Interesting things that happened September 2nd:
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Birthdays on this date: In 1838 Queen Liliuokalani, last queen of Hawaii (1891-93) In 1839 Henry George, land reformer, writer (Progress and Poverty) In 1853 Wilhelm Ostwald, German physical chemist (Nobel 1909) In 1866 Hiram Johnson, Calif governor, Progressive In 1918 Allan Drury, author + Martha Mitchell, wife of former U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell In 1937 Peter Ueberroth, baseball commissioner In 1948 Terry Bradshaw, NFL quarterback (Pittsburgh Steelers) In 1951 Mark Harmon, actor, beer salesman In 1952 Jimmy Connors, tennis player In 1955 Linda Purl Events worth noting: + Feast of St. Stephen, first King of Hungary + Feast of St. William, c. 1070, English bishop, apostle to Danes In 0 490 BC Phidippides runs first marathon, to announce the victory of Athens over Persia. + 31 BC Battle of Actium; Octavian defeats Mark Antony and becomes Emperor Augustus. In 1666 Great Fire of London starts; destroys St. Paul's Church. In 1752 Last day of Julian calendar in Britain, British colonies. In 1789 US Treasury Department established by Congress. In 1804 K. L. Harding discovers Juno, third known asteroid. In 1859 Gas lighting introduced to Hawaii. In 1864 Sherman occupies Atlanta. In 1898 Lord Kitchener retakes Sudan for Britain. In 1924 Rudolf Friml's "Rose Marie" opens to rave reviews in New York City, including the famed "Indian Love Call." In 1927 Rumour starts that Gehrig will be traded to the Tigers. In 1930 1st non-stop airplane flight from Europe to US (37 hrs). In 1936 First transatlantic round-trip air flight. In 1945 Vietnam declares independence from France (National Day). + V-J Day; formal surrender of Japan aboard USS Missouri. In 1946 Johnny Neun replaces Bill Dickey as Yankee manager. In 1956 Washington-Jackson cable line replaced by bus service. In 1957 Milwaukee Brave's Frank Torre scores 6 runs in 1 game. In 1963 CBS and NBC expand network news from 15 to 30 minutes. In 1969 The ARPAnet project connects a computer at Standford to a computer at UCLA; the Internet is born. In 1973 Billy Martin fired as manager of the Tigers. In 1978 Reggie Jackson is the 19th player to hit 20 HR in 11 straight years. And remember ... National School Success Month National Sewing Month National Pain Awareness Month = = = To get back issues, send "get pga pga.MMDD" (where MMDD is something like 0317) in a message to -- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - - - - - - - Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, several errors have been found in the past. Don't place any bets on the basis of what you find here. -- Gabe User Contributions:
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