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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- July 27

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Interesting things that happened July 27th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1768 Charlotte Corday, assassin of Jean-Paul Marat
  In 1801 George Biddle Airyy, seventh Astronomer Royal
  In 1824 Alexandre Dumas fils, French playwright, novelist
  In 1835 Giosu Carducci, Italian poet (Nobel 1906)
  In 1857 Jos Celso Barbosa, Puerto Rican physician, patriot
  In 1870 Hilaire Belloc, English author
  In 1906 Leo Durocher, baseball coach
  In 1916 Keenan Wynn, actor
  In 1918 Leonard Rose, concert cellist
  In 1922 Norman Lear, TV writer, producer (All in The Family)
  In 1932 Jerry Van Dyke, actor
  In 1938 Shirley Ann Field (in England)
  In 1942 Barbara Ferris (in London, England)
  In 1944 Bobbie Gentry (in Mississippi), singer (Ode to Billie Joe)
  In 1947 Betty Thomas (in St Louis, MO), actor, (Hill St Blues)
  In 1948 Peggy Fleming (in San Jose, CA), Olympic gold medal ice skater
        + Sally Struthers (in Portland, OR), actor (All in The Family)
  In 1949 Maureen McGovern (in Youngstown, OH), singer

Events worth noting:
        + Delta Aquarid meteor shower, radiant in Aquarius
        + Dog Days
        + Feast of St. Pantaleon, martyr
  In 1501 Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral.
  In 1586 Sir Walter Raleigh brings first tobacco to England from Virginia.
  In 1689 Jacobite Scottish Highlanders defeat royal force at Killiecrankie.
  In 1694 Bank of England is chartered.
  In 1836 Adelaide, South Australia founded.
  In 1866 Atlantic telegraph cable successfully laid (1,686 miles long).
  In 1917 Ford introduces the Model TT truck.
  In 1940 Billboard magazine starts publishing best-seller's charts.
  In 1947 Yogi Berra starts record 148 game errorless streak.
  In 1953 Korean War ends.
  In 1955 Austria regains full independence after 4-power occupation.
  In 1962 Mariner 2 launched to venus; flyby mission.

And remember ...
  Baked Beans Month
  Hot Dog Month
  Ice Cream Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM