Interesting things that happened January 12th:
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Birthdays on this date: In 1588 John Winthrop, first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1737 John Hancock, signer of the Declaration of Independance In 1876 Jack London, writer (Call of the Wild) In 1906 Henny Youngman, comedian In 1912 Luise Rainer In 1944 Joe Frazier In 1951 Rush Limbaugh, right-wing talk-show host In 1954 Howard Stern, controversial talk-radio host In 1955 Kirstie Alley, actress (Cheers, Star Trek II) Events worth noting: In 1863 President Davis gives his "State of the Confederacy" address. In 1922 Mrs. Hattie Caraway becomes first woman elected to U.S. Senate. In 1945 US Navy destroys 41 Japanese ships in the Battle of South China Sea. In 1969 The Jets beat the Colts in Super Bowl III In 1971 "All in the Family" premiers. In 1986 24th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 7 is launched. And remember ... National Health and Nutrition Month National Book Month = = = To get back issues, send "get pga pga.MMDD" (where MMDD is something like 0317) in a message to -- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - - - - - - - Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, several errors have been found in the past. Don't place any bets on the basis of what you find here. -- Gabe User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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