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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- November 12

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Interesting things that happened November 12th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1790 Letitia Christian Tyler, first wife of President Tyler
  In 1815 Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Johnstown, NY), early leader of women's
          rights movement.
  In 1817 Baha'Ullah (Mirza Husayn Ali), founded Baha' faith
  In 1833 Aleksandr Borodin, Russian composer
  In 1840 Auguste Rodin, sculptor (Kiss)
  In 1866 Sun Yat-sen, father of modern China (ROC and PRC)
  In 1908 Harry A. Blackmun, U.S. Supreme Court justice
  In 1912 Alphonse "Tuffy" Leemans, NFL fullback (NY Giants)
  In 1922 Kim Hunter, actor
  In 1929 Grace Kelly (in Philadelphia, PA), actor, Princess of Monaco
  In 1937 Ina Ballin
        + Richard H. Truly, U.S. astronaut (STS-2, 8)
  In 1945 Neil Young, Canadian singer, songwriter, actor
  In 1961 Nadia Comaneci (in Romania), Olympic gymnist
  In 1976 Tevin Campbell, singer

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St Martin I, pope (649-55), martyr
  In 1859 Jules Leotard performs the first Flying Trapeze circus act in Paris.
          He also designed the garment that bears his name.
  In 1873 Bay District Race Track opens (San Francisco, CA).
  In 1892 Pudge Heffelfinger receives $500, becomes first pro football player.
  In 1910 First movie stunt man jumps into Hudson river (New York) from a
          burning balloon.
  In 1918 Austria becomes a republic.
  In 1920 Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis elected first baseball commissioner.
  In 1921 Washington Conference for Limitation of Armaments.
  In 1927 Trotsky expelled from Soviet CP; Stalin becomes undisputed dictator.
  In 1933 First Sunday football game in Philadelphia (previously illegal).
        + First known photo of Loch Ness monster (or whatever) is taken.
  In 1936 First TV Gardening show.
        + Oakland Bay Bridge opened.
  In 1944 German battleship Tirpitz was sunk off Norway.
  In 1946 The first "autobank" (banking by car) was established, in Chicago.
        + Walt Disney's "Song Of The South" released.
  In 1948 Japanese premier Tojo sentenced to death by war crimes tribunal.
  In 1954 Ellis Island, immigration station in NY Harbor, closed.
  In 1965 Venera 2 launched by Soviet Union toward Venus.
  In 1975 Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas retired after 36 years.
  In 1977 New Orleans elects first black mayor, Ernest `Dutch' Morial.
  In 1980 US space probe Voyager I approaches 77,000 miles of Saturn.
  In 1981 Billy Martin named A.L. Manager of the Year (Oakland A's).
        + First balloon crossing of Pacific completed (Double Eagle V).
        + Second Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 2 is launched.  First time a
          spacecraft is launched twice.
  In 1982 Yuri V. Andropov succeeds Leonid Brezhnev.
  In 1984 Space shuttle astronauts snared a satellite first space salvage.

And remember ...
  International Drum Month
  National Adoption Month
  National Diabetes Month
  National Impotency Month
  National Raisin Bread Month
  National Novel Writing Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM