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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- December 11

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Interesting things that happened December 11th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1781 Sir David Brewster, Scottish physicist, inventor of kaleidoscope
  In 1803 Hector Berlioz (in France), composer
  In 1863 Annie Jump Cannon, American stellar spectroscopist
  In 1882 Fiorello La Guardia (R), mayor of New York City (1933-45)
        + Max Born, German physicist (Nobel 1954)
  In 1890 Carlos Gardel (in France), Argentinian singer, dancer, actor,
          popularized the tango
  In 1905 Gilbert Roland, actor (Barbarosa)
  In 1913 Carlo Ponti, director
  In 1918 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Russian writer (Cancer Ward) (Nobel 1970)
  In 1931 Rita Moreno (in Puerto Rico), actor, dancer (The King and I, West
          Side Story)
  In 1937 Anne Heywood
  In 1944 Brenda Lee (in Atlanta, GA)
        + Donna Mills (in Chicago, IL)
  In 1945 Lynda Day-George (in Tennessee), actor
  In 1947 Elizabeth Baur (in California)
  In 1950 Christine Onasis (in New York City), rich kid
  In 1962 Kim Linehan, swimmer

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St. Damasus, pope (366-384)
        + Geminid meteor shower, radiant in Gemini
  In 1816 Indiana becomes the 19th state.
  In 1888 French Panama Canal company fails.
  In 1914 Stockton Street Tunnel (SF) completed.
  In 1917 German-occupied Lithuania proclaims independence from Russia.
  In 1932 Snow falls in San Francisco.
  In 1936 King Edward VIII of England abdicates for the woman he loves,
          brother George VI ascends throne.
  In 1941 Japanese occupy Guam.
  In 1946 UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) established (Nobel 1965).
  In 1953 KTVA, Anchorage becomes Alaska's first TV station.
  In 1954 USS Forrestal christened in Newport News, Va.
  In 1958 Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso) gains autonomy from France.
  In 1961 JFK provides US military helicopters and crews to South Vietnam.
  In 1970 John Lennon releases an album that contains songs with the word
  In 1975 First Class Mail now costs 13 cents (had been 10 cents).

And remember ...
  National Indigestion Season

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM