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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- June 10

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Interesting things that happened June 10th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1706 John Dollond, first to patent achromatic lens
  In 1904 Frederick Loewe, composer
  In 1921 Prince Phillip, consort to Queen Elizabeth II
  In 1922 Frances Gumm (aka Judy Garland), singer, actor
  In 1928 Maurice Sendak
  In 1933 F. Lee Bailey, lawyer
  In 1951 Dan Fouts
  In 1965 Andrew Stevens, actor

Events worth noting:
        + National Day, celebrated in Portugal.
  In 1639 First American log cabin at Fort Christina (Wilmington, Delaware).
  In 1720 Mrs. Clements of England markets first paste-style mustard.
  In 1772 Burning of the Gaspee, British revenue cutter by Rhode Islanders.
  In 1801 State of Tripoli declares war on the United States.
  In 1863 Battle of Brice's Crossroads, Miss. Forrest w/3500 defeats 8000
  In 1865 Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde" first performance Munich Germany
  In 1869 The 'Agnes' arrives in New Orleans with the first ever shipment of
          frozen beef.
  In 1880 Charlie Jones becomes the first to hit 2 homers in 1 inning.
  In 1892 Wilbert Robinson gets 7 base hits in 1 baseball game.
  In 1898 US Marines land at Cuba in Spanish-American War.
  In 1910 Portuguese monarchy is abolished.
  In 1921 Babe Ruth becomes all time home run champ with #120 (Gavvy Cravath).
  In 1932 First demonstration of artificial lightning Pittsfield, Mass.
  In 1935 What would become Alcoholics Anonymous is formed in Akron, Ohio, by
          Dr. Robert Smith and Bill Wilson.
  In 1940 Italy declares war on France and Britain.
  In 1942 Massacre at Lidice (Czechoslovakia).  173 killed by Gestapo.
  In 1943 Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes first US president to visit a foreign
          country during wartime.
  In 1944 Joe Nuxhall at 15 years became youngest ML baseball player.
  In 1946 Establishment of the Italian Republic.
  In 1954 PBS reaches San Francisco: KQED (Channel 9) starts broadcasting.
  In 1955 First virus separated into component parts is reported.
  In 1959 Rocky Colovito hits 4 homers in 1 game.
  In 1964 Southern filibuster on civil rights bill ends; cloture invoked.
  In 1967 Israel Syria Jordan Iraq Egypt end "Six-Day War" with U.N. help.
  In 1977 James Earl Ray (Martin Luther King's killer) escapes from prison.
  In 1978 Yankees trade Ken Holzman for Ron Davis.

And remember ...
  National Adopt-a-Cat Month
  Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM