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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- March 19

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Interesting things that happened March 19th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1821 Sir Richard Burton, explorer
  In 1837 Brig. Gen. Robert D. Johnson, died in 1919, 1 of last surviving
          Generals, author (Battles and Leaders of the Civil War)
  In 1848 Wyatt Earp, lawman, alleged criminal, gunfighter (O.K. Corral)
  In 1860 William Jennings Bryan, 'The Great Commoner', orator, statesman
  In 1891 Earl Warren, Chief Justice
  In 1904 John J. Sirica, Watergate era judge
  In 1914 Patricia Morison, actor (Peyton Place)
  In 1916 Irving Wallace, author (The People's Almanac)
  In 1928 Patrick McGoohan, actor, director (The Prisoner, Silver Streak)
  In 1933 Philip Roth, author (Portnoy's Complaint)
  In 1935 Phyllis Newman (in Jersey City, NJ)
  In 1936 Ursula Andress (in Switzerland), actor
  In 1944 Lynda Bird Johnson Robb
  In 1947 Glenn Close (in Greenwich, Connecticut), actor (Paradise Road)
  In 1955 Bruce Willis, actor (Moonlighting, Die Hard)

Events worth noting:
        + The day the swallows return to San Juan Capistrano.
  In 1859 "Faust" by Charles Gounod premiered in Paris.
  In 1883 Jan Matzeliger invents 1st machine to manufacture entire shoes.
  In 1895 Los Angeles Railway established to provide streetcar service.
  In 1917 U.S. Supreme Court upheld the eight-hour work day for railroads.
  In 1918 Congress approved daylight saving time.
  In 1920 U.S. Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles for second time.
  In 1928 "Amos and Andy" debuts on radio.
  In 1931 Nevada legalized gambling.
  In 1942 FDR orders men between 45 and 64 register for non-military duty.
  In 1945 800 people killed as Kamikaze bomb the USS Franklin off Japan.
  In 1949 First museum devoted exclusively to atomic energy, Oak Ridge, TN.
  In 1951 Herman Wouk's war novel "The Caine Mutiny" is published.
  In 1953 Academy Awards ceremony telecast for the first time.
  In 1954 First rocket-driven sled on rails tested, Alamogordo, NM.
  In 1974 Anne Klien dies at age 50.
  In 1976 Buckingham Palace announces separation of Princess Margaret.
  In 1979 US House of Representatives begins TV broadcasts of its day-to-day
          business. C-SPAN is born.
  In 1981 Two workers killed in accident testing space shuttle Columbia.
  In 1984 TV Show "Kate and Allie" premieres.
  In 1987 PTL leader Jim Bakker resigns.

And remember ...
  Foot Health Month
  International Hamburger and Pickle Month
  National Frozen Food Month
  National Furniture Refinishing Month
  National Nutrition Month (US)
  National Peanut Month
  National Women's History Month
  Red Cross Month
  Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM