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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- January 24

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Interesting things that happened January 24th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1862 Edith Wharton, US novelist
  In 1888 Ernst Heinrich Heinkel, built first rocket-powered aircraft
  In 1917 Ernest Borgnine, actor
  In 1918 Oral Roberts, evangelist, fund raiser
  In 1922 Ava Gardner, actor
  In 1925 Maria Tallchief (in Fairfax, OK)
  In 1941 Neil Diamond, singer
  In 1946 Barry Bostwick, actor
  In 1949 John Belushi (in Chicago, Illinois), actor (SNL), singer (Blues
  In 1960 Nastassia Kinski (in Berlin, Germany), actor

Events worth noting:
  In 1848 James Marshall finds gold at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, CA.
  In 1899 The rubber heel is patented by Humphrey O'Sullivan.
  In 1922 Eskimo Pie invented in Iowa by Christian K. Nelson.
  In 1935 First beer in cans placed on sale, Richmond, VA.
  In 1939 Earthquake in Chile (8.3 on the Richter scale, 28,000 dead).
  In 1958 First man-made nuclear fusion takes place.
  In 1965 Sir Winston Churchill dies in England.
  In 1972 Shoichi Yokoi is found by hunters on Guam.  A sergeant in the
          Japanese imperial army, he refused to surrender at the end of World
          War II and had been hiding on the island ever since.
  In 1982 San Francisco 49'ers win their first Super Bowl, 26-21.
  In 1984 The Apple Macintosh is introduced.
  In 1985 Fifteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 3 is launched.
  In 1986 Voyager II flies past Uranus.
  In 1989 Rev. Barbara Harris becomes the first female Anglican bishop.

And remember ...
  National Oatmeal Month
  International Get Over It Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM