Interesting things that happened June 8th:
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Birthdays on this date: In 1625 Giovanni Domenico Cassini, astronomer In 1810 Robert Schumann (in Germany), composer In 1869 Frank Lloyd Wright, master builder In 1917 Byron White, U.S. Supreme Court justice In 1918 Robert Preston, actor (The Music Man; Victor, Victoria) In 1921 Barbara Bush, first lady and "inspiration to overweight, grey- haired women everywhere" In 1929 Jerry Stiller, comedian (half of Stiller and Mera) In 1930 Dana Wynter (in London, England), actor In 1933 Joan Rivers, comedian In 1934 Millicent Martin In 1940 Nancy Sinatra (in Jersey City, NJ), singer In 1944 Boz Scaggs, singer In 1948 Mike Jittlov, animator, actor (Wizard of Speed and Time, Ghost) In 1955 Griffin Dunne In 1957 Scott Adams, creator of "Dilbert" Events worth noting: In 632 The prophet Mohammed died. In 1786 First commercially-made ice cream sold in New York. In 1861 Tennessee secedes from the Union. In 1862 Valley Campaign - Battle of Cross Keys, Virginia. In 1869 Ives W. McGaffey patents his vacuum cleaner. In 1889 Cable Cars begin service in Los Angeles. In 1915 William Jennings Bryan quits as Secretary of State. In 1927 Tony Lazzeri hits 3 homers Yanks beat White Sox 12-11. In 1940 Element 93 Neptunium - discovery announced. In 1953 Segregated lunch counters in D.C. forbidden by Supreme Court. + Tornadoes kill 110 in Michigan and Ohio. In 1959 First official `missile mail' landed Jacksonville, Florida. + The X-15 "spaceplane" breaks the sound barrier. In 1966 NFL and AFL announce plans to become NFC and AFC in 1970. In 1967 "Liberty" U.S. intelligence ship attacked by Israel 34 die. In 1968 Don Drysdale pitches a record 68th consecutive scoreless inning. In 1969 Rolling Stones' guitarist Brian Jones is dismissed. + Mickey Mantle Day. 60,096 saw #7 retired. In 1979 The Source - First computer public information service, goes online. In 1982 Ronald Reagan addresses joint session of the British Parliament. In 1986 Former UN Secretary General and possible ex-Nazi Kurt Waldheim elected president of Austria. + Boston Celtics win NBA championship #16 over Houston Rockets. In 2004 Transit of Venus (between Earth and Sun) occurs. And remember ... National Adopt-a-Cat Month Gay and Lesbian Pride Month = = = To get back issues, send "get pga pga.MMDD" (where MMDD is something like 0317) in a message to -- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - - - - - - - Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, several errors have been found in the past. Don't place any bets on the basis of what you find here. -- Gabe User Contributions:
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