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APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 8/8]: Troubleshooting
Section - [FAQ 8.1] It's hours later! Why hasn't my test post arrived?

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Top Document: APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 8/8]: Troubleshooting
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: [FAQ 8.2] Why didn't my email/post make it through?
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While it is true that remailer traffic is sometimes unreliable one
must realize that a remailer isn't just a mail server. Mail must not
only be delivered but it must be delivered securely and anonymously.
Latency (delay before delivery) is part of the anonymizing process
like it or not.

For starters, every remailer has some existing latency (depending on
numerous factors including load, processor power, type of Internet
connection, etc...) Users can specify a latency directive
(Latent-Time: +0:00) to override the normal built in latency of the
remailers. Users may also add MORE delay to their messages if they
wish by adding, for example, Latent-Time: +2:30. This would cause an
additional 2 hr and 30 min delay before delivery.

Also, many remailers use features like reordering ('reord' in the cap
string) and RATE/POOLSIZE which may delay messages even further , all
in the name of defeating traffic analysis and increasing anonymity.

Still, there are other reasons why your email or post might be
unnaturally delayed:

+ Your message may in fact have been posted to Usenet but either
hasn't arrived at your news server yet, or might not arrive for any
number of possible Usenet related problems. Usenet propagation is not
instantaneous. Poorly connected servers can take days to receive
messages, if they get them at all. You might check on the Deja
archives [] and see if they got the post, or
try another server if you have access to one.

+ You may have chosen a remailer that is not online full time (dial-up
account). These remailers may collect mail once an hour, once a day or
perhaps only in the evening hours.

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Top Document: APAS Anonymous Remailer Use [FAQ 8/8]: Troubleshooting
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: [FAQ 8.2] Why didn't my email/post make it through?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM