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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- September 15

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Interesting things that happened September 15th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1613 Francois, Duc de La Rochefoucauld (Paris, France), thinker
  In 1789 James Fenimore Cooper, first major American novelist
  In 1830 Porfirio Díaz, soldier, president of Mexico (1877-1911)
  In 1857 William Howard Taft (R), 27th US President (1909-13), chief justice
          in Cincinati
  In 1876 Bruno Walter, conductor
  In 1881 Ettore Arco Isidoro Bugatti, car builder
  In 1890 Dame Agatha Christie, mystery writer (Murder on the Orient Express)
  In 1894 Jean Renoir, cineaste (Grand Illusion), painter
  In 1899 Milton Eisenhower, Dwight's brother
  In 1903 Roy Acuff, country and western singer
  In 1904 Umberto II, king of Italy (1946)
  In 1906 Kathryn Murray (in New Jersey)
  In 1908 Penny Singleton
  In 1913 John Mitchell, attorney general who went to jail
  In 1914 Creighton Abrams, Army general
  In 1922 Jackie Cooper, actor
  In 1924 Bobby Short, singer, pianist
  In 1927 Norm Crosby, comedian
  In 1929 Murray Gell-Mann, physicist who predicted quarks
  In 1938 Gaylord Perry, baseball player
  In 1941 Miroslaw Hermaszewski, first Polish space traveler (Soyuz 30)
  In 1946 Oliver Stone, director
        + Tommy Lee Jones, actor
  In 1961 Dan Marino, football player (Dolphin QB)
  In 1984 Henry, English prince

Events worth noting:
        + Battle of Britain Day.
        + Felt Hat Day, when men of fashion put away their straw hats.
        + Feast of the 7 Sorrows of Mary.
        + Independence Day, for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatamala,
        + Honduras and Nicaragua.
  In 1776 British forces occupy NYC during the American Revolution.
  In 1789 Dept of Foreign Affairs, renamed the Dept of State.
  In 1821 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatamala, Honduras, and Nicaragua all gain
          their independence.
  In 1862 Stonewall Jackson takes Harpers Ferry.
  In 1894 Japan defeats China in Battle of Ping Yang.
  In 1917 Russia was proclaimed a republic by Alexander Kerensky.
  In 1930 The first international bridge match is held in London. The U.S.
          team defeats Great Britain.
  In 1935 Nuremberg Laws deprived German Jews of citizenship and made the
          swastika the official symbol of Nazi Germany.
  In 1937 WPA extends the L-Taraval streetcar to the Zoo (at Sloat Blvd).
  In 1940 Third American Football League plays its first game (Milwaulkee 14,
          Columbus 2).
        + Tide turns in Battle of Britain in WW II, RAF beats Luftwaffe.
  In 1947 Yanks clinch pennant #15.
  In 1950 During Korean conflict, UN forces land at Inchon in the south.
        + Yankee Johnny Mize hits 3 homers (6th time he has done that).
  In 1957 "Bachelor Father" with John Forsythe premieres.
        + San Francisco Seals (Pacific Coast League) play their last game.
  In 1959 Soviet Premier Khrushchev arrives in US to begin a 13-day visit.
  In 1963 Four children are killed in bombing of a black Baptist church in
  In 1965 "Lost in Space" premieres.
  In 1966 Gemini XI returns to Earth.
  In 1976 Soyuz 22 carries two cosmonauts into earth orbit for 8 days.
  In 1978 Yanks beat Boston 4-0, Guidry wins # 22, Yanks lead 2 1/2 games.
  In 1981 First International Peace Day observed.
  In 1982 Israel orders Lebanese Phalangist militia into Beirut Palestinian
          refugee camps.  Massacre of 1000+ refugees at Shatila and Sabra
  In 1984 Morocco Showcase opens.
  In 1985 Lebanese kidnappers release first hostage, Rev. Benjamin Weir, in
          US-Iran arms-for-hostages deal.

And remember ...
  National School Success Month
  National Sewing Month
  National Pain Awareness Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM