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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- March 7

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Interesting things that happened March 7th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1849 Luther Burbank (in Lancaster, Mass), horticulturist
  In 1875 Maurice Ravel (in Cibourne, France), composer (Bolero)
  In 1909 Anna Magnani (in Italy)
  In 1930 Lord Snowdon
  In 1934 Willard Scott, weatherman, original Ronald McDonald
  In 1938 Janet Guthrie, race car driver
  In 1940 Daniel J. Travanti, actor (Hill Street Blues)
  In 1945 John Heard
  In 1946 Peter Wolf, singer (J. Giels Band)
  In 1947 Donna Loren (in Boston, Mass)
  In 1950 Franco Harris, football player
  In 1952 Lynn Swann, football player
  In 1960 Ivan Lendl, tennis player

Events worth noting:
  In 1848 In Hawaii, the Great Mahele (division of lands) is signed.
  In 1850 Daniel Webster endorsed the Compromise of 1850.
  In 1862 Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, Day 2, Gens McCulloch and McIntosh killed.
  In 1870 The Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first pro baseball team, begins an
          eight month tour of the Midwest and the East.
  In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for his telephone.
  In 1911 U.S. sent 20,000 troops to the Mexican border.
  In 1926 Transatlantic phone service begins between New York and London.
  In 1933 The game "Monopoly" is invented.
  In 1936 Hitler breaks Treaty of Versailles by sending troops to Rhineland.
  In 1945 During World War II, US forces crossed the Rhine River.
  In 1955 "Peter Pan", with Mary Martin in the title role, is first televised.
  In 1959 M. C. Garlow becomes the first aviator to fly a million miles in a
          jet airplane.
  In 1965 March by civil rights demonstrators was broken up in Selma, Ala.
  In 1975 Senate revises filibuster rule, allowing 60 senators to limit
  In 1977 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin met with President Carter.
  In 1981 Walter Cronkite's final appearance as CBS anchor.
  In 1985 IBM-PC DOS Version 3.1 (update) released.
  In 1986 Former Senator Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) died in Palm Beach, Fla.
  In 1999 Film director Stanley Kubrick (Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space
          Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange) dies.

And remember ...
  Foot Health Month
  International Hamburger and Pickle Month
  National Frozen Food Month
  National Furniture Refinishing Month
  National Nutrition Month (US)
  National Peanut Month
  National Women's History Month
  Red Cross Month
  Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM