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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- November 28

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Interesting things that happened November 28th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1628 John Bunyan, English cleric, author (Pilgrim's Progress)
  In 1632 Jean Baptiste Lully, French composer, musician
  In 1757 William Blake, poet (Songs of Innocence and Experience)
  In 1820 Friedrich Engels, Marx's collaborator
  In 1881 Stefan Zweig, Austrian poet, essayist, dramatist, translator
  In 1908 Claude Lévi-Strauss, Belgian social anthropologist
  In 1929 Gloria Grahame
  In 1933 Hope Lange (in London, England), actor
  In 1937 Gary Hart, Democratic Senator from Colorado
  In 1942 Paul Warfield, NFL, WFL wide receiver (Cleveland, Miami, Memphis)
  In 1943 Randy Newman, singer (Raindrops), songwriter
  In 1949 Alexander Godunov, composer
        + Paul Shaffer (in Thunder Bay, Canada), musician (Saturday Night
          Live, David Letterman), actor (This Is Spinal Tap)

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St Catherine Labouré, virgin
  In 1520 Magellan begins crossing the Pacific Ocean.
  In 1776 Washington and his troops cross the Delaware River.
  In 1853 Olympia established as capital of Washington Territory.
  In 1861 Confederate congress officially admits Missouri to the CSA.
  In 1895 America's first auto race starts; 6 cars, 55 miles, winner averages
          a blazing 7 MPH.
  In 1929 Admiral R.E. Byrd makes first South Pole flight.
        + Ernie Nevers scores 40 points for Cardinals vs Bears (NFL record).
  In 1943 Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met at Tehran.
  In 1960 Mauritania gains independence from France (National Day).
  In 1964 Mariner 4 launched.  First spacecraft to fly by Mars.
  In 1974 Commissioner Bowie Kuhn suspends George Steinbrenner for 2 years.
  In 1976 Rosalind Russell dies at age 68.
  In 1983 Ninth Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 6 is launched.
  In 1986 Reagan administration exceeds SALT II arms limitations for first

And remember ...
  International Drum Month
  National Adoption Month
  National Diabetes Month
  National Impotency Month
  National Raisin Bread Month
  National Novel Writing Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM