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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- July 24

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Interesting things that happened July 24th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1783 Simón Bolívar, freed 6 Latin American republics from Spanish rule
  In 1802 Alexandre Dumas père, French author (Count of Monte Cristo)
  In 1857 Henrik Pontoppidan, Danish Realist writer (Nobel 1971)
  In 1870 Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
  In 1895 Robert Graves, British poet, historical novelist (I, Claudius)
  In 1898 Amelia Earhart, avaitor, flew into the wild blue yonder
  In 1920 Bella Abzug, New York Representative (D)
  In 1932 William Ruckelshaus, head of the Environmental Protection Agency
  In 1934 Willie Davis, NFL defensive end (Cleveland Browns, Green Bay)
  In 1935 Adnan Khashnoggi, OPEC spokesman
        + Pat Oliphant, syndicated political cartoonist
  In 1936 Ruth Buzzi (in Rhode Island), comedian (Laugh-In)
  In 1939 Bob Lilly, NFL defensive tackle (Dallas Cowboys)
  In 1942 Chris Sarandon, actor
  In 1947 Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Mr. Olympia and Mr. World, actor, hunk
  In 1951 Lynda Carter (in Pheonix, AZ), Miss USA, actor (Wonder Woman)
  In 1965 Kadeem Hardison
  In 19?? Dany Savlia (in Oakland, CA)

Events worth noting:
        + Dog Days
        + Feast of St. Christina, virgin, martyr
        + Pioneer Day in Utah
  In 1673 Edmund Halley enters Queen's College, Oxford, as an undergraduate.
  In 1701 French make first landing at site of Detroit.
  In 1704 Great Britain takes Gibralter from Spain.
  In 1824 The Harrisburg Pennsylvanian newspaper publishes results of first
          public opinion poll.  Clear lead for Andrew Jackson.
  In 1847 Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers arrive at Salt Lake
          City, Utah.
  In 1862 Martin Van Buren, 8th president died in Kinderhook N.Y.
  In 1866 Tennessee becomes first Confederate state readmitted to Union.
  In 1925 Scopes, found guilty of teaching evolution in a Tennesee high
          school, fined $100 and costs.
  In 1929 Pres Hoover proclaims the Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounced war.
  In 1937 Alabama drops charges against 5 blacks accused of rape in
  In 1940 DJ Liberation Day -- Courts rule it is legal for radio staions to
          broadcast recorded music.
  In 1946 US detonates atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll.
  In 1952 Pres Truman announced a settlement in a 53-day steel strike.
  In 1959 VP Nixon argued with Khrushchev known as the `Kitchen Debate'.
  In 1967 Charles de Gaulle says 'Vive le Quebec libre! Long live free
  In 1969 Apollo 11 returns to Earth.
  In 1975 Apollo 18 returns to Earth.
  In 1978 Billy Martin resigns as Yankee manager after 'the one is a born liar
          The other a convicted one' comment about Steinbrenner and Jackson.
  In 1987 IBM-PC DOS Version 3.3 (updated) released.

And remember ...
  Baked Beans Month
  Hot Dog Month
  Ice Cream Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM