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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- February 2

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Interesting things that happened February 2nd:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1754 Talleyrand, French statesman and diplomat
  In 1803 General Albert Sidney Johnston, mortally wounded at Shiloh
  In 1875 Fritz Kreisler, violinist
  In 1882 James Joyce, writer
  In 1901 Jascha Heifetz, violinist
  In 1923 James Dickey, writer
  In 1928 Elaine Stritch
  In 1937 Martina Arroyo, opera singer
  In 1938 Tom Smothers, comedian
  In 1946 Patricia Nixon-Cox, daughter of former Pres. Nixon
  In 1947 Farrah Fawcett (in Texas), actor (Charlie's Angels)
  In 1954 Christie Brinkley, model

Events worth noting:
        + Candlemas Day
        + Groundhog Day
  In 1556 830,000 die in north China earchquake, the deadliest ever recorded.
  In 1848 First shipload of Chinese immigrants arrives in San Francisco, CA.
        + Mexico sells U.S. Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona.
  In 1876 National Baseball League formed with 8 teams.
  In 1880 S.S. Strathleven arrives in London with first successful shipment of
          frozen mutton from Australia.
  In 1935 Lie detector first used in court at Portage, WI.
  In 1962 8 of the 9 planets aligned for the first time in 400 years.
  In 1969 Boris Karloff dies at age 81.
  In 1971 Idi Amin declares himself military head of state in Uganda.
  In 1972 3 days after 13 unarmed civil rights demonstrators were shot dead by
          British troops in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, outraged citizens
          burn down the British embassy in Dublin, capital of independent
  In 1977 Radio Shack officially begins creating the TRS-80 microcomputer.
  In 1981 "Late Night with David Letterman" premiers.
  In 1989 P.W. Botha resigns as leader of the all-white National Party over
          party opposition to his approval of Namibia's independence.
  In 1990 South African President F.W. de Klerk lifts ban on African National
          Congress and promises to release Nelson Mandela.
  In 1996 Actor and dancer Gene Kelley dies at age 83.

And remember ...
  Humpback Whale Awareness Month
  National Cherry Month
  National Snack Food Month
  Library Lovers' Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM