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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- June 27

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Interesting things that happened June 27th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1880 Helen Keller, blind-deaf author-lecturer
  In 1920 I. A. L. Diamond, screenwriter (worked with Billy Wilder)
  In 1927 Bob Keeshan (a.k.a. Captain Kangaroo), hosted children's show
  In 1930 H. Ross Perot, billionaire, founder of EDS, owner of one of three
          original copies of the Magna Carta, presidential candidate
  In 1934 Anna Moffo (in Wayne, PA), opera singer
  In 1938 Bruce Babbitt, presidential hopeful
  In 1945 Norma Kamali
  In 1952 Julia Duffy (in Minneapolis, MN), actor (Newhart Show)
  In 1955 Isabelle Adjani

Events worth noting:
        + National Fink Day  (Reach out and tweak someone)
  In 1693 The first woman's magazine, "The Ladies' Mercury" is published in
          London.  It has the first advice column.
  In 1844 Mormon leaders Joseph and Hyrum Smith killed by a mob in Carthage,
          Ill. Brigham Young becomes Mormon leader.
  In 1847 New York and Boston are linked by telegraph wires.
  In 1862 Day 3 of the Seven Days - Battle of Gaines' Mill.
  In 1864 Atlanta Campaign - Battle of Kennesaw Mountain.
  In 1867 Bank of California opens its doors.
  In 1929 First color TV demonstration NY city.
  In 1934 Federal Savings and Loan Association created.
  In 1940 End of USSR experimental calendar.
  In 1942 FBI captures 8 Nazi saboteurs from a sub off NY's Long Island.
  In 1950 First jet plane combat victor in Korea - RJ Brown.
        + Pres. Truman ordered the Air Force and Navy into the Korean
  In 1955 U.S.'s First automobile seat belt legislation is enacted in
  In 1957 500 people killed by Hurricane Audrey in coastal Louisiana and
  In 1960 Chlorophyll "A" is synthesized, Cambridge Mass.
  In 1963 President Kennedy spends his first full day in Ireland.
  In 1966 4th Mayor's Trophy Game Yanks beat Mets 5-2.
  In 1973 John W. Dean tells Watergate Committee about Nixon's `enemies list'.
  In 1977 Djibouti National Day.
        + Supreme Court decides lawyers may advertise, in a 5-4 decision.
  In 1978 Soyuz 30 is launched.
  In 1982 Fourth Space Shuttle Mission (Columbia 4) launched.
  In 1983 Balloonists Maxie Anderson and Don Ida died during a race.
        + Soyuz T-9 is launched.
        + NASA launches space vehicle S-205.
  In 1984 Supreme Court ends NCAA monopoly on college football telecasts.
  In 1987 Supreme Court Justice Powell retires.

And remember ...
  National Adopt-a-Cat Month
  Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM