Interesting things that happened March 5th:
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Birthdays on this date: In 1583 Gerhardus Mercator, cartographer In 1824 James Merritt Ives, lithographer (of Currier and Ives fame) In 1887 Heitor Villa-Lobos, composer In 1908 Rex Harrison, actor (The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, My Fair Lady) In 1939 Samantha Eggar (in London, England), actor In 1946 Michael Warren, actor (Hill Street Blues) In 1950 Eugene Fodor, violinist In 1958 Andy Gibb, singer Events worth noting: In 1623 Virginia becomes the first American colony to pass a temperance law. In 1770 Boston Massacre - 5 people killed. In 1845 Congress appropriates $30,000 to ship camels to western US. In 1900 The American Hall of Fame is founded. In 1946 "Iron Curtain" speech by Winston Churchill In 1953 Joseph V. Stalin died. In 1956 "King Kong" first televised. In 1971 Rolls-Royce receives a $144 million loan from the British government. In 1979 Voyager I flies past Jupiter. In 1982 Actor John Belushi dies. And remember ... Foot Health Month International Hamburger and Pickle Month National Frozen Food Month National Furniture Refinishing Month National Nutrition Month (US) National Peanut Month National Women's History Month Red Cross Month Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month = = = To get back issues, send "get pga pga.MMDD" (where MMDD is something like 0317) in a message to -- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - - - - - - - Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, several errors have been found in the past. Don't place any bets on the basis of what you find here. -- Gabe User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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