the figures of
        Jesus,  Joseph, and Mary.  Others   include  the  three  Wise Men,
        shepherds,  animals,  buildings,  etc.  In some Catholic churches,
        large and elaborate cribs  are built as altars for people to visit 
        them on Christmas Eve.

   DIA DE LOS INOCENTES [Day of the Innocents - December 28]
      - During this day,  Catholics remember the children killed by Herod, 
        as it is told in the Gospel.
      - People used to celebrate  this day like a carnival, where some men
	dressed as the "evil soldiers of Herod", and went house by  house,
	"kidnapping"  the first-born boy  from  every  family.  To recover 
        their children,  the families had to offer the soldiers gifts, and
        when  the  children  returned  to  their  homes,  a  big party was 
        organized to celebrate the return of the "lost boys".
      - In Puerto Rico, this carnival still takes place in one small  town
        called Hatillo.  The whole town  joins in the parade  and later on
        in a  big party at the  public  square.  In  another  town  called 
        Morovis, a  similar  event  takes place,  but in a  smaller scale.
        This carnival  originated in the  Canaries isles, and were brought
        to Puerto Rico by immigrants from that place.
      - Today, this day  is  celebrated  in a  different way.  People make
        tricks and  stories to  fool others,  resembling the  April Fool's
        Day in the USA.

   A~NO VIEJO [New Year's Eve - December 31]
      - People celebrate  the end of the year  with relatives and friends,
        or going out.   The end of year is a symbol  of a  new  beginning,
        when people make changes to improve their lives.  The major  event
        occurs  at midnight,  when everybody greets each other  and wishes  
        good luck and happiness to everyone.
      - Some people eat 12 grapes, one for every time the  clock rings its 
	bells to tell time.  It is supposed to bring  good luck if you can 
	eat all 12 grapes before the  clock stops ringing the  bells.   Of 
	course, not  everybody have wall clocks with ringing bells, so the 
	custom varies.
      -	In Puerto Rico, right at midnight, TV and radio stations broadcast
        a famous  poem  called  "El Brindis del Bohemio",  which tells the
        story of a group of friends together in a bar  celebrating the New 
      - The celebration continues all night long.

   VISPERA DE EPIFANIA [Epiphany's Eve - January 5]
      - Catholics meet in a  neighbor's house  to pray  the  rosary and to 
        honor  the  three Wise Men  (saints in the  Catholic faith).  This 
        custom is almost forgotten by the younger generations.
      - The children get ready to receive gifts from the three Wise Men by
	collecting  fresh cut grass  in a shoe box.  The grass  is for the 
        Wise Men's camels,  who  are  tired  and  hungry  from  their long
        journey.  Some people also  put pastries,  food and drinks for the
        Wise Men  under the  Christmas tree or along with  the grass under
        the children's bed.
   DIA DE REYES [Three Kings' Day or Epiphany - January 6]
      - The children get to open the gifts  left the  night before  by the 
        three Wise Men (or Kings).
      - A party similar to the one celebrated in Christmas day is organized 
	by the family, with the same Holiday menu and music.
      - The Orthodox Church celebrates Jesus' birthday on this day.

   OCTAVAS & OCTAVITAS [January 15]
      - According to tradition, if you received a visit from a  friend or
	relative on  Three Kings' day,  you are  supposed  to return  the
        visit eight days later, playing live music and singing songs. The
        name "Octavas" comes from  the word  "octavo" (eighth), since the
        event takes place eight days after January 6.
      - People  still  remember  this tradition,  but is not practiced as 
        much.  Some  families choose this day to  take off  the Christmas 
        decorations and "officially" end Christmas.

   Contributions:  Jimmy Gonzalez Luna  <> from
   - Kennedy, Pamela, "A Christmas Celebration: Traditions & Customs from
   Around the World".  Nashville: Ideals Publishing Corp., 1992.
   - Ross & Lopez, "Christmas In Mexico".  Chicago: World Books Inc., 1983.
   - Sosa de Remy, Jennie, "Etiqueta & Tradiciones Puertoriquen~as". 
   San Juan: Art Printing Inc., 1980.
   San Juan: Instituto de Cultura Puertorrique~na, 1980. 

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Subject: National Symbols

|\###########|	Puerto Rico's flag has a  white  star  in  a  light  blue
|  \         |  isosceles triangle.  It also has five horizontal stripes,  
| * >########|  three red and two white stripes.
|  /         |

   o_o          The Coqui <Eleutherodactylus portoricensis> is a tiny tree
  ( o )         frog native of Puerto Rico.  Its name is derived from the 
( |   | )	sound of its song that is pronounced <ko-kee>.  The coqui
  coqui		is  about  one  inch  long, its skin is smooth and almost 
		transparent  but  can  be  blended  with its surrounding.   
		They hide in moist and dark places.
   Image: < >
   Sound: < >

   Contributions: Javier Santos <>.

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Subject: Where can I get information about Puerto Rico in the Web?

!  Every day more information is added to the World Wide Web.  Information
!  about  Puerto Rico  can be  found  in many  different  places  that are 
!  described in  the next few  paragraphs.   Remember  that  most  of this 
!  information is  provided by voluntary effort  of the people that set up
!  the page.   This  section  is  constantly  updated.   If you find other
!  places with information, send me a note.   Also, if there is any change
!  in the  location  of a  page,  let me know of the  change to be able to 
!  make the update accordingly.

   A World Wide Web (WWW) server sponsored by  Hewlett-Packard Puerto Rico 
   is maintained by Jose Pietri.  You can find facts about the island, the
   latest  weather  report,  images  of  Puerto  Rico, recipes  and  other 
   interesting things  about our people in there.  The URL of this site is 
   < >.

   The  University  of  Puerto  Rico   maintains  information  about their 
   programs  of  study.   The  UPR-Rio Piedras  campus  WWW server  is  at
   < > and < > for the 
   Mayaguez Campus.

   The   Inter  American  University   also   maintains   information   at
   < >  for the   Metropolitan Campus  and at
   < > for the Ponce Campus.   You  can  find  news
   from Puerto Rico in their gopher server at < gopher:// >
   There  is also  information and images  of the  Tibes Indian Ceremonial
   Center at < >.

   Information  about   Universidad del Sagrado Corazon  can  be  found at
   < >.

   Mailing addresses of Puerto Rico's universities are maintained by the
   World Wide Classroom at < >.

   You can find information  about  cultural activities in  "El Cuarto del 
   Quenepon" at < >.  The page
   features  Puerto Rican artists around the world,  articles,  electronic
   publications,  calendar of activities,  and call for participation  for 
   cultural events. 

   A lot of information on  Puerto Rico  is  maintained  by  Magaly Rivera
!  <>  at  < >.   Note 
!  the new change of location.

   The CIA World Factbook Sheet about Puerto Rico can be also accessed on-
   line   at    < >    or   at
   < gopher:// >.

   Results  from the  1992 general elections,  the 1993 status plebiscite,
   and  the  1994  Constitutional  Amendments  referendum  are  maintained 
   by  Manuel  Alvarez-Rivera   <>   and   presented   at
   < >.

   At < > you can
   find some information about where to stay in Puerto Rico.

   The Institute for Puerto Rican Policy maintains information about Puerto
   Rican issues at <  >.  Included are listings
   of  Puerto Rico's holidays and upcoming events for the community.  They
   also included statistics about Puerto Ricans in the United States and a
   directory of Puerto Rican organizations.

   Edgardo  Garayua <>  maintains a page with music
!  from Puerto Rico at < >.

   You  can  search  GolfWeb < >  for 
   information on golf courses in Puerto Rico (Search for state: PR).

   The  Government of Puerto Rico  now has a  Web page.  You can find some
   statistics about  crime  and  elections, and  general information about 
   Puerto Rico at < >.

!  News from Puerto Rico are written weekly by Red Pab and published in the
!  gopher server of the Inter American University < gopher:// >
!  They are sometimes posted by a  third party in soc.culture.puerto-rico.
!  Orlando Pla  <>  provides  news  headings  and 
!  summaries    from    different    newspapers    in    Puerto  Rico   at
!  < >.   Also,
!  WAPA-TV   is   setting  up   a  server   for   Noticentro  On-line   at
!  < >.   El Nuevo Dia  is  also setting  up a 
!  page at < > or < >.

!  La Cadena Salsoul  has a page at  < >  with the
!  top 10 hits of the week,  current events,  and  information about their
!  programs.  

!  Luis  Negron  Hernandez  <>  maintains  a  page  on
!  historic  investigations.   The  page  includes  information  about our 
!  political, social, and economic history based on studies of the Records
!  of the  Spanish  Governors  of   Puerto   Rico.   Visit  "Puerto  Rico: 
!  investigaciones historicas" at < >.

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Subject: Where can I get image files of Puerto Rico?

   You can find  more than a 100 image files of Puerto Rico using a client 
   of the  World Wide Web.   The  site is  maintained  by  Jose Pietri and 
   sponsored  by  Hewlett-Packard  Puerto  Rico.  The URL of  this site is 
   < >.

!  Carlos Gutierrez  <>  has a   Photo Gallery   at 
!  < >.   This  page  is still under
!  construction  but  it contains  many different  photos of San Juan, the
!  airport and other locations around the Island.

   Contributions: Jose Pietri <>.

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Subject: Who is providing Internet services in Puerto Rico?

   Caribbean Internet Service is an Internet service provider in San Juan.
   You can contact them at  (787) 728-3992  or 1-800-59-CISCO.   Also, you 
   can check their Home Page at < >.

   Datacom Caribe, Inc.  is now offering  Internet services.   Check their
   Home Page  at  < >  for  information  about their
!  services.  You can contact them at (787) 753-1771.

   Some bulletin board services in the USA can be accessed in Puerto Rico. 
   The following is a  list of providers with their  contact phone numbers 
   that were reported to give service in Puerto Rico.

     America Online	    (800) 827-6364       3 local access numbers
                     				 in San Juan and 1 in
     CompuServe	            (800) 848-8199       San Juan access number
     Delphi                 (800) 685-4005       Access to Internet
     Genie                  (800) 638-9636       Local access number in PR
     Imagination	    (800) IMAGIN-1       No local access number
     Prodigy		    (800) 776-3449	 No local access number
     The Well		    (415) 332-4335       Access to Internet
						 Local access number in PR

   You  may  want to  check  the  article  "PUERTO RICO:  INTERNET  &  BBS 
   RESOURCES" posted in our group  by  Carlos M. Gutierrez.  This document
   contains many  useful  information on Internet providers and  resources
   in Puerto Rico.  [Version 1.1 was posted on May 1, 1995]

   From: The San Juan Star,  May 16, 1994.
   Contributions: Carlos M. Gutierrez <74453.3064@CompuServe.COM>, 
   Karen Larson <>, 
!  and Fernando Cervoni <>

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   If you are going to  visit  Puerto Rico,  the  following sections  will 
   (hopefully) help you planning your stay.   You will find information on
   places to go and to stay  while you are in the island and where to find
   additional information.  Plan ahead, relax, and have fun!

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Subject: Do I need a passport?

   Traveling to Puerto Rico  is as  if you  were going to any other  state
   within the USA.  You will only need a passport (and  a  visa if you are
   not a citizen of the USA) if you are coming from another country.

   At the airports in Puerto Rico, your luggage will be inspected  by  the 
   U.S. Department of  Agriculture to  make  sure  you  are  not  carrying 
   prohibited  fruits  and  plants to  the  mainland.  Travelers  carrying 
   undeclared prohibited items  will be fined on the spot.  If you  want a 
   copy of what is  and  is not permitted back  on the  mainland, write to
   the  U.S.  Agriculture Department,  Animal and  Plant Health Inspection  
   Service, Room G-110,  Federal Building, Hyattsville, MD  20782.

   Consult your travel agent for more details.

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Subject: What places should we visit in Puerto Rico?

   There are many places  to visit  in Puerto Rico.  You  can stay  in San
   Juan and  visit many  historic places  dating back to the  days of  the
   colonization.   You may  also want to go around the island and discover
   many other  interesting places  such as  El Yunque - our  National Rain
   Forest - in Rio Grande, the  Arecibo Observatory and the Rio Camuy Cave
   Park in and near Arecibo or Hacienda Buena Vista in Ponce.

   In the  following sections  you will find a  partial list  of the  many 
   places you  can visit  arranged by region.   Whenever available, I have  
   included a telephone number  where you can get  more information  about 
   the  place, the  hours of operation  and a brief  description.  Some of 
   these places charge a fee and the schedules are subject to change.

   From "Que Pasa - Official Guide to Puerto Rico" and "AAA Travel Book -
   Bermuda, the Bahamas and Islands of the Caribbean - 1995"

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Subject: Where to go in the SAN JUAN METROPOLITAN AREA

    The  old  capital  city  (pop.  438,000)  of  Puerto Rico  has  always 
    fascinated, but now, after all the restoration work that was  done for
    the 500th anniversary of  Columbus' voyage, it's a must-see.  Projects
    included  restoring  the  Esplanade   along  the  waterfront   to  its  
    19th-century splendor  and adding  new shops and  restaurants opposite 
    the cruise ship docks.   The original town,  Old San Juan,  founded in
    1521  (the oldest capital  in the  USA),  sits  on  a  small peninsula  
    facing the  Atlantic Ocean. 
    Image: < >


      > LA CASITA             (787) 722- 1709      Open daily
      Puerto Rico Tourism Company information center

      > LA PRINCESA           (787) 721-2400       Gallery of island art:
                                                   Open M-F  9:00am-noon,
      Headquarters of the Tourism Company
      Image: < >

      > LA FORTALEZA          (787) 721-7000       M-F 9:00am-4:00pm
        (the fortress)        ext. 2211, 2358      except holidays
      Tours in  English  every hour and in  Spanish  every half hour; 
      proper attire required.
      Image: < >

      > CASA BLANCA           (787) 724-4102       Tu-Su: 9:00am-noon,
        (white house)                              1:00pm-4:30pm
      Museum of  family life in  16th- and  17th-century  Puerto Rico  and
      an ethnographic  museum  with  a  miniature  re-creation of a  Taino

      > FUERTE SAN FELIPE     (787) 729-6960       Museum Open Daily
        DEL MORRO (El Morro fort)                  9:00am-5:00pm
      One of the city's military fortifications,  contains a small museum; 
      tours, orientation,  and video presentation available in English and
      Images: < >,
      < >, and
      < >

      > ASILO DE BENEFICENCIA   (787) 724-5949     Galleries Open
        (home for the poor)     (787) 724-5477     W-Su: 9:00am-4:30pm
      Headquarters  of  the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture and several
      changing  exhibition galleries

      > CUARTEL DE BALLAJA    (787) 724-5052       Tu-F: 10:00am-4:00pm
        (Ballaja barracks)                         Sa-Su: 11:00am-5:00pm
      The  Museum of the Americas (in the second floor)  features changing 
      exhibitions, archaeological finds of the Ballaja area and an exhibit 
      of crafts in the Americas

      > IGLESIA DE SAN JOSE    (787) 725-7501      M-Sa: 8:30am-4:00pm
       (San Jose church)                           Sunday mass: 12:15pm
      Second oldest church in the Western Hemisphere 
      Image: < >

      > CONVENTO DE LOS DOMINICOS (787) 721-6866   M-Sa: 9:00am-5:00pm
       (Dominican convent)
      Institute of Puerto Rican Culture book and music book store 

      > MUSEO DE PABLO CASALS (787) 723-9185       Tu-Sa: 9:30am-5:30am 
       (Casals museum)
      Collection  of  memorabilia from the master cellist's legacy  to the 
      people of  Puerto Rico holds manuscripts, photographs and videotapes 
      of  Casals Festival concerts

      > CASA DE LAS CONTRAFUERTES (787) 724-5477   W-Su: 9:00am-4:30pm
        (house of buttresses) 
      Periodic exhibitions are held in its Museum of Latin American Prints  
      (second floor).   The  small Pharmacy Museum displays a 19th-century 
      drugstore complete with scales and  old bottles 

      > CATEDRAL DE SAN JUAN  (787) 722-0861       Daily: 8:30am-4:00pm 
        (San Juan cathedral)
      Contains the marble tomb of the island's  first governor  Juan Ponce
      de Leon and the relic of San Pio, a Roman martyr 

      > CENTRO NACIONAL DE    (787) 722-0621       M-F: 9:30am-5:00pm
        (Popular Arts  and Crafts Center)
      A variety of island crafts are displayed and offered for sale

      > CASA DEL LIBRO        (787) 723-0354       Tu-Sa: 11:00am-4:30pm
        (house of books)                           except holidays
      Small  museum  and  library  devoted  to  the art  of  printing and 

      > CAPILLA DE CRISTO                          Tu: 10:00am-3:30pm
        (Christ chapel)
      Image: < >
      > MUSEO DE ARTE E       (787) 724-1875       M-F: 8:00am-4:00pm
       (museum of art and history)
      Galleries for changing exhibitions

      > CASA DE LOS DOS       (787) 724-5477       M-F: 8:00am-4:00pm
        ZAGUANES (house of the 
        two foyers)

      > MUSEO DEL NINO        (787) 722-3791       Tu-Th: 9:30am-3:30pm
        (children's museum)                        Sa-Su: 11:00am-4:00pm
      Educational exhibits for  children 

      > MUSEO FELISA RINCON   (787) 723-1897       M-F: 9:00am-4:00pm
        DE GAUTIER (Rincon de                      except holidays
        Gautier museum) 
      Former home of one of San Juan's  most popular mayors

      > EL ARSENAL            (787) 724-5949       W-Su: 9:00am-4:30pm
        (the arsenal)
      Center for changing  art exhibitions

      > TEATRO TAPIA          (787) 722-0407       Call for information
        (Tapia theater)
      Setting for cultural events

      > EL CAPITOLIO          (787) 721-7305       M-F - Reservations
        (the capitol building)                     requested
      Seat of the bicameral legislature of Puerto Rico with galleries,
      friezes, mosaics and exhibition of Puerto Rico's constitution 
      Images: < >, and
      < >



      > BOTANICAL GARDEN      (787) 763-4408       Tu-Su: 9:00am-5:00pm

      > CENTRAL PARK OF BAYAMON  (787) 798-8191    Tu-Su: 9:00am-6:00pm

      > MUNOZ MARIN PARK      (787) 763-0568       Tu-Su: 9:00am-5:30pm

      > MUNOZ RIVERA PARK                          Daily

      > CENTRAL PARK          (787) 722-1646       M: 2:00pm-10:00pm
                                                   Tu-Th: 8:00am-10:00pm
                                                   F: 8:00am-9:00pm
                                                   Sa-Su: 8:00am-6:00pm

      > PLAZA ACUATICA        (787) 754-9500       Water Park & passive
                                                   areas open Sa-Su: 10:00am
                                                   Passive Areas also
                                                   open F: from 3:00pm

      > PUBLIC BEACHES        (787) 722-1551       Tu-Su: 9:00am-5:00pm
      Beaches in Escambron, Puerta de Tierra; Isla Verde, Carolina; Punta
      Salinas, Cata~no


      > CABRAS ISLAND         (787) 729-6960       Daily


      > PIN~ONES FOREST       (787) 724-3647       Daily: 8:00am-4:30pm

    * MUSEUMS:

      > CAPARRA RUINS         (787) 781-4795       Daily: 9:00am-4:00pm

      > FRANCISCO OLLER AND   (787) 798-8191       M-F: 8:00am-noon,
        HISTORY MUSEUM                             1:00pm-4:00pm

      > HISTORICAL MUSEUM OF CAGUAS (787) 746-0669 M-F: 8:00am-3:00pm

      > JOSE CELSO BARBOSA    (787) 798-8191       M-F: 8:00am-noon,
        MUSEUM                                     1:00pm-4:00pm

      > LUIS A. FERRE         (787) 740-6868       W-F: 8:00am-4:00pm
        SCIENCE PARK                               Sa-Su: 10:00am-6:00pm
      Museums of geology/physical sciences, archaeology, transportation and 
      natural sciences, health pavilion 

      > LUIS MUNOZ MARIN      (787) 755-7979       Tu-Sa: 9:00am-3:00pm

      > MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY (787) 268-0049      M-F: 9:00am-4:00pm
        at the Sacred Heart University

      > SAN JERONIMO FORT     (787) 724-5949       W-Su: 9:30am-noon,
      Includes a  small military museum

      > MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY, (787) 764-0000     Sa: 8:00am-3:30pm
        HISTORY AND ART         Ext. 2452
        at the University of Puerto Rico


      > BACARDI RUM PLANT     (787) 788-1500       M-Sa: 9:00am-11:00am
      Expanded tours of plant, small museum and grounds

      > CLUB GALLISTICO       (787) 791-1557       Sa: 2:00pm-9:00pm

      > EL NUEVO COMANDANTE   (787) 724-6060       W,F,Su, holidays: 12:30pm
        RACETRACK (horseracing)                    races from 2:15pm

      > PUBLIC MARKETPLACES                        Daily
      Local fruits, vegetables, and products
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Subject: Where to go in the NORTHEAST AND OFFSHORE ISLANDS

  > VEJIGANTE CRAFT SHOPS                          Daily: 10:00am-6:00pm
    in Loiza

  > EL YUNQUE                 (787) 887-2875       Visitor Centers open
    Caribbean National Forest (787) 766-5335       daily: 9:00am-5:00pm
                                                   Field Office open M-F
  Mountain  surrounded by a  28,000-acre/11,332-hectare  bird sanctuary and 
  rain forest.   El Yunque is  the only  tropical rain forest  in the  U.S. 
  National Forest system.   Bring shoes to  take a hike  on one of the many 
  trails.   Allow about a  half-day  for your  visit.   Talks and tours  by
  request, camping by permission.
  Images: < >, and
  < >

  > LAS CABEZAS DE SAN JUAN   (787) 722-5882       Open to groups: W-Th
    NATURE RESERVE            (787) 860-2560       To general public: F-Su
    (also known as El Faro)                        Reservations required
  Coral reefs, mangrove swamps, beach and forest can all be visited in this 
  newly-created  nature  preserve on the  northeast  corner  of the island. 
  Visitors may also climb up the old El Faro lighthouse.

  > CASA ROIG                 (787) 852-8380       W-F, Su: 10:00am-4:00pm

  An island just off the eastern coast,  Vieques  (along with its  smaller
  neighbor Culebra) is a  quiet place with  little commercial development;
  those who just want a relaxing beach experience will be  quite satisfied   
  there. The main town is Esperanza,  and there's a  lighthouse in the old 
  port  town  of  Isabel  Segunda.   There's  not too much  in the way  of
  accommodations on the island; most people stay in guest houses or in the
  Parador near Sun Bay beach.  Vieques can be reached by air from San Juan 
  or Fajardo, and there is also ferry service from Fajardo.  Nearly 70% of 
  the island is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Navy.

  > FORTIN CONDE DE MIRASOL   (787) 741-1717       Sa-Su: 10:00am-4:00pm
    Vieques                   (787) 741-8651
  Open weekdays for groups by request

  > FARO PUNTA MULAS          (787) 741-5000       Daily: 8:00am-4:30pm
    Isabel Segunda, Vieques
  Image: < >

  This island  and the  surrounding  islets are a national wildlife refuge
  accessible by ferry from the east coast or by plane from the International
  Airport in Carolina (SJU).  Used by the U.S. military for bombing practice 
  until 1975, these coral-reef-fringed islands are home to dozens of species
  of sea birds, four species of sea turtles, and mangrove forests. Daytime
  excursions may be made to Culebrita (old lighthouse, rare flora and fauna),
  Cayo Norte and Cayo de Luis Pena.  Accommodations are simple--Culebra is 
  for those who want to get away  from the  development and faster pace of 
  the main island.

  > CULEBRA NATIONAL WILDLIFE (787) 742-0115       Culebrita and Luis
    REFUGE                                         Pe~na islets open daily:
                                                   sunrise to sunset 
  No camping allowed

  > ESPERANZA MUSEUM          (787) 741-8850       Tu-Su: 11:00am-3:00pm

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Subject: Where to go in the SOUTH COAST


  > ARROYO TROLLEY BUS        (787) 866-1609       Weekends and holidays
    Arroyo                                         from 8:00am
  Group trips available

  > CASA CAUTINO MUSEUM       (787) 864-9083       Tu-Su: 8:00am-4:30pm

  > CENTRO DE BELLAS ARTES    (787) 864-0600       W-F: 1:00pm-6:30pm
    (Fine Arts Center)        Ext. 2306            Sa-Su: 10:00am-6:00pm
    Guayama - open Wednesday 

  > JOBOS BAY NATURE RESERVE  (787) 864-0105       Daily: 7:30am-4:00pm

  > ALBERGUE OLIMPICO         (787) 824-2607       Grounds open daily:
    (Olympic Lodge)           (787) 824-2608       8:00am-10:00pm

  > COAMO MUSEUM              (787) 825-1150       M-F: 8:00am-noon
    Coamo                     Ext. 206             1:00pm-4:00pm

  > EL VIGIA HILL - Ponce

  > CAJA DE MUERTOS ISLAND    (787) 721-5495
  Ferries leave from La Guancha Pier, Ponce (service temporarily suspended)
  Image: < >

  > SERRALLES MUSEUM          (787) 259-1774       Tu-Th: 9:30am-4:30pm
    Ponce                                          F-Su: 10:00am-5:00pm
  Images: < >
  and < >

  > CASA PAOLI - Ponce        (787) 840-4115       M-F: 10:00am-noon

  > MUSEUM OF PUERTO RICAN    (787) 844-9722       W-Su: 9:00am-noon
    MUSIC - Ponce                                  1:00pm-5:30pm

  > PONCE HISTORY MUSEUM      (787) 844-7071       M, W-F: 10:00am-5:00pm
                                                   Sa: 10:00am-9:00pm
                                                   Su: 11:00am-7:00pm

  > PONCE MUSEUM OF ART       (787) 848-0511       Daily: 10:00am-5:00pm
                              (787) 848-0505
  Image: < >

  > TIBES INDIAN CEREMONIAL   (787) 840-2255       Tu-Su: 9:00am-4:00pm
  Bilingual tours available
  Images: < >,
  < >,
  < >,
  < >,
  < >,
  and < >.

  > HACIENDA BUENA VISTA      (787) 722-5882       Groups: W-Th
    Ponce                     (787) 848-7020       General Public: F-Su
                                                   Reservations Required
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Subject: Where to go in the WEST COAST


  Site of the first U.S. troop landing in 1898, is now noted for the Guanica
  Forest Reserve. It has 48 rare tree species, earning it a place on UNESCO's
  list of Biosphere Reserves.  Several beaches are also part of the reserve. 
  Also interesting are the abandoned buildings of a sugar mill near the town.

  > CABO ROJO WILDLIFE REFUGE  (787) 851-7258      M-F: 7:30am-4:00pm

  Cabo Rojo lighthouse
  Image: < >

  An old town with colonial buildings,  San German (pop. 35,000) can easily 
  be seen  in a  few hours.   Be sure to visit the  Porta Coeli  Chapel and 
  religious art museum.

  > PORTA COELI CHURCH         (787) 892-5845      Tu-Su: 9:00am-noon
    San German                                     1:00pm-4:00pm
  Oldest church in the USA to remain intact.  It's museum display wooden
  statues, paintings, ornaments and liturgical objects. 

  > RAMIREZ DE ARELLANO Y      (787) 892-8870      W-Su: 10:00am-noon
    ROSELL ART MUSEUM                              1:00pm-3:00pm
    San German
  Art museum and library displays collections of religious art and objects.

  If driving around the western end of the island, stop in this bustling 
  town (pop. 100,000) to look around and perhaps purchase the locally-made
  embroidery. Sights include the Federal Agricultural Experiment Station, 
  the university and the zoo. Side trips are also possible to Monte del 
  Estado, Phosphorescent Bay and San German.
  > MAYAGUEZ ZOO               (787) 834-8110      W-Su: 9:00am-4:00pm

  > BOTANICAL GARDENS OF THE   (787) 831-3435      M-F: 7:00am-4:00pm

  > MONA ISLAND                (787) 723-1616
                               (787) 721-5495
  Reached  only by  chartered boat,  primitive camping  permitted  with
  Image: < >

  Downtown Moca, Isabela, Aguada and Aguadilla

  > LAS CASCADAS (water park)  (787) 882-3310      Daily: 10:00am-6:00pm
    Aguadilla                                      (during the Summer)

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Subject: Where to go in the NORTHWEST


  > LAKE GUAJATACA WILDLIFE   (787) 896-7640       Tu-Su: 6:00am-6:00pm
  For fishing

  > CAGUANA INDIAN CEREMONIAL (787) 894-7325       Daily: 9:00am-4:30pm
    PARK - Utuado             (787) 724-5477
  Image: < >
  Raytrace: < >

  > ARECIBO OBSERVATORY       (787) 878-2612       Tu-F: 2:00-3:00pm
                                                   Su: 1:00-4:30pm
  Open to the public for self-guided tours (visits limited to an observation 
  deck in front of the dish); grounds closed Monday, Saturday and holidays;
  group tours must reserve in advance.
  Images: < >,
  and < >
  Information at < >

  > RIO CAMUY CAVE PARK       (787) 898-3100       W-Su: 8:00am-4:00pm
                                                   last tour at 3:50pm
                                                   or when the park reaches
                                                   its daily capacity of 
                                                   1500 visitors
  These 16 caves in a  rain forest,  accessible via a  guided  tram/walking 
  tour, offer a chance  to see the world's third-largest underground river. 
  (Those with proper equipment are allowed to explore on their own.) 

  > LA CUEVA DE CAMUY         (787) 898-2723       M-Sa: 9:00am-5:00pm
                                                   Su: 9:00am-8:00pm

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Subject: Where to go in the MOUNTAINS


  > MUNOZ RIVERA LIBRARY MUSEUM  (787) 857-0230    F-Su: 8:00am-noon

  > MUNOZ MAUSOLEUM                                Daily: 8:00am-noon

  > MARICAO FISH HATCHERY     (787) 838-3710       M-F: 7:30am-noon
                                                   Sa-Su: 8:30-4:00pm
  Tours by appointment

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Subject: Where to stay in Puerto Rico?

   There are many places to stay  around the island.   The following  is a
   list of some of them  arranged by region.   The list includes telephone
   numbers to obtain more information and make reservations.  
      * Paradores (Country Inns)
      # Guest Houses
      + Resorts

   Information about  some of  these places  can be found  in  the Web  at
   < >.

