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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- February 11

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Interesting things that happened February 11th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1847 Thomas Alva Edison (in New Jersey), inventor who lit up your life
  In 1909 Max Baer, boxer
  In 1921 Eva Gabor (Budapest, Hungary), actor (Green Acres)
        + Lloyd Bentsen, Texas Senator (D)
  In 1925 Virginia Johnson, sex therapist, doctor
        + Kim Stanley (in New Mexico)
  In 1934 Tina Louise (in New York City), model, actor (Gilligan's Island)
        + Mary Quant (in England)
  In 1936 Burt Reynolds, actor
  In 1941 Sergio Mendes

Events worth noting:
  In 1854 San Francisco's major streets lit by coal gas for first time.
  In 1858 Bernadette Soubirous sees a vision of the Virgin Mary in the Grotto
          at Lourdes, France.
  In 1929 Vatican City (world's Smallest Country) is made an enclave of Italy.
  In 1936 Pumping begins to build Treasure Island.
  In 1958 First flight with black stewardess, R. C. Taylor, Ithaca, NY.
  In 1960 Jack Paar walks off his show in response to network censorship of
          his remarks.
  In 1968 Madison Square Garden III closes.  M.S.G. IV opens.
  In 1970 Japan becomes the 4th nation to put a satellite in orbit.
  In 1984 Tenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 4 returns to Earth.

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM