Interesting things that happened January 2nd:
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Birthdays on this date: In 1647 Nathaniel Bacon In 1912 Ann Sothern, actor In 1920 Isaac Asimov, scientist-writer In 1927 Richard Belmont Ray, Democratic Rep. from Georgia In 1939 Jim Bakker, televangelist, con-man Events worth noting: + Betsy Ross Day In 1492 Granada, the last Moorish bastion in Spain, falls to the armies of Isabella and Ferdinand, ending The Reconquista. In 1788 Georgia becomes the 4th state. In 1863 Battle of Murfreesboro (Stone's river) ends. In 1890 Alice Sanger becomes first female White House staffer. In 1917 Royal Bank of Canada took over the Quebec Bank. In 1921 DeYoung Museum in Golden Gate Park opens. In 1933 Bruins beat Rangers in NY 13-3. In 1935 Bruno Richard Hauptmann went on trial for kidnap-murder of Charles Lindberg's baby. In 1936 First electron tube to enable night vision described, St Louis, MO. In 1942 Japanese occupied Manila. + 28 nations, at war with Axis, pledge no separate peace. In 1955 President Jose Antonio Remon of Panama assassinated. In 1957 The San Francisco and Los Angeles stock exchanges merge. In 1968 Dr. Christian Barnard performs the first successful heart transplant. In 1986 19.166 million shares traded in the New York Stock Exchange. And remember ... National Egg Month National Eyecare Month = = = To get back issues, send "get pga pga.MMDD" (where MMDD is something like 0317) in a message to -- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - - - - - - - Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, several errors have been found in the past. Don't place any bets on the basis of what you find here. -- Gabe User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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