   From "Que Pasa - Official Guide to Puerto Rico", and
   R. Paniagua, "Puerto Rico Winter '94"
   Contributions: J. W. Chardine <>

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Subject: Where to stay in the SAN JUAN METROPOLITAN AREA

   # Casa San Jose		(787) 723-1212
   # Escenario                  (787) 721-5264,721-5286
   Gran Hotel El Convento	(787) 723-9020

   Caribe Hilton		(787) 721-0303
   Radisson San Juan		(787) 729-2929

   Excelsior			(787) 721-7400
   Miramar			(787) 722-6239
   Olimpo Court			(787) 724-0600
   Toro				(787) 725-5150, 725-2647

   # Aleli by the Sea		(787) 725-5313, 723-3895
   Ambassador Plaza             (787) 721-7300
   # Arcade Inn			(787) 725-0668, 728-7524
   Atlantic Beach		(787) 721-6900, 721-6901
   Best Western Pierre		(787) 721-1200
   # Canario Inn		(787) 722-3861
   Canario by the Lagoon	(787) 722-5058
   # Canario by the Sea		(787) 722-8640
   # Casablanca			(787) 722-7139
   La Concha			(787) 721-6090
   Condado Beach		(787) 721-6888
   Condado Lagoon		(787) 721-0170
   Condado Plaza		(787) 721-1000
   Condado San Juan		(787) 724-5657
   Dutch Inn & Tower		(787) 721-0810
   # Embassy			(787) 725-8284, 725-2400
   Portal			(787) 721-9010
   # Prado Inn			(787) 728-5925, 728-5136
   Radisson Ambassador Plaza	(787) 721-7300
   Ramada Condado		(787) 724-5657
   Regency			(787) 721-0505
   Tanama Princess		(787) 724-4160
   # Wind Chimes		(787) 727-4153

   # Beach Buoy Inn		(787) 728-8119
   # Condesa			(787) 727-3698, 727-3900
   # Hosteria del Mar		(787) 727-3302
   # Numero 1 on the Beach	(787) 727-9687
   # Tres Palmas		(787) 727-4617, 727-5434

   # Borinquen Royal		(787) 728-8400
   Carib-Inn			(787) 791-3535
   Casa de Playa		(787) 728-9779
   # Casa Mathiesen Inn		(787) 726-8662, 727-3223
   Don Pedro			(787) 791-2838
   # El Patio			(787) 726-6298, 726-6953
   Empress Oceanfront		(787) 791-3083, 791-4950
   ESJ Towers			(787) 791-5151
   # Green Isle			(787) 726-4330, 728-5749
   Holiday Inn Crown Plaza	(787) 253-2929
   International Airport	(787) 791-1700
   Mario's			(787) 791-3748
   Playa			(787) 791-1115, 791-5945
   Sands			(787) 791-6100
   San Juan			(787) 791-1000
   Travel Lodge			(787) 728-1300

   Hyatt Regency Cerromar	(787) 796-1234
   Hyatt Dorado Beach		(787) 796-1234

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Subject: Where to stay in the NORTHEAST AND OFFSHORE ISLANDS 

   # Ceiba Country Inn		(787) 885-0471

   + Conquistador		(787) 863-1000
   Delicias			(787) 863-1818
   # Fajardo Inn		(787) 863-5195
   * Familia			(787) 863-1193

   + Palmas del Mar		(787) 852-6000

   * Martorell			(787) 721-2884, 889-2710

   Caribe Playa			(787) 839-6339
   # Villa del Carmen		(787) 839-7536

   # Posada la Hamaca		(787) 742-3516
   Villa Fulladoza		(787) 742-3576

   # Casa del Frances		(787) 741-3751
   # Crown's Nest		(787) 741-0033
   Ocean View			(787) 741-3696
   # Sea Gate			(787) 741-4661
   # Water's Edge               (787) 741-1128

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Subject: Where to stay in the SOUTH COAST 

   Posada Guayama		(787) 866-1515

   Days Inn			(787) 841-1000
   Holiday Inn Ponce		(787) 844-1200
   Melia			(787) 842-0261, 842-0262
   Ponce Hilton			(787) 259-7676, 259-7777

   Marina de Salinas		(787) 752-8484, 824-3185

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Subject: Where to stay in the WEST COAST 

   * J. B. Hidden Village	(787) 868-8686

   Cielo Mar			(787) 882-5959
   Cima                         (787) 890-2016,890-2017
   * Faro			(787) 882-8000
   Hacienda El Pedregal		(787) 891-6068

   * Boquemar			(787) 851-2158
   Boqueron Beach               (787) 851-7110,851-7100
   Cuestamar			(787) 851-2819
   * Joyuda Beach		(787) 851-5650
   * Perichi's			(787) 851-3131

   Copamarina Beach		(787) 821-0505

   Pichi's			(787) 835-3335

   # Nautilus			(787) 899-4565
   * Posada Porlamar		(787) 899-4015
   # Viento y Vela		(787) 899-4698, 899-3030
   * Villa Parguera		(787) 721-2884, 899-3975

   # Gutierrez			(787) 827-2087, 827-3453

   * Hacienda Juanita		(787) 721-2884, 838-2550
   Image: < >

   Embajador			(787) 833-3340
   Holiday Inn Mayaguez		(787) 833-1100
   Mayaguez Hilton		(787) 831-7575, 724-0161
   Palma			(787) 834-3800
   * Sol			(787) 834-0303

   Horned Dorset Primavera	(787) 823-4050
   * Villa Antonio		(787) 823-2645, 823-2285

   * Oasis			(787) 721-2884, 892-1175

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Subject: Where to stay in the NORTHWEST 

   Costa Dorada Beach		(787) 872-7255

   * Guajataca			(787) 721-2884, 895-3070
   * Vistamar			(787) 721-2884, 895-2065

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Subject: Where to stay in the MOUNTAINS 

   Monte Rio			(787) 829-3705
   Villas de Sotomayor		(787) 829-5105, 829-1717

   * Ba~nos de Coamo		(787) 721-2884, 825-2186

   * Hacienda Gripi~nas		(787) 721-2884, 828-1717

   * Casa Grande		(787) 721-2884, 894-3939

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Subject: What are Paradores Puertorrique~nos?

   Paradores Puertorrique~nos (Puerto Rican Country Inns) is  (officially)
   an  organization  sponsored  by  the  Puerto Rico Tourism Company  that 
   promotes the use of the "paradores" around the island.  The "paradores"
   are inexpensive compared  to the hotels and  are located outside of the 
   San Juan Metropolitan Area.  If you need  more information you can call 
   721-2884 in San Juan, 1-800-981-7575 outside the  San Juan Metropolitan 
   Area  or  1-800-443-0266  from  the  USA.  You  can  also  contact them 
   individually.   See  "Where to stay in Puerto Rico?"  for   the   phone 
   numbers and locations of the Paradores (they are marked  with *).

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Subject: Where can I get more tourist information?

   The best source of tourist information is the free,  quarterly magazine
   "Que Pasa - Official Guide to Puerto Rico" produced  and distributed by
   the Puerto Rico Tourism Company.  You can get a copy of the publication 
   at  airports and  hotels in  Puerto Rico  or by  contacting  the office 
   or representative nearest to you mentioned below.

   You can contact the  Puerto Rico Tourism Company in  San Juan at  (787)
   721-2884  or call toll free (800) 223-6530.   There are representatives 
   of  the  Tourism Company  around the USA  in  Atlanta, GA,  Boston, MA,  
   Dallas, TX,   Denver, CO,   Detroit, MI,   Hartford, CT,   Houston, TX, 
   Orlando, FL,  Philadelphia, PA,  San Francisco, CA, St. Louis, MO,  and 
   Washington, D. C.   Also,  there are  offices of the PR Tourism Company
   in the following cities:

   > Los Angeles, CA
	3575 W. Cahuenga Blvd.
	Suite 560
	Los Angeles, CA  90068
	(213) 874-5991
	Fax: 874-7257

   > Madrid, Espa~na
	Calle Serrano
	1 2 izda. 28001
	Madrid, Espa~na
	(341) 431-2128
	Fax: 577-5260

   > Miami, FL
	200 S. E. First Street
	Suite 700
	Miami, FL  33131
	(305) 381-8915
	Fax: 381-8917

   > Milan, Italy
	Via E. Segre' 3 -- 20052
	Monza, Italy
	(39/39) 748-820
	Fax: 749-472

   > New York, NY
	575 Fifth Ave., 23rd floor
	New York, NY  10017
	(800) 223-6530
	Fax: (212) 818-1866

   > Paris, France
	Express Conseil 5 bis.
	Rue Du Louvre 75001
	Paris, France
	(331) 4477-8800
	Fax: 4260-0545

   > Tokyo, Japan
	Kasho Building 2-14-09
	Nihombashi, Chuo-ku
	Tokyo 103, Japan
	(03) 3272-3060, 3273-2445

   > Toronto, Canada
	2 Bloor Street West
	Suite 700
	Toronto, Ontario M4W 3R1
	(416) 969-9025
	Fax: 969-9478

   > Weisbaden, Germany
	Kreuzberger Ring 56
	D-6200 Weisbaden 32, Germany
	(49611) 744-2880

   From "Que Pasa - Official Guide to Puerto Rico"

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   This section includes a  brief description  of  other questions  to  be 
   included in this document.  Contributions to answer  them  can be  sent 
   to the group or preferably to me at <>.

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Subject: Other festivities

   In Puerto Rico  we  celebrate  many  festivities  during  the  year  in 
   different towns.  Examples  of  those festivities are:  Festival de las
   Flores  in  Aibonito,  Festival  del  Guineo,   Festival de la Novilla,  
   el Carnaval in Ponce.  
   I  would  like  to  compile  a list  with  the  name of  the  different 
   celebrations, dates, places and a description of the festivity.

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Subject: What to do with an annoying person?

   One too many times  I have seen this question  pop up in our newsgroup.
   Some people have proposed  different strategies  to deal with  annoying
   persons in the  Internet.  I plan to  compile the  different approaches
   and make suggestions on their effectiveness.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
     Zeydy Ortiz Laureano           

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM