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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- July 11

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Interesting things that happened July 11th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1754 Thomas Bowdler, famous prude, bowdlerized Shakespeare
  In 1767 John Quincy Adams (in Braintree, MA), 6th President (1825-1829)
  In 1838 John Wanamaker, merchant
  In 1899 E. B. White, writer (Charlotte's Web, The Elements of Style)
        + Yasonari Kawabata, Japanese novelist (Thousand Cranes) (Nobel 1968)
  In 1920 Yul Brynner, actor (The King and I, The Ten Commandments)
  In 1931 Tab Hunter, actor
  In 1951 Bonnie Pointer, singer
  In 1953 Leon Spinks, world heavyweight boxing champ (1978)
  In 1959 Richie Sambora
        + Suzanne Vega, singer

Events worth noting:
        + Dog Days
        + Feast of St. Olga, first Russian saint of Orthodox Church
        + Feast of St. Pius I, pope (141-55), martyr
        + National Holiday of the People's Republic of Outer Mongolia
        + (Celebrated mainly in Ulan Bator, yurt capital of Asia)
  In 1533 Pope Clement VII excommunicated England's King Henry VIII.
  In 1798 US Marine Corps was created by an act of Congress.
  In 1804 VP Aaron Burr mortally wounds former Treasury Secretary Alexander
          Hamilton in a pistol duel near Weehawken N.J.
  In 1864 Confederate forces led by Gen J. Early begin invasion of Wash D.C.
  In 1909 Simon Newcomb, celestial mechanics authority, dies.
  In 1921 Mongolia gains independence from China (National Day).
  In 1934 FDR became first president to travel through the Panama Canal.
  In 1936 Triborough Bridge linking Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens opened.
  In 1939 Yanks host 7th All Star Game, McCarthy starts 6 Yanks, AL wins 3-1.
  In 1955 New US Air Force Academy dedicated at Lowry Air Base in Colorado.
  In 1962 Cosmonaut Micolaev set longevity space flight record -- 4 days.
        + First transatlantic TV transmission via satellite (Telstar I).
  In 1974 House Judiciary Committee releases evidence on Watergate inquiry.
        + World Football League plays first games.
  In 1977 Medal of Freedom awarded posthumously to Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
  In 1979 Abandoned US space station Skylab burns up in the atmosphere.
  In 1980 American hostage Richard I. Queen freed by Iran, flown to Zurich.
  In 1982 Italian soccer team wins first World Cup in 44 years.
  In 1985 Houston Astro's Nolan Ryan first pitcher to strike out 4000 batters
          as he fanned Danny Heep of the New York Mets.
  In 1986 Surrogate mother Mary Beth Whitehead christens "Baby M," Sara.

And remember ...
  Baked Beans Month
  Hot Dog Month
  Ice Cream Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM