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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- December 28

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Interesting things that happened December 28th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1763 John Molson, founder of a Montreal brewery
  In 1842 Calixa Lavallee, wrote music to Canadian national anthem (O Canada)
  In 1856 Woodrow Wilson (D), 28th pres (1912-21) (Nobel 1919)
  In 1882 Arthur Eddington, English astrophysicist, cosmologist, mathematician
  In 1894 Ed Healey, NFL tackle (Rock Island Independents, Chicago Bears)
  In 1896 Roger Sessions, American composer
  In 1903 Johann "John" von Neumann (in Budapest), mathematician, logician,
          computer scientist, quantum mechanic, Atomic Energy Commissioner
  In 1905 Earl `Fatha' Hines jazz pianist
  In 1908 Lew Ayres, actor (All Quiet on the Western Front)
  In 1920 Steve Van Buren, NFL halfback (Eagles)
  In 1925 Heldegarde Neff (in Ulm, Germany)
  In 1928 Moe Koffman, musician, writer (Swinging Shepherd Blues)
  In 1929 Owen Bieber, president of United Auto Workers
  In 1931 Martin Milner, actor (Adam-12)
  In 1933 Nichelle Nichols, actor (Star Trek)
  In 1934 Maggie Smith (in Ilford, England), actor (Death on the Nile)

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs (Childermas)
        + Halcyon Days end
  In 1669 A patent for chewing gum is granted to William Semple.
  In 1832 John Calhoun, became the first Vice-president to resign.
  In 1846 Iowa becomes the 29th state.
  In 1849 Dry-cleaning accidentally discovered when M. Jolly-Bellin, a tailor,
          upsets a lamp, containing turpentine and oil, on his clothing and
          noticed it had a cleaning effect.
  In 1890 Battle of Wounded Knee, SD - Last major conflict with Indians.
  In 1902 Trans-Pacific cable links Hawaii to US.
  In 1908 Earthquake strikes Messina, Italy; 80,000 die.
  In 1915 San Francisco City Hall dedicated by Mayor James Rolph.
  In 1916 Eduard "The Waltz King" Strauss dies.
  In 1950 Chinese troops cross 38th parallel into South Korea.
  In 1985 Warring Lebanese Moslem and Christian leaders sign peace agreement.

And remember ...
  National Indigestion Season

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM