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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- February 6

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Interesting things that happened February 6th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1756 Aaron Burr, political leader
  In 1832 Maj. Gen. John B. Gordon, ANV Corps Commander
  In 1833 Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, Commander of Cavalry, ANV
  In 1895 George Herman 'Babe' Ruth
  In 1911 Ronald Reagan, 40th President (1981-1989)
  In 1914 Thurl Ravenscroft, voice artist (Tony the Tiger, many Disney parts)
  In 1919 Zsa Zsa Gabor (in Budapest), ex-con
  In 1933 Mamie Van Doren (in Rowena, SD)
  In 1940 Tom Brokaw, journalist
  In 1948 Barbara Hancock (in Atlanta, GA)
  In 1950 Natalie Cole (in Los Angeles, CA), singer
  In 1957 Robert Townsend

Events worth noting:
        + Waitangi Day, celebrated in New Zealand
  In 1693 College of William and Mary chartered in Williamsburg, Va.
  In 1778 US and France sign the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty
          of Alliance.
  In 1788 Massachusetts becomes the 6th state.
  In 1804 Joseph Priestley dies at Northumberland, PA.
  In 1840 New Zealand Day
  In 1861 English Admiral Robert Ritzroy issues storm warnings for ships
          putting out to sea, creating the first "weather forecast."
  In 1862 Battle of Pea Ridge, also known as Elkhorn Tavern.
  In 1900 Spanish-American War ends.
  In 1922 International Conference on Naval Limitation convenes.
  In 1933 20th Amendment ratified, "Lame Duck", Jan start for office terms.
  In 1948 First radio-controlled airplane flown.
  In 1952 George VI dies and Elizabeth II becomes queen of Great Britain.
  In 1959 Fidel Castro is interviewed by Edward R. Murrow.
  In 1968 Former President Dwight Eisenhower shot a hole in one.
  In 1986 Jean-Claude "Papa Doc" Duvalier is forced to leave Haiti.
  In 1991 Danny Thomas dies of a heart attack at 79.

And remember ...
  Creative Romance Month
  National Black History Month
  National Grapefruit Month
  Sinus Pain Awareness Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM