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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- January 5

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Interesting things that happened January 5th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1779 Stephen Decatur, early American naval hero
  In 1855 King Camp Gillette, inventor of the safety razor
  In 1876 Konrad Adenauer, German Chancellor
  In 1928 Walter Mondale, former vice-president (1977-1981)
  In 1940 Dany Saval
  In 1946 Diane Keaton (in Los Angeles, CA), actor
  In 1954 Pamela Sue Martin (in Connecticut), actor

Events worth noting:
        + Twelfth Night, end of the Christmas season
  In 1589 Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, died.
  In 1643 In the first record of a legal divorce in the American colonies,
          Anne Clarke of the Massachusetts Bay Colony is granted a divorce from
          her absent and adulterous husband, Denis Clarke, by the Quarter Court
          of Boston, Massachusetts.
  In 1809 Treaty of Dardanelles was concluded between Britain and France.
  In 1850 The California Exchange opens.
  In 1861 Alabama troops sieze both Forts Morgan and Gaines at Mobile Bay.
  In 1895 Captain Alfred Dreyfus, the only Jewish officer in the French
          general staff, is convicted, on fabricated evidence, of spying for
  In 1911 San Francisco has its first air meet.
  In 1914 Henry Ford announced a minimum wage of $5 for an eight hour day as
          well as profit-sharing for workers.
  In 1919 Gottfried Feder founds the German Workers' Party, a political party
          that would later evolve into the Nazi Party.
  In 1922 Sir Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic explorer, died aboard his ship.
  In 1925 Nellie Tayloe Ross became governor of Wyoming and first woman
          governor in US.
  In 1933 Work on Golden Gate Bridge begins, on Marin County side.
        + Calvin Coolidge, ex-President of US, dies.
  In 1943 George Washington Carver, educator, scientist, peanut maven, dies.
  In 1962 Tony Sheridan and Beatles produce My Bonnie and The Saints.
  In 1964 Pope Paul VI visits Jordan and Israel and meets with Patriarch
          Athenogoras of Eastern Orthodox church (first such meeting in 5
  In 1968 San Francisco newspaper strike begins.
  In 1969 Venera 5 launched.  First successful landing on another planet.
  In 1972 Pres. Richard Nixon approves development of the space shuttle.
  In 1987 "Baby M" surrogate mother trial begins in Hackensack, NJ.
  In 1997 Russia withdraws the last of its military personnel from the
          breakaway Russian republic of Chechnya, marking a formal end to the
          first ill-fated military campaign against that republic.
  In 1998 Sonny Bono, entertainer, Congressman, dies in skiing accident.

And remember ...
  National Health and Nutrition Month
  National Book Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM