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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- May 13

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Interesting things that happened May 13th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1842 Sir Arthur Sullivan (in England), of Gilbert and Sullivan fame
  In 1856 Peter Henry Emerson, first photographer to promote photography as an
          independent art
  In 1914 Joe Louis, heavyweight
  In 1919 Betty Comden (in Brooklyn, NY)
  In 1926 Beatrice Arthur (in New York), actor (Maude, Golden Girls)
  In 1929 Burt Bacharach, composer
  In 1950 Stevie Wonder, musician
        + Peter Gabriel, musician

Events worth noting:
        + Leprechaun Day
        + Preakness Frog Hop, Baltimore, MD
  In 1607 English land to found Jamestown (first permanent settlement).
  In 1835 First foreign embassy in Hawaii is established.
  In 1846 US declares war on Mexico.
  In 1864 Atlanta Campaign - Battle of Rasaca.
  In 1884 American Institute of Electrical Engineers (one of the groups to
          become to the IEEE in 1963) is formally established.
  In 1917 Three children see a vision of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal.
  In 1942 Helicopter makes its 1st cross-country flight.
  In 1943 The last of some 250,000 Axis troops surrendered in Tunisia to
          Allied forces, ending the three-year Battle for North Africa.
  In 1950 The Diner's Club issues its first credit cards.
  In 1955 Mickey Mantle hits 3 consecutive homers of at least 463 feet.
  In 1958 Riot in Algeria protesting the nomination of Pierre Pflimlin to head
          French government.
  In 1981 Escaped Turkish convict Mehmet Ali Agca shoots Pope John Paul II.
  In 1982 Soyuz T-5 is launched.
  In 1991 Apple releases Macintosh System 7.0.

And remember ...
  National Barbecue Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM