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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- May 4

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Interesting things that happened May 4th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1796 Horace Mann, educator
  In 1825 Thomas Huxley (in England), biologist
  In 1852 Alice Liddell, the "real Alice" of Lewis Carroll's stories
  In 1895 Nicholas Slonimsky, music lexicographer
  In 1928 Maynard Ferguson, trumpet player
  In 1929 Audrey Hepburn (in Brussels, Belgium), actor
  In 1930 Roberta Peters (in New York City), opera singer
  In 1941 George Will, columnist
  In 1954 Julie Budd (in Brooklyn, NY)
  In 1959 Randy Travis, singer
  In 1961 Mary McDonough (Van Nuys, CA), actor (The Waltons)

Events worth noting:
        + National Weather Observer's Day (US)
  In 1494 Columbus discovered Jamaica.
  In 1626 Indians 'sell' Manhattan Island for $24 in cloth and buttons.
  In 1715 French manufacturer debuts first folding umbrella -- in Paris, not
  In 1851 First of the major San Francisco fires.
  In 1861 At Gretna, LA one of the first guns of the Rebel navy is cast.
  In 1863 Battle of Chancellorsville - action at Salem Church.
  In 1866 Woodward's Gardens opens to public.
  In 1878 Phonograph shown for first time at the Grand Opera House.
  In 1886 A bomb explodes in Haymarket Square in Chicago among police trying
          to break up a demonstration protesting police firing into a crowd of
          striking workers at the McCormick harvester plant the day before.
  In 1918 Yankees set record with 8 sacrifices, beat Red Sox Babe Ruth 5-4.
  In 1929 Lou Gehrig hits 3 consecutive homers, Yankees 11, Tigers 9.
  In 1942 Battle of the Coral Sea begun (first sea battle fought solely in
  In 1970 Four students killed by National Guard at Kent State University. (61
          seconds, 22 rounds, 9 wounded, 4 dead)
  In 1973 1st U.S. TV network female nudity - Steambath (PBS) - Valerie
  In 1981 Ron Davis strikes out 8 consecutive Angels, ran record of 13 strike
          outs of last 14 faced, also saved Gene Nelsons first win 4-2.
  In 1988 Los Angeles' worst high-rise fire claims one life as it destroys the
          12th through 16th floors of 62 story First Interstate Bank building
          on Wilshire Boulevard.
        + Rocket fuel plant in Henderson, NV, explodes, shakes Las Vegas, ten
          miles away with 3.5 Richter scale shock wave.
  In 1989 Magellan Launch (Venus Orbiter).

And remember ...
  National Egg Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